D&D 5E Keys from the Golden Vault

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Golden Procrastinator
Dragonlance was fairly late getting up for sale there, too; if I remember, it was just after the start of the normal media blitz a couple of months before.
Dragonlance was available for preorder on DDB on August the 18th. There was at least one time when the preorder on DDB was very late, but it was from before they were bought by Wizards.


Rotten DM
Dragonlance was fairly late getting up for sale there, too; if I remember, it was just after the start of the normal media blitz a couple of months before.
I bought my ecopy of dragonlance 8-20-22 Release dates were Tuesday before Thanksgiving or dec 6. So three months or a little less.
Keys on Amazon 2-21-23 so 40 days.


Book-Friend, he/him
Totally, just bad actors. /s
A pretty large amount of that going around, yes.

Mind you, I dont think WotC is particularly great shakes, but they remain the corporate type they have been as long as I've played D&D. I don't hold them in esteem, but their cynical profit motive creates things that I enjoy.


A pretty large amount of that going around, yes.

Mind you, I dont think WotC is particularly great shakes, but they remain the corporate type they have been as long as I've played D&D. I don't hold them in esteem, but their cynical profit motive creates things that I enjoy.

Yes, all the 3PP, all the various other RPG heads, creators.

All of them, bad actors. I mean I already know your position on all this, and you are free to have it, but no, this is not 'bad actors'.

Its Wizards taking off the mask, nothing more.


Book-Friend, he/him
Yes, all the 3PP, all the various other RPG heads, creators.

All of them, bad actors. I mean I already know your position on all this, and you are free to have it, but no, this is not 'bad actors'.

Its Wizards taking off the mask, nothing more.
I mean, they have their interests to defend. Doesn't mean that I have to care, particularly.


I mean, they have their interests to defend. Doesn't mean that I have to care, particularly.

Of course you dont have to care. One of the joys of capitalism. Partake and consume, nod and carry on.

Just as I dont have to feel bad that Wizard's is exposed for what many of us figured, nothing but another soulless corporate husk, paying lip service to ideals and concepts, it doesnt support in deed.

The marketing text for one (I don’t recall which) of the movie tie-in toys mentions a “Golden Archive”—to my mind, confirming that this is the movie tie-in book. Edit: Someone else already pointed this out. I missed that post somehow.
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Book-Friend, he/him
Of course you dont have to care. One of the joys of capitalism. Partake and consume, nod and carry on.

Just as I dont have to feel bad that Wizard's is exposed for what many of us figured, nothing but another soulless corporate husk, paying lip service to ideals and concepts, it doesnt support in deed.
Well, sure, same as they ever were. Did you ever think theybwere more...?

Voidrunner's Codex

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