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Iron Heroes - Legends of Mitterion (IC Thread)


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Kadoch smiles at all gathered at the table.

"This is great! I think merchants tend to like to hire a small group over a bunch of individuals, since they assume people will work better together. That's what I heard, anyway. And I'd be more than happy to do any metal work you folk need on the road, at cost or nearly so, depending."

Looking at Khepra especially, he adds...

"As long as they don't drink more than they can handle when on the job, of course."

He then smiles to try and take away any sting out of his words.

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As the serving wench approaches with his food platter, Kemal smiles at the lass and hands her a silver piece.

"Sweetheart, this is for the food."

Handing her another silver piece, he add's as an afterthought,

"And that is for your smile".

Turning back to his companions, Kemal begins to wolf down his food with gusto.

Iron Captain

First Post
A young boy soon arrives with the drinks and food you have ordered and quickly scuttles back in the direction of the kitchen.

As the musicians finish playing they are rewarded with great applause from the three men from Atria as they raise their cups and laugh loudly.
Just then the door to the tavern swings open and a large, bald man in studded leather armour enters the tavern. He is around 30 years of age and hails from Khatar judging by his general appearance and his darker skin tone. A large scar along the left side of his face marks him as one who has seen battle before. His left hand rests on the hilt of his sword as he stands in the door frame for a moment surveying the tavern. Finally he steps aside to make room for a smaller fat man who was hidden behind him until now. He is roughly the same age and is wearing expensive looking clothing and has quite a few expensive looking rings on his stubby fingers.
He's definitely from the desert kingdoms and judging by his apparent wealth, is most likely a merchant.

He nods to the tall, muscular man holding open the door and moves toward an empty table. The tavern keeper quickly spots him and hurries over to him, a broad smile on his face.

Behind the fatter man a younger, thinner more athletic looking man enters. He looks quite similar to the chubby merchant, though his appearance is more militaristic as he wears leather armour and simpler clothing, though it looks extremely well made and is most likely quite expensive. He doesn't have the experienced look that the scarred man has and is also quite a bit younger, perhaps around 24 years of age.

As the tavern keeper reaches his new corpulent guest he bows and starts greeting his guest. The merchant seems to enjoy the attention he is given and he listens with interest as the owner lists the various drinks and foods on offer. From what you can make out they are all some of the more expensive items the cellar offers.

The man orders a large amount of expensive wine and the tavern keeper again bows and hurries back to the kitchen.

As the musicians start to play a new tune the merchants glances about the room and occasionally whispers to his two companions. The large scarred man says nothing for the most part, nodding here and there, while the athletic youth seems bored and does not really pay attention.

After the party has recieved their drinks and the musicians have finished their song the scarred man stands up and as he gets most of the guests attention he adresses the patrons of the tavern: "We are looking for able bodied men who know their way around a sword. We are travelling through the Red Pass in the Namerian Lands further to the south and require loyal men who will protect my honourable master's wares." The small man smiles at this folding his hands on his stomach. The large man continues: "We shall be leaving in 5 days and all those who wish to join us must speak with Acktet" he motions to the young man "at the old water fountain in the merchant district during the day.
Though as you know the Red pass through the Namerian lands is dangerous all those that are chosen will recieve 200 gold pieces on arrival at our destination."

The large man sits back down as most of the guests discuss this news.
This tavern has a reputation for attracting mercenaries and travellers so offers for work like this are not uncommon here.

[sblock=Gather Information check about the Red Pass (DC 13)]The Red Pass shortens journeys heading south consideribley, though the narrow and twisted canyons make it an ideal spot for Bandit ambushes. There also tales of giant scorpions and other beasts lurking in the shadows.[/sblock]


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"Seems to be what I expected. Red Pass? I've never heard of it, but it sounds like mountains. One way or another, I don't care, but I want to reach the sea and find job on a ship. I won't wait anymore time. I'll go with that caravan." tells the strong Vahenian. "You might be interest, Kemal. The money will allow you to play two or three nights before you lose all."


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"Is that what passes for northern humor, Erik? I'll wager i gain those coins back before the fortnight is over."

Lowering his voice so that the other three close to him can hear, Kemal adds in a more serious tone,

"The pay is commensurate with the risk. I've heard of this Red Pass, and it's apparently packed full of bandits and beasts. I've heard some other guards mention giant scorpions, but that might be just be the wine talking. We'll certainly be earning our keep if we take up this offer. At least the trip should be quick, since it's the fastest route south."

[sblock=OOC] I took 10 on my Gather Info Check.[/sblock]


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Kadoch shrugs and smiles.

"Sure, I'll go with you and apply. 200 gold pieces would go a way into my next project. Scorpions scare me not, and bandits, even less."


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"Might as well all haggle together. If they think we've worked together before, we might have a better shot at getting signed on. Should we go now or wait until morning?"

Looking at Khepra, the Zamoran adds:

"You want in as well?"


Khepra looks askance at Kadoch's implication. He still sits nursing the same drink as he started with, and only a few sips have passed his lips. Perhaps the burly youth was joking, he could never tell with these northeners.

The timely arrival of the caravan owners is an interesting development. It almost seems like fate, or an act of god. Perhaps that is it. He silently contemplates his next step while listening with half an ear to his companions. Finally, one of them speaks to him.

Khepra briefly considers Kemal's comment. Then he nods once.

"Yes, south it is. It is time."

Then he considers the first question.

"He said to contact Acktet during the day, for tonight we rest. Then first thing tommorrow we go and find this Acktet and let him know our intentions."


First Post
"Tomorrow, I have your gold to win." answers Erik to Kemal. He take out 20 gold and put it on the table. He make a sign to the innkeeper. "You surely have a set of dice. Can you bring us one please, and another mug too."

Voidrunner's Codex

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