D&D General Let's pitch D&D themed shows for WotC's new upcoming streaming channel

Duo Maxwell

Ed actually does this on Youtube. Its good stuff. Would love to see a version with some money behind it. Like images and animations of what he's talking about.
Agreed, I was just about to mention the YouTube channel LordGosumba. Ed Greenwood, Eric Mona, and other TSR alumni have made appearances to speak at length about their thought process on the stuff they've created.

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New Publisher
Ed actually does this on Youtube. Its good stuff. Would love to see a version with some money behind it. Like images and animations of what he's talking about.
Uh oh. Now I'm going down a rabbit hole.....

There is (was?) that guy that did/does history stuff also....

How about a comedy thing, like Cunk on Earth, but about the Realms or GH (mix and match stuff across worlds and annoy the grogs)

He-Man and She-Ra are by Mattel, Hasbro's rival toy comany, and now released in Netflix. Pirates of Blackwater is by Warner-Discovery. If my memory doesn't fail it was one of the last productions by Hanna-Barbera.


New Publisher
The Grogs: Three old white guys sit around looking at how the rules have changed over the years....will they ever admit 5e is better?

Edition Wars.....people yell at each other about what edition was best.

Note: I would watch neither of these, but for some reason I'm putting them here....



A sitcom about a half-dozen young, attractive devils, demons and aberrations living in a ridiculously oversized keep in Gehenna. Plots revolve around their romantic lives, and the daily grind of collecting more souls for their Blood Wars bosses. By season three, every character’s main catchphrase will be will be ingrained in pop culture.

Voidrunner's Codex

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