I offered an example earlier in post
70 where a line is
actually present and numerous problems prevent the caster from taking advantage of it. Sadly enough I just drew a big room with the first wall tile I found & plonked down some monsters+PCs without even trying to create problems for lightning bolt & created quite a few. My goal was create a line & point out the problem with getting stuck in melee & I created quite a few by sheer coincidence without even trying.
Since you want to talk about control... I agree that it should bea major component of a skilled arcane caster like a wizard... it's not as simple as yo make it out though. The damage disparity is
extremely relevant to things like buffing debuffing & control spells in that it shows the gap those spells need to make up for. Due to excessive application of concentration that gap is simply not something existing (de)buff & control spells are capable of bridging. This still does not get into the monster design assuming no magic weapons despite wotc doing everything they can to ensure that is something avoided unless deliberate. You can also add how phb197 oh so clearly making sure that players know damage beyond zero is nullified &the ease of returning an ally to their feet with any amount of healing further reducing the needfor the rest of the group
Yes exploration & social interaction are very important aspects of the game, however again concentration overuse piles atop things like petty almost good spells the wizard can help you with tomorrow if it's not important to do now because there are so few ritual spells relevant to those pillars & that still isn't getting into the fact that the spell is only useful in any way if the spell is in their spellbook at a gp cost in an edition where wotc has so far refused to provide even a spitball tweet or UA wealth by level type thing a wizard feeling shorted could hold upin support of their need
while asking for more. While on that topic there's the totally bonkers fact that wotc seems to think scrolls shouldn't even come into play until level 17-20 as the alpg spells out (above) & their hardcover adventures largely hold the line on when not simply updating old adventures from past editions like TyP did.
That bolded point needs support as you provide no evidence or even a shred of specificity in support of it as if the statement is true because people say it. Here I'll start you with this line someone posted in the cruddy spells thread "
I thought that the point of Skill Empowerment being 5th level and requireing Concentration was to balance the Rogue vs the casters by not devaluing the Rogues Expertise." That theme comes up again & again where the very spells you are vaguely yet not specifically pinning your case on fall short of the mark lest they actually be useful when stacked against someone with higher damage & such
@jgsugden back in post
70 I accidentally showed a case where you won't hit two even after lining it up