Paizo Jessica Price (ex Paizo employee) spills the beans

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Dusty Dragon
Well, I didn't know Vic had such violent tendencies. That's horrific. And apparently it wasn't a big secret either.
I think you mean this statement?

"Vic's violent rages that literally put a manager in the hospital..."

Unfortunately, it was never elaborated upon, so all we have is that (it's not good but it's a shame it's not elaborated upon). (edit: I wasn't able to find it at least in the thread, perhaps I missed it).

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You're right, of course, and I do owe @Sacrosanct an apology. As a woman with grandiose designs of one day maybe getting to work in gaming, Price has always been someone I have looked up to, as someone who was never afraid to stand up for herself and stick by her principles. It felt incredibly unfair to see her singled out in the way she was in this thread, and I still vigorously disagree with the characterization being put forward.

I will say that as a trans woman (and especially one that transitioned relatively later, in my early 30's) I have a unique perspective on being mansplaining because I've been on both ends of it. When I thought I was a man I used to pull this crap all the time, and I always genuinely thought I was being helpful and a great ally. Then when people start doing the same thing to you and you start to realize the pattern and how bad it makes you feel... it just sucks, and I don't think anyone who has had to put up with it should have to put up with the amount of abuse and defamation that she's received.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. Coming from a place of privilege (cis white male), I do try to acknowledge my privilege and understand the position of others who don't have the systemic benefits I do. It is difficult, but the trials and tribulations of my partner and children (one of whom is transitioning themselves) has helped me gain some perspective that I would otherwise lack. Additionally, engaging with the community here on Enworld has also helped open my eyes to a great many perspectives outside of my circle of friends and family. Thank you for your contribution here on these forums and good luck getting into the gaming industry!


Disgruntled ex-employee takes to Twitter to retaliate for being termed. What am I missing here? Also she has a history of doing this. Maybe if you are fired from multiple positions the problem is not with them but you. Much easier to take to social media and stir naughty word up though.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I am... heartened by some of the "side discussions" happening here, I feel like we actually learned something! It gives me a bit of hope for our species ha. ONE POST! ONE POST!

There has to be some sort of name for that. We can call it Ancalagon's Apothegm:

If you ever write something about how awesome people are, they will immediately prove you wrong.


Adventurer ONE POST! ONE POST!

There has to be some sort of name for that. We can call it Ancalagon's Apothegm:

If you ever write something about how awesome people are, they will immediately prove you wrong.
Yeah because we should all agree with everything stated right? Disagreeing makes one a horrible person!


Disgruntled ex-employee takes to Twitter to retaliate for being termed. What am I missing here? Also she has a history of doing this. Maybe if you are fired from multiple positions the problem is not with them but you. Much easier to take to social media and stir naughty word up though.
Actually the twitter poster was not terminated. She was posting about one of her friends being terminated (and now two others resigning because of that termination). She also posted about a lot of other insidious behavior if you take the time to look through this thread in greater depth (some of which has been corroborated by others).

So maybe, just maybe, do a little more research before you post?

the Jester

I will say that as a trans woman (and especially one that transitioned relatively later, in my early 30's) I have a unique perspective on being mansplaining because I've been on both ends of it. When I thought I was a man I used to pull this crap all the time, and I always genuinely thought I was being helpful and a great ally. Then when people start doing the same thing to you and you start to realize the pattern and how bad it makes you feel... it just sucks, and I don't think anyone who has had to put up with it should have to put up with the amount of abuse and defamation that she's received.
I very much appreciate you sharing your perspective on this with us. I can only imagine how much broader your view of this topic is than mine can possibly be. Having lived both sides of it gives you some real insight into both sides of the interaction in a way I can't match. I try to remind myself that my perspective is always coming from within a cis white male American, and that it's necessarily colored by my cultural position. Having an occasional example that helps underline that is very good for me and helps me cultivate some self-awareness. Thank you.

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