D&D 5E Keys from the Golden Vault


Book-Friend, he/him
No, but they pretended. :)
And they will keep pretending in the future. Same difference.

Though in terms of ethical considerations that make a difference to my buying books: WotC prints their books in the USA, not overseas. That is worth more than any "Open Gaming" to me.

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Well, sure, same as they ever were. Did you ever think theybwere more...?
No, but we kinda hope that with sufficient pressure from their customer base, they can be forced to pretend to be. Fake it til you make it and all that.

I kinda like the idea of bunch of weasly microtransaction-happy ex-big-tech execs getting pressured into pretending to be enthusiastic about open gaming. It'd be like watching Ming the Merciless unwillingly manning a soup kitchen, muttering resentfully the whole time.


Book-Friend, he/him
No, but we kinda hope that with sufficient pressure from their customer base, they can be forced to pretend to be. Fake it til you make it and all that.

I kinda like the idea of bunch of weasly microtransaction-happy ex-big-tech execs getting pressured into pretending to be enthusiastic about open gaming. It'd be like watching Ming the Merciless unwillingly manning a soup kitchen, muttering resentfully the whole time.
And maybe it will be so. In the meantime, I'm personally chomping at the bit about the actual product cing down the pipeline.

Dragonlance was available for preorder on DDB on August the 18th. There was at least one time when the preorder on DDB was very late, but it was from before they were bought by Wizards.
Ok, I guess I was remembering the wrong product. There was one in the last year or so that was late to show up for pre-order, but I can't remember which.


Why not just wait for WotC to make an official statement concerning the release and its contents? At this point, anything else is mere speculation.


A pretty large amount of that going around, yes.

Mind you, I dont think WotC is particularly great shakes, but they remain the corporate type they have been as long as I've played D&D. I don't hold them in esteem, but their cynical profit motive creates things that I enjoy.

I can honestly say that the latest controversy doesn't make me trust them any less. I never trusted them to be anything but a corporation, one who hopefully continues to create rules and content for a game I enjoy playing, in the first place.

I'll be curious to see what the book actually is, we should know in a couple weeks. :)

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