[Jan] What are you reading?


Just finished the Astro City graphic novel revolving around The Confessor. Interesting characters and good script.

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Aside from political books whose mere mention would engulf this thread in flames the like of which would leave mighty Surtr shocked and awed...

I received a wonderful Christmas present: the complete History of Middle Earth (all twelve volumes, used but in great condition---thank you Wormwife!)

It's going to be a long, geeky winter.

Speaking of Christmas, I just finished reading one of my favorite stories: Roads, by Seabury Quinn. If you ever get a chance to read this, please do.


Just finished Summer Blonde by Adrian Tomine. Definitely the Raymond Carver of the comic book format.
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First Post
Tons of stuff. Perdido Street Station, The Years Best Science Writing 2003, The O'Henry Awards Short Story Collection 2003, Dune, A Clash of Kings (again), the list goes on...


Princess of Florin
I'm just finishing Fellowship of the Ring (for like the 17th time or something), but I also brought home two nonfiction books from the library that look interesting: Greek Fire, Poison Arrows and Scorpion Bombs: Biological & Chemical Warfare in the Ancient World and Constant Battles: The Myth of the Peaceful, Noble Savage. As soon as I finish FotR, which will be today, I'll start on one of these two, since they have to go back in three weeks. After that I'll move on to Two Towers.

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