Paizo Jessica Price (ex Paizo employee) spills the beans

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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I was also going to be the bigger person and not point out the irony of being mansplained what is and isn't mansplaining and what is or isn't acceptable for a woman to take offense to, but this has really gotten on my last nerve.

I'm going to take a break from this, because we should be talking about the horrible work environment being put on display by Paizo and not relitigating past black marks on gaming's already dark history of sexism, nor on one man's quixotic attempt to defame and discredit a very specific female working in the industry.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
I have read the Twitter exchange, and that is exactly what happened. The man did not disagree with her, she complained about her work and a man gave her unsolicited advice, incredibly basic at that, as if she didn't have a clue how to do any part of her job at all. That is manspalining, and Price was completely justified in complaining about it.
Obviously, people have different perspectives on this. For example, I don't sign on to your interpretation of the Twitter exchange at all. To me, it look an awful lot like Price is holding forth on a topic, normal enough on the internet, on a discussion-based medium. Deroir, being interested in the topic and a fan of Price's, chimes in to discuss. That doesn't smack of mansplaining to me. That looks to me more like wanting to discuss a favorite topic but having a somewhat divergent take.
Your perspective is your own, but it's not necessarily the best fitting description for all observers.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I'll not begrudge any man their flawed understanding of what mansplaining is and how awful it is to be subjected to, especially when the man in question looks like (and probably thinks they're being) friendly and helpful because there's no way to confront without looking like the bad guy.


The guild wars thing was already posted, so I didn't need to repost it again. In that example, she called someone paid to pay GW games a sexist for simply disagreeing with her. That's why she was fired from there. I don't think Gradine has followed that link and read the twitter exchanges that prompted that scenario, because their responses to me aren't accurate as to what happened, as was also pointed out to them a few posts above by another user.
I did see the a post about the arena wars, but I didn't realize you had posted it or talked about it. I don't really care either, I was just pointing out that it could be honestly missed that you had posted such information.

Now, I hardly think two accusations make much of a track record, but I pretty much always want corroborating evidence myself (regardless of the poster or the number of posts). It is to easy to mistaken about a great many things.
I don't think it's unreasonable to say you want collaborative sources before you automatically believe them.

That's how misinformation spreads, and once it's out, it's hard to close the barn door.
I agree.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Okay, it looks like we need a Mansplaining 101 lesson.

At the basic level, mansplaining is when a man corrects a woman or otherwise attempts to talk to her or teach her about something she already knows. The implication is that the woman must not know this thing and you, the very intelligent man, must teach her the correct thing.
How do you tell the difference between mansplaining and disagreeing?


I did see the a post about the arena wars, but I didn't realize you had posted it or talked about it. I don't really care either, I was just pointing out that it could be honestly missed that you had posted such information.

Now, I hardly think two accusations make much of a track record, but I pretty much always want corroborating evidence myself (regardless of the poster or the number of posts). It is to easy to mistaken about a great many things.

I agree.
Fast moving thread + contentious and emotional topic = easy to miss things. I'm just as guilty. Especially since my internet went down for the past couple hours and was reading/responding on my phone. I could have used better judgement, and I apologize for my contribution. FWIW, I actually have a lot of respect for everyone who has posted so far.

I'll just say that I agree that management at PAIZO seems to have some very alarming and concerning issues going on.


I mean, you obviously have a personal stake in defaming Jessica Price specifically at all costs, and while I can speculate as to why, that's not helpful to anybody.
I see your point in a lot of your arguments, but I think this is taking it too far. @Sacrosanct has an opinion that they formed based on their interpretation of the evidence. You have a different opinion on the evidence. It is not uncommon for people to disagree what evidence is telling us. That is not a personal stake in defaming Price, IMO.

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