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Kate Welch is WotC's New D&D Designer

WotC has a brand new D&D designer, and it's Kate Welch! She plays Rosie Beestinger, the Lightfoot Halfing Monk in Acquisitions Inc's "C Team". She starts work on February 2nd. That's all I know for the moment, but more info if I hear it!

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WotC has a brand new D&D designer, and it's Kate Welch! She plays Rosie Beestinger, the Lightfoot Halfing Monk in Acquisitions Inc's "C Team". She starts work on February 2nd. That's all I know for the moment, but more info if I hear it!



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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
For those still in this train wreck of a reprehensible thread which will inevitably go down in flames and get closed by Morrus being rightfully disgusted....I welcome you to CircvsMaximvs.com, the evil stepsister message board to this one. Where this sort of conversation is welcome, and can be met with the, uh, directness it warrants.

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I'm not questioning the hire because she's a women. I'm question it based on the words "Affirmative Action" being present in the Physical Requirements section of the job description.

Hogwash. Those words are there and if a man was hired you wouldn’t have questioned it. Therefore, it’s pretty obvious you questioned it because she’s a woman.

Bolded comments are mine


You completely missed the point.

And one other thing, as someone with a lot of experience in hiring and managing people. It is a proven undeniable fact that a diverse workforce is significantly more efficient and effective than a homogeneous one. Pretty much every experienced manager knows this, because the data has been out a long time. So a manager who hires a minority isn't necessarily being driven by reverse racism motivations, but is making the hire based on what will make the team the best, objectively.

Which is fine; adding the words "Affirmative Action Employer" under the "Physical Requirements" heading of one's job description is not.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
We play a game that works best when there is diversity in the group (race, class, etc), and yet there are people who somehow think that this game that emphasizes diversity is best designed by people who are part of a mono-culture. This BAFFLES me.

Hogwash. Those words are there and if a man was hired you wouldn’t have questioned it. Therefore, it’s pretty obvious you questioned it because she’s a woman.

No. I question is because of a combination of adding the phrase, "Affirmative Action," and hiring a women. Furthermore, nowhere have I said anywhere that WotC hired the wrong person. Only have I argued that because of affirmative action we will never know if Ms. Welch was the best candidate for the job. I have nothing against her personally, nor against WotC. My only interest is that politics remain outside the realm of children's hobbies; oth D&D and MtG have become increasingly politicized in recent years.

You completely missed the point.

Which point? The one in which wrote a number of blanket statements that all turned out to be untrue because individuals are more than a group of identity-based stereotypes?

Which is fine; adding the words "Affirmative Action Employer" under the "Physical Requirements" heading of one's job description is not.

It is not under the Physical Requirements section of the job post!

Look at these examples

In the cut and paste, space was removed. Every single job post there has bullet points for the requirements and then incredibly standard boilerplate text at the bottom. Every single job I have ever applied for in the past several decades has had something similar at the bottom. It’s nothing unusual and it is especially NOT part of the “Physical Requirements.” Took about a minute to look at the Wizards site to confirm that.

It is not under the Physical Requirements section of the job post!

Look at these examples

In the cut and paste, space was removed. Every single job post there has bullet points for the requirements and then incredibly standard boilerplate text at the bottom. Every single job I have ever applied for in the past several decades has had something similar at the bottom. It’s nothing unusual and it is especially NOT part of the “Physical Requirements.” Took about a minute to look at the Wizards site to confirm that.

I stand corrected.


Which point? The one in which wrote a number of blanket statements that all turned out to be untrue because individuals are more than a group of identity-based stereotypes?

Everything I said was true, and to be honest, isn't really up for debate because they're pretty obvious. I have no idea what sort of red herring you're trying to make the argument into, but everything I listed as what are forms of privilege are true and exist.

Everything I said was true, and to be honest, isn't really up for debate because they're pretty obvious. I have no idea what sort of red herring you're trying to make the argument into, but everything I listed as what are forms of privilege are true and exist.

I'm not trying to make anything into a red herring.

You wrote:

*you are assured that when you find a gaming group, there will be several people part of that group like you (same gender and ethnicity)
* every time you turn on the TV, or open a newspaper, you are assured someone like you is on the front cover or plays the major role in the show
* minorities convicted of the same offenses (from traffic tickets to murder) as a white person suffer much harsher penalties than white people do. This is a a fact.
* you are assured that you can enter pretty much any town in America and find a church of your faith (for those who are religious)
* You have never done something right and immediately had someone say you're a credit to your race/gender
* no one questions a promotion you may have gotten
* you've never had people stare at you or follow you around because they think you're gonna steal something
* you've never had people cross the street just to avoid you on a daily basis
* you're probably able to walk down a busy street without people harassing you on a daily basis

I explained how each of those statements (except one) are incorrect. Either you are now calling me a liar or are supposing that my identity as a white man supersedes my personal identity as a human being with a unique collection of experiences (just like everyone else).

Now, racial prejudice probably does exist, but I don't see how affirmative action (which increases the overall amount of systematic inequality) is the correct method to use. I would suggest measures that reduce the importance of race an push towards a heightened form of individual meritocracy, instead.

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