• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

It is time to forgive WOTC and get back onboard.


(he, him)
I strongly recommend just not using analogies, period. The events that occurred are not terribly complex, we don't need an analogy to understand "a company wanted to do something that the community would hate, the community found out about it before they did it, the community scared the company into backing off but some concerns and the initial motivation remain".
If the facts alone were sufficient, we would not be up to 721 posts....

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That to me is pretty weak in regards to WotC. I can play 5e, buy 5e content, and support 5e creators without giving a dime to WotC if I don't want to or don't like what they put out. Why should I get onboard with WotC at all at this point?
I feel like this deserves its own thread at this point, because I've seen a couple arguments made that we  need WotC and I'm failing to see why. TTRPGs were around before WotC and they'll survive in one form or another if they were gone. Buy what you like, support creators making stuff you like. If that's WotC, cool. If it's Frog God Games, also cool. Plenty of people making good fun stuff to play.


Start playing 5E, buying 5E content, supporting 5E creators, including WOTC and other creators.
telling people what to do is the surest way to not get it / get pushback.

I have been supporting 3PPs throughout this, including backing KS with a 2024 delivery date because I never believed WotC could revoke the OGL, and even if they could, risking a few bucks felt worth it.

As to supporting WotC, we will see I guess, it certainly is a bit of an uphill battle for them right now and will stay that way, but I am not ruling it out either. It used to be that they needed to give me a reason not to buy something to prevent a sale, now they have to give me a good reason to get one.
Otoh KP’s and C7’s 5e clone I will definitely get.
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I feel like this deserves its own thread at this point, because I've seen a couple arguments made that we  need WotC and I'm failing to see why. TTRPGs were around before WotC and they'll survive in one form or another if they were gone.
You may not need WOTC, but 3rd party creators (both game and fan content) clearly do need them.

TTRPGs will survive, and so will WOTC, but it is not certain that people like D&D shorts, Ginny Di, Treantmonk, Dungeon Dudes and thousands of smaller creators will survive without D&D being ubiquitous and successful. Some of them might, but many, probably the majority, will not.

Many people were against the OGL revokation specifically because of what it would do to these creators, it would attack their livlihood. They would not be allowed to publish D&D content and their business would fail. Attacking the game itself and refusing to buy D&D content will do the same thing to these creators that the OGL revokation would have done - their businesses will fail. To make matters worse, it would do it to them with no legal recourse through the courts. With this course of action, the TTRPG community would do the very thing to these creators that they allegedly wanted to stop WOTC from doing to them.
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To use the point a gun at your head analogy that everyone has thrown around - Pointing a gun at someone's head is not the same as killing someone and it is not the same as "trying" to kill someone and you can't trutfully say they murdered you or someone or attempted to murder you if they point a gun at you.
Some guy points a gun at me, I'm never trusting them again, whether they intended to pull the trigger or not in the first place.

Especially if I am being led to believe it's loaded. Even if it isn't.
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I feel like this deserves its own thread at this point, because I've seen a couple arguments made that we  need WotC and I'm failing to see why. TTRPGs were around before WotC and they'll survive in one form or another if they were gone. Buy what you like, support creators making stuff you like. If that's WotC, cool. If it's Frog God Games, also cool. Plenty of people making good fun stuff to play.
The only reason to "need" WotC is because many (most?) 3pp books don't contain the complete rules, so you "need" the PHB, and possibly some of the others to have a larger collection of archetypes, spells, and monsters.

But if you already have the PHB, or are using something like Level Up, you certainly don't need to give WotC another dime.


Morkus from Orkus
Ok tell me. You claimed "this literally happened"

Most of the replies on this forum are either hyperbole or they are interpretations of things and not things that "literally" happened

If you throw around words like that you should be able to back them up. So provide examples.
What literally happened was that WotC attempted to revoke the OGL and got headed off at the pass because of the leak. That they didn't finish the attempt does not make it an attempt that "never happened."


Morkus from Orkus
To use the point a gun at your head analogy that everyone has thrown around - Pointing a gun at someone's head is not the same as killing someone and it is not the same as "trying" to kill someone and you can't trutfully say they murdered you or someone or attempted to murder you if they point a gun at you.
If you want to use this analogy, they pulled the trigger and the gun misfired. That misfire is the reason the attempt didn't succeed.


Morkus from Orkus
At first the people you invited in were modest and only occupied the smaller rooms. Then even mkre people came. In the end the house became crowded. Some of the people started to occupie some store rooms you wanted to use elsewhere without asking, because at the time you invited them, using a storeroom to live in was not at anyones mind. Only when people in other houses started to use them, it became a problem.
Also, when you wanted to renovate your party rooms and you emptied to do it, a few of the people took the opportunity and just moved their things in and started their own parties. A few people even played hip hop in those rooms...
So at some points, you decide that your hospitality was exploited and you wanted to add some new rules that won't allow to freely occupy rooms when you leave it and ask politely and pay a small fee of they occupy a lot more room than most. And you ban music in your house that most people don't want. And because the house is too big, and you want to protect all as fast as you can, you want to decide alone, what music is acceptable and which not.
But people from in and outside the house protested, because they really liked the parties of some of the big occupiers and found a house with different parties woth different kinds of music more attractive than one where every room plays the same. And a few people feared that the owner at some point might not like their music anymore or just tell them that their music sucks to evict them. So they started a protest and the owner ceased the attempt to make a new contract and even sold a big part of the house to a 3rd party that offers free housing for everyone.

So an analogy that also fits and does not make them totally evil.
(I forgot to add the bullies they send to the other parties).
That story short = They attempted to go back on their word which makes them liars.

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