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(IR) The 1st IC-thread of the 1st Turn of the 5th IR

William Ronald

The Words of Al'Akbar

(OOC: I have been away, but I will post now before I hit the hay. I will be back tomorrow evening. Al'Akbar's travels may be a way to help hook up future players in this IR with the current factions. Al'Akbar may have made a brief visit to them.)

From the depths of Oerth, Al'Akbar rises. He had journeyed through many distant regions to help bring hope and healing for the drow, and comforted them. The demigod had jouneyed thoroughout Oerik and even the other continents of Oerth, comforting the drow and giving the freed servitors avenue for escape if they so chose. There was far more to Oerth than the Oerik continent, but Al'Akbar hurried on his mission of mercy. He paused briefly to heal Eclavdra, and returned to his work, even visiting a few drow outposts in Greyspace. Whenever possible, he negotiated with local good and neutral powers to tend to the drow. It was difficult work, however, all realized that redeemed drow who turned their back on the Queen of Spiders would be better than evil drow who mourned the disappearance of their goddess. He told the local leaders what he knew of the events that transpired. Counsel he gave and counsel took. He explained who he was to people who had not heard of him, and referred the leaders to contact the other powers of Oerth and Greyspace.

As Al'Akbar finished his work in the uttermost reaches of Greyspace, he heard Eclavdra's shout. He had been pleased with Ellistrae's recovery, regretting only that he had not been able to reach her side earlier.

As he arrives in Rel Mord, Al'Akbar smiles at Eclavdra. "Vesharess Eclavdra, it is good to see you awake. I realize that you did not intend to cause the destruction here, but it still occurred. I think it is best to come to the Light out of free will, and persuasion is the best tool for that. Rather than conversion by force, which often causes harm, I think there are some things that the drow should see. As should the elves."

Al'Akbar closes his eyes, and his brow is beaded with sweat. He calls up the images of his time as an ambassador to Arvandor.

"Behold, Arvandor -- home of the Eladrin and the Seldarine." A plane of great beauty, with majestic mountains and woods appears in the minds of the elves and drow on Oerth and Greyspace. "I was honored to visit Arvandor many times as an ambassador. Behold some of its wonders."

The fountain of Hanali Celanil, elven goddess of love and beauty, appears. Its rich and deep blue waters hold the promise of quenching any thirst and washing away any impurity. The smile on the face of the goddess is warm and inviting, offering love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Rillifane Ralathil, god of the wood elves, appears in his form as a Great Tree, with roots and branches stretching forth to touch Oerth. His voice speaks as a gentle wind in the trees.

"Perhaps they shall return to us, Al'Akbar. We have never stopped loving the drow even while opposing their deeds. They need to seek forgiveness. Redemption is hard work, yet the drow are capable of it. Are they, like their surface brethren, not known for doing well at whatever task they put their hands to? Perhaps they shall see that they are still part of the elven family and truly loved. We pray for their healing and their redemption."

Al'Akbar pauses for a moment. "The love of Hanali Celanil and Rillifane Ralathil for all the elves is indeed great. Others I have meet among the Seldarine -- indeed all whom I have meet -- spoke of their hope for the drow."

"Yes, they have been estranged from their brothers and sisters for a long time. It is a great sorrow to us." Labelas Enoreth, elven god of longevity and patron of the gray elves says in a gentle voice. "Yet I love them still. Are they not beautiful, are they not valiant, are they not brilliant? The spark of goodness is still within them. It must be fanned into a fire that will purify from within. They must seek redemption, and we will reach out to comfort them."

Sehanine Moonbow and Corellon Larethian also spoke of the drow. "Beautiful and magnificient as they are now, still they would be more if they turned to the Light. Ellistrae tends to them and offers her love. As do we. The words of any mortal language are inadequate to express the love of the Seldarine for all the elven peoples, the drow especially. All are our children whom we love, and hope shall return to us. The elven peoples united can withstand any threat. If you so chose, we would ask us to show you the love of the elven peoples. All must learn that their lives are more precious than gold and gems, and that they are indeed loved. If you indeed return to Oerth, share this message with our children in their time of need."

Al'Akbar stretches forth his hands, trying to summon forth the sensation he felt in the presence of the Seldarine. From the demigod, as best as he can send forth, is what he felt in the presence of the elven gods. The feeling of the love of the elven gods, as perceived by Al'Akbar, flows into the elven peoples, drow and surface love alike, like a mighty wave. Deep is the love, deeper than the depths of the Cosmic Ocean, and vaster than the void between the stars. If the love of the Seldarine could be envisioned as Light, it would be like the light of ten thousand suns, searing away the darkness and healing with love. A light that transforms and truly illumines the soul. Sweat pours forth from Al'Akbar and his voice is taught as he speaks.

"This is the message I received from the Seldarine when I asked them about the elves and the drow, and whether they could withstand the threats I saw in my visions. Together, I believe the elven peoples could be a mighty force. All of you are loved, and I believe the Seldarine still await you. Turn, therefore towards Light and Love. Faith manages, allowing one to walk paths that reason alone cannot see. Love endures, giving strength to the weary, offering reconciliation and understanding."

"All of life is precious, and we must remember that we are all part of the family of Being. I believe what unites sentience is far more powerful and important than what divides us. True, mortals wear flesh. Yet there is also a spark of the divine in all of us, a spirit that seeks others in friendship and unity. I urge you to respond to this spirit."

"The struggles ahead of us are great, yet I believe we must stand together. I ask each of you to turn towards the Light. I ask all to stand for Oerth and Greyspace against those who would seek our ruin. There is greatness within each of us. Reach for the goodness and greatness within each of you. Who knows what brave and noble heroes and heroines shall emerge in this time. Perhaps it is you who will help save the worlds. Know and remember that you are loved. Your lives have value in and of themselves. Turn towards each other in friendship and unity. Truly, if all of the defenders of Oerth and Greyspace stand together then who can stand against us. I urge you to Light, Love, Hope and Healing. May each of you be blessed with peace and understanding. Now and always."

Al'Akbar stands and speaks to Eclavdra: "Now they know what the elven gods said to my inquiries. I hope that you and others will add to my message and attend the healing of your people. Your love of your people led you to seek healing. Yet you inadvertently caused harm. I urge you to seek the forgiveness of those who have been harmed and to aid them as well."

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William Ronald

The Words of Al'Akbar

Double post.

"Perhaps Queen Morwel and Ellistrae can share their words with all the elven peoples. I will await for any to address me. Including the representative of the Wolf God, whom I must praise for her great patience."

At this point, Al'Akbar turns to the representative of the Wolf God, if she is still around. (Al'Akbar made no move to stop her from following him. She may or may not have followed him or been able to keep up with a demigod.)
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Paxus Asclepius

First Post
The robed woman bows, a slight smile on her face. "Prior to this series of events, you had asked for emissaries from any parties that wished to treat with you; in particular, you spoke of my lord and master:
William Ronald said:
"I had hoped to receive some diplomatic reply from an ally of your lord, a warrior of magnificent skill whose mind is far keener than any blade that he may wield. Perhaps the Wolf God will send his ambassador to my court. I hope that no one interferred with the delivery of the missive I sent to him. I suspect that even the Whispered One pauses in considering fighting both Iuz, Lord of Demons, and the Wolf God."
I am glad that there is now time for such discourse. My master extends his greetings, and hopes that our nations can stand together against the coming storm."

Rikandur Azebol

First Post


*While forces of Iuz wanished from Galion Vool, sending from Drelzna reached Gallador.*

My brother and Emperor called for us, traitors and enemies are on His heels. We will return as fast as possible, things should be resolved within hours. Then, if we surviwe we will rejoin You, and some more forces will assist You ... Finding Selitisia is CRUCIAL.

*And short telepatic message from Iuz. He is Demon Prince so he can.*

Meliana was very brave, and give me time to ... rethink my strategy, I'm grateful to Father of such wonderful child. Could she assist me, with her bodyguards in small ... rat hunt ?

Guilt Puppy and Serpenteye:

First, Iuz cease to give spells to all Aliadores, if Morwel is helping them anyway ... ;)
Oly evil elven clerics will recive then his blessing. But this later.

Here's Tactic, so Serpenteye could judge: In the next place, where Brotherhood forces will enter Iuz's Epic forces will wait, along wilt Epic forces borrowed earlier from Melkor, if they are avaible. Hidden will wait until invisible and protected with nondetection Demons will surround all traditional escape routes. Incorporeal Elite Undead will assemble in the ground below Brothers, beyond reach of Detect Undead but ithin their own charge range. Then, using Rods of Maximize Spell, Iggwilv, Iuz and eventually Meliana Will cast on themselves Time Stop, it will give them five combat rounds before Brothers realise peril in wich they are. Then Iuz will cast several Firestorms used with Subdual Spell Metamagic Feat. He used Miracle to change his spell list and rejunevate it if it was depleted. It will be used that way that spells will cover as many Brothers as it is possible. Real life equivalent of napalm bombing.
Iggwilv will cast Walls of Force, surrounding Brothers so they would have fly to escape. If left wit time she will also throw at them Mordenkainen's Disjunction first and Dimensiona Anchors second.

Meliana will throm Horrid Withilings on Brothers, along with Ice Storms, Cones of Cold ... mages have plenthora of evil magic at their disposal. But first she will cast Spell preventing magical communication. Just after the Mordenkainen's Disjunction cast by Iggwilv. All these nasty spells are subduing. Not killing.

Remeber, that Mordenkainen's Disjunction is first spell to fall on Brothers ! Dimensional Anchors appear hearbeat later, then Walls of Force, damage spells hit last.

And after that, Time Stops wear off and all Hell break loose. Since Spells are Subduing, Undead will ignore them completly while draining strenght and vitality from Brothers. First wave, while Succubi start flying above and casting their confusing magic on brothers. Vrocks will add their 2 cents too, with nondamaging spells and screeches. Undead will cease attacks, just before particular victim will be about one third of his strength. They will not drain them to death, Iuz used nasty Miracle scroll to make their deadly attacks subdual for a hour. About twenty minutes before Brothers arrived.

Rest of Iuz's and Meliana's ground forces will then start hurling blunt missiles from roofs and chimneys, revealing themselves. All against the Brotherhood upstarts. Epic spellcasters will then use Wave of Despair, Doom, Wrack, Symbol of Fear, Curse, Greater Curse and other morale breaking magic. Elite spellcasters will hurl Fireballs with subdual description, Rays of Enfenmbleet, Enervations and other offensive magics, with subdual description. And later ... Vrocks and Winged Iuz, carrying Drelzna will hit in remaining Brothers like ton of bricks. Demons were enchanted so their natural attacks will cause only subdual damage. The same with Iuz and Drelzna, both have lifewards on them , that are transporting damage from them to other troops. As well as Stoneskins, Righteous Mights, Cat's Grace, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength and Greater aspect of the Deity. When meele start, only spells that will fell on the combatants will be Prayers and other clerical magic that help fight against Law and Evil. Or is helping allies and distracting foes.

Well ... if all will go right, nobody would know where Brothers "dissapeared". Keep in mind that it will be force as overhelming as it is ppossible ! I'm hoping that they will squish Brothers in first attack enough that they won't have chance of retaliation against Iuz who might fall to their attacks easily. Demoralizing spells are mentioned intentionally. :]

And, Serpenteye ... Guilt Puppy I ask for permission of describing the battle. After DM will judge it's outcome. :heh:

Sorry, but Iuz is busy. ;)


William Ronald said:
Double post.

"Perhaps Queen Morwel and Ellistrae can share their words with all the elven peoples. I will await for any to address me. Including the representative of the Wolf God, whom I must praise for her great patience."

At this point, Al'Akbar turns to the representative of the Wolf God, if she is still around. (Al'Akbar made no move to stop her from following him. She may or may not have followed him or been able to keep up with a demigod.)
OOC - I assume Al'Akbar's was widely broadcast since its unlikely Morwel is even currently in the country.

Morwel will look up from tending to the drow in whichever hospice she is in and projects a wave of good will and love.

"I am not one for long speeches. Al'Akbar speaks much that is true, the Seldarine love their children equally, and would joyfully accept any who returned to them. The Seldarine sent me to help the elves and this aid extends to the Mordheil for you are elves too."

The Seldarine with one exception that is. But that one has ever danced on the edge of falling. Perhaps this will return him to a more stable stage.

Morwel will also use water from the Fountain of Beauty in tending to the drow, perhaps its purifying and cleansing nature will aid them. She will attempt to visit all possible hospices that will allow her to enter.


Oh some of the Elite PL in the great city will pick up any remaining bits of Ellisterae or Iuz that are around. Don't want anyone doing bad things with pieces of demidiety. *tsk tsk*


First Post
We’re already doing everything we can, Hachiman thought to himself, wincing in the aftershocks of the message.

“That was loud,” a guardinal nearby professed, to which Hachiman nodded.

Neelah walked into the room, followed by a couple of other elite troops.

“Lord Hachiman, we can’t spread ourselves any thinner than we already are,” she said, “Only the experienced troops at our disposal can really help the drow in any capacity, what does she expect of us?”

“More?” he answered, uncertain, “We shall see, Galeda and Zennef are looking into the situation. Perhaps they can give us some enlightening information on the matter. I trust they’ll do their job well. For the moment, we can only continue our work.”

Hachiman turned back to the stricken drow in his care, and the others resumed their duties.

* * * * *

Gul’thor sat around a table with the Zindian Counsel as they discussed matters at hand. Things were becoming hectic, and they needed to take their neighbours into consideration to determine who would be threatening. Emperor Noru sat in on the assembly, should he be able to help with any questions.

“As it stands our remoteness from the Flaeness and non-inclusion in the TEC pact has allowed us to keep our distance from the rising chaos, but we still have an obligation to assist those in need. At this time, that would appear to be the elven refugees in our care, and the drow who have fell ill in recent times. Nippon shares our stance in assisting them,” the counsel elder, a greying vanaaran dictated, “Since the matter of the refugees is already being attended to we must bring our attention upon our neighbours.

“First, the Celestial Empire. Since their time of civil conflict we have heard nothing from them, this likely arises from a lack of central leadership. I suspect there are many separate factions vying for control of that country, internal and possibly even external, so we must pay the place special heed lest they be unified under a potentially hostile leadership. Humanitarian aid would be rendered futile while a country bickers internally, it is likely best we sit it out until we can do something or react.

“As usual, the Sea of Dust presents itself as a potential barrier between us and anyone with hostile intent in the Flaeness.

“The Baklunish Empire is now unified under Al’Akbar, any threat that they might have posed in the past, if any, has now been removed. They can be considered to share common goals and interests, as shown in previous interactions.

“Any suggested courses of action?”

Gul’thor answered.

* * * * *

Galeda and Zennef stood nearby, out of sight, witnessing Eclavdra’s mental breakdown and capture.

“She’s pretty desperate,” Galeda said.

“Stressful situation,” Zennef answered.

“No point in helping, there’s already enough being done, and we have our own business to resume,” Galeda reasoned.

“You’re right, too many guardinals spoil the hunt,” Zennef quipped, “We’d best be off before we make matters worse.”

They left.

* * * * *

Hachiman (being Chaotic Good) hears the prayers of elves (and others) who would seek his aid in their time of need, but is hesitant in granting spellcasting ability with the limit of positive and negative energy on Oerth. He restricts granting spells to only clerics of his faith, and other clerics who lack spellcasting, have sought him out specifically and are within one step of his alignment.
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Rikandur Azebol

First Post
All remaining bits/blood of Iuz mysteriously dissapeared, when he called them "home". ;)

[CENSORED], some hours later.

Son ?! What have You done to Yourself ?


You know mom, I have dangerous job.


And when are You going to stabilize and marry some nice girl ? You are going to impress one with severed hand !!! Gimmie that ... I will try to tie it in proper place.

>tsk, tsk<

Awww !


Just for lightening up the mood. :p

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