Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell [Kulan] (OOC [Old Thread])


World of Kulan DM
Map of the Campaign Region
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World of Kulan DM
Rules used: v.3.5 with some custom options (i.e. domains).
Books used: the three core rulebooks plus Spell Compendium for domains and Unearthed Arcana for variant classes (i.e. wilderness rogue).
Ability Score generation: 4d6 10 times, drop the lowest die, pick the best six scores, and arrange to taste.
Dice rolling: Any the player's are comfortable with.

Total # of players wanted: 5 or 5 (UPDATED: Sept. 15, 2015)
Slots taken:
JustinCase -- Caerth: Half-Orc Druid
Scott DeWar -- Quinn: Fighter (Voda Vosa's original PC)
Scotley -- Phar: Elf Wizard/Paragon Elf
Aureus: Hutaakan Rogue (Tailspinner's original PC; was also run by Thateous)
Lorien: Elf Bard (Blackrat's original PC; was also run by Trogdor1992)
Former players....
Blackrat -- Elf Bard
Dog Moon -- Druid
renau1g -- Barbarian/Rogue (martial)
Tailspinner -- Hutaakan Rogue
Thanee -- Elf Cleric
Voda Vosa -- Fighter
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World of Kulan DM
Okay, so I'm curious to find out how you guys want to handle dice rolling and combat sequences. Do you prefer that I do most of the dice rolling?

Plus, what about using maps? I don't have a PDF version of the module I'm using, so I would have to recreate the maps in CC2 Pro, which would be a major investment of my time.

Any ideas or suggestions?



He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Well, I have nothing against either ways of dice rolling, but I prefer somewhat for the GM to do it.


World of Kulan DM
Well, I have nothing against either ways of dice rolling, but I prefer somewhat for the GM to do it.

I don't have any objections in either rolling system.
I'm assuming that it should be either one way or the other, correct? Either I should do all the dice rolling or each player needs to be responsible for rolling dice on Invisible Castle. Would a mix of both be too confusing? :hmm:


First Post
In the game I run here, I use both, the PC's roll most of the dice rolls. I take care of Initiative (for speed) & Search/Spot/Listen (for surprise reasons), but I'm ok with either one or the other.


World of Kulan DM
In the game I run here, I use both, the PC's roll most of the dice rolls. I take care of Initiative (for speed) & Search/Spot/Listen (for surprise reasons), but I'm ok with either one or the other.
Well, I'd definitely want to do the Search/Spot/Listen rolls, regardless, and I can handle rolling Initiative and other skills checks if you guys want.

I think, at minimum, I'd want each player to be responsible for rolling their own attack rolls and any opposed combat rolls using Invisible Castle. I can roll damage rolls, however.


World of Kulan DM
A Little Background
The Lady Elisabeth Pendour has hired the PCs to recover a lost key that husband had on him when he died trying to clense a befouled tower on the coast near Carnell. (The tower is known to be infested with harpies as the beasts often attack and kill livestock.)

The adventure assumes that PCs are already in her employ and I'm assuming that your PCs all know each other in one way or another. However, at this point you have the option of posting a short descriptive narrative of your PC on the In-Character thread regarding appearance and mannerisms. (Assume that you are just outside of Carnell and that it is raining.)

While I'm still waiting for a confirmation from Thanee, I'm assuming she's ready since here character was the first posted to the Rogue's Gallery thread.
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