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Pathfinder 1E is a big Pathfinder surge on the way?


First Post
I'm not sure how this is going to work out, if people are going to stop buying 4th edition and buy Pathfinder books until 5th comes out or not. I just took a peak at Amazon's top 100(and yes it can change rather quickly) and the top 20 had 10 Pathfinder products to 4th's 6 in there. I don't remember it quite being so lopsided in previous viewings. So in other words did WOTC's big announcement have some dramatic effect on how the current games are selling? What are you guys seeing out there?


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Registered User
That is in no way an accurate gauge - as people in both camps have stated.

Not even close to being an empirical measure, plus any changes in buying habits would take far, far, far longer than 5 days to register.

So, out of curiosity, are you going to make a balanced or even WotC-neutral thread in the future or is it going to be just the same ol' bashing?


First Post
this isn't a bashing thread, for goodness sake. I consider Pathfinder dnd so where's the bashing on dnd here? It's an honest question if people think a surge is coming for Pathfinder. I'm thinking so for these reasons:

1. People may interpret the 5th edition announcement as a sign that 4th is dead/dying.
2. Fewer and fewer 4th releases are on the way
3. People might have an odd sense of betrayal about 4th and jump over to Pathfinder, which means more sales for it.



Registered User
I don't know this thread in isolation maybe not, I'm thinking more of the majority of your posts/threads seem to have a definite bias against WotC, or at least that's my read of them.

This thread.

The post where you said that WotC operatives were sneakily slandering and slanting summaries.

The thread where you raised the thought that WotC lied to people about 5e/4e.

A post wherein you said that WotC is likely to be lying about this playtesting and that "the new leaf line might work with people who are pleased with the 4th edition but the Pathfinders will probably stay where they are."

A thread discussing possible 5e products, you say, "I don't know what the catalog is going to be. It might not make it beyond year one at this rate."

There's a reason for the term, "corpus delicti".

I'm not accusing you of having an agenda to smear WotC/5e (for whatever reason), I'm just saying that it looks odd for a brand-new user to jump in and start slinging mud like that.

Maybe you're used to other forums, I don't know - but generally ENWorld isn't like that. We try to be friendly, helpful, but above all respectful - and that isn't reserved for just the people on this board. We have designers from a variety of games, including D&D from a variety of editions who've been our guests here and even participating members.

So when you're attacking them, whether openly or via innuendo, you very well could be attacking fellow ENWorld members.

And more to the point, adding a degree of rancor where none should exist.


First Post
I'm not going to post back to you again about this since you keep on complaining about it. If I don't like 4th edition or Gamma World than I'm going to say it. That's the final word for me, period. Your not going to change my mind by whining about me being mean to WOTC. Forgot it. I have the right to say I don't like a set of their products and so does everyone else. If I like a 3rd edition book then I'm going to say it.

I personally think that their dnd stuff is currently in trouble. There's nothing that's going to change my view of this until I see a big reversal. Things like Pathfinder failing and 5th taking off. Or the current 4th edition stuff becoming #1.



Registered User
It's not about you liking or not liking 4e or liking or liking any version, for that matter.

ran·cor (rngkr)
Bitter, long-lasting resentment; deep-seated ill will.

Viktyr Gehrig

First Post
I don't see it happening. People who are playing 4e now like 4e, and many of them don't care for 3.X or Pathfinder; they're not going to switch from a game they like to a game they don't like, or like less, just because the game they like is going OOP. They're going to wait for 5e like the rest of us, and then they're going to decide whether to stick to 4e or to switch to the new hotness.

For WotC's sake, I hope they switch to the new hotness, but they're not going to have a company like Paizo waiting in the wings to step up and support them if 5e isn't to their tastes. 4e is going to be another "orphan" edition, like AD&D 2e, that has neither official support nor 3pp clones for its adherents.

The only way Paizo is going to get a boost from 5e is if WotC fails to attract significant numbers of 4e fans at all-- and it's going to be a gradual trickle of new players, not a surge. We won't really see the effects until months afterward. On the other hand, as resistant as Paizo is to launching a second edition, a failed 5e would be terrific opportunity for them if they can pick up alienated 4e fans without losing their current fanbase. The differences between the two games are not so irreconcilable that a game couldn't be published to appeal to fans of both, like WotC is trying to do now.

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