Kulan: Knightfall's Shackled City Legacy PbP Game [OOC] (Game Cancelled)

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World of Kulan DM
ATTN: [MENTION=6855223]MacConnell[/MENTION] [MENTION=6790669]Tellerian Hawke[/MENTION]

FYI, this game isn't dead, but it will remain on hiatus until after I finish up my Crow God game. I just can't handle running so many games at once. If you guys want, you can join the Crow God game with new PCs. The current group is at a point where their characters are about to go up a level (I think).

Here is the In Character thread with the current story line: Knightfall's Aerie of the Crow God [Kulan] (IC)

If neither of you are interested, it's no big deal. I just thought I'd offer. :D
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World of Kulan DM
UPDATE: Still on hiatus for the for the foreseeable future, especially now with the Bluffside game moving over here from The Piazza. If this game comes back, I'd likely reboot it with new players added to any of the previous players who want to keep going.

But, that will have to wait for now.


Thanks for the update. I'm trying to get acclimated to the new world order here. So there is no dice roller and we are using Coyote Code? I just finally figured out how to get to the the list of threads I'm following.


World of Kulan DM
Thanks for the update. I'm trying to get acclimated to the new world order here. So there is no dice roller and we are using Coyote Code? I just finally figured out how to get to the the list of threads I'm following.
If you prefer to use Coyote Code, that's fine.

And yeah, the new format is a bit daunting at first, but overall, the site is running a lot smoother. It's faster and is now secure. I do wish there was a black background, but it's not first priority for Morrus. We'll get one eventually. :)

And yes, for now, the Shackled City Legacy game is on hiatus. I'm only running my Bluffside and Crow God games here on EN World right now. Bluffside has come over from The Piazza and has a mix of the old PCs from there and some new PCs. (It has just started up anew and we're still in the first scene. you have the option to join, if you want. Both JustinCase and Scott DeWar are playing, as is Neurotic.)


World of Kulan DM
BTW @Scotley,

If you are interested in joining the Bluffside game, here's a link to the start of the Campaign Guide and Rogues Gallery on my Kanpur: The Ancient Lands thread. Like I said, we've just begun.

Here are both the In-Character and Out-Of-Character threads...

If you got too much on your plate, it's no problem. You have a standing invitation to join the group at a later date. :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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