Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [OOC]


World of Kulan DM
Battle map before Rockhorn acts.

Vitus and Akos Act-Rd1.png

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I just popped an IC post.

We need to hold them back or we won’t be able to advance into the room. Push forward and create space to let people through. We should try to control a 10 foot space around the doorway to let people come in or retreat back.
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World of Kulan DM
Initiative Order (Round Two)
Phelix's Corrupted Portal: n/a (no activity this round)
Loyalist SF Soldiers [x4]: 18
Vincenzo: 18
Tim: 17
Custodio: 16
Tuck: 14

Bugbear, Cleric of Darkness: 13
Summoned Dungeonbred Unicorn: 12
Akos: 12
Vitus: 12
Rockhorn and Spritewing: 11

Brelish SF Thugs [x2]: 10
Falen: 8 (shaken for 1 rnd.) ⬅️
The Deaf-Mute Knight (critically wounded; poisoned): 1
Unknown Construct: 1 (can only speak telepathically to Falen)
Petrified Wizard: (turned to stone): n/a (no actions until turned back to flesh)
Trapped Genie (temporal stasis; near death): n/a (no actions until freed)
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World of Kulan DM
A reminder that only Falen knows that the altar is a living construct. To everyone else it only looks like a normal altar.

@TaranTheWanderer, Vitus would need True Seeing to perceive the altar's true form, and as long as Phelix's portal is active, the altar can only interact with Falen through his new telepathic abilities. It cannot use any of its other abilities to help the PCs until the portal is removed.

When the altar speaks to Falen, only he can hear its voice. I just want to make that clear for everyone.

I'm taking a break for a while.

A reminder that only Falen knows that the altar is a living construct. To everyone else it only looks like a normal altar.

@TaranTheWanderer, Vitus would need True Seeing to perceive the altar's true form, and as long as Phelix's portal is active, the altar can only interact with Falen through his new telepathic abilities. It cannot use any of its other abilities to help the PCs until the portal is removed.

When the altar speaks to Falen, only he can hear its voice. I just want to make that clear for everyone.

I'm taking a break for a while.
Yeah, that’s why Vitas is still going to cast Stone Shape despite the Altar’s warning.


World of Kulan DM
I forgot that the Loyalist soldiers were up first... each of them takes a 5-ft. step and attacks. One steps towards Rockhorn. Another steps toward Vincenzo. The one closest to Tim attacks Custodio once (fighting defensively) and steps back towards the bugbear cleric. The female soldier steps towards Custodio.

Loyalist Soldiers - Attacks for Round 2: 1D20+11 = [15]+11 = 26 (vs Rockhorn; hit)
1D20+11 = [12]+11 = 23 (vs. Vincenzo; hit)
1D20+7 = [20]+7 = 27 (vs. Custodio; critical threat)
1D20+11 = [14]+11 = 25 (vs. Custodio; hit)
Confirm Crit. vs Custodio: 1D20+7 = [7]+7 = 14 (not a crit.)
Damage Rolls for Loyalist Soldiers: 1D8+4 = [4]+4 = 8 (vs. Rockhorn)
1D8+4 = [5]+4 = 9 (vs. Vincenzo)
1D8+4 = [4]+4 = 8 (vs. Custodio)
1D8+4 = [7]+4 = 11 (vs. Custodio)
As well, the longsword the woman is coated with poison: Custodio - DC 17 Fortitude Save: 1D20+10 = [18]+10 = 28 (saved)

I'll add an IC post later.

Voidrunner's Codex

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