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D&D 5E List of All 33 Races in Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse

Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse contains 33 races compiled from previous Dungeons & Dragons books. Aarackocra Assimar Bugbear Centaur Changeling Deep Gnome Duergar Eladrin Fairy Firbolg Genasi, Air Genasi, Earth Genasi, Fire Gennasi, Water Githyanki Githzerai Goblin Goliath Harengon Hobgoblin Kenku Kobold Lizardfolk Minotaur Orc Satyr Sea Elf Shadar Kai Shifter Tabaxi...

Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse contains 33 races compiled from previous Dungeons & Dragons books.


  • Aarackocra
  • Assimar
  • Bugbear
  • Centaur
  • Changeling
  • Deep Gnome
  • Duergar
  • Eladrin
  • Fairy
  • Firbolg
  • Genasi, Air
  • Genasi, Earth
  • Genasi, Fire
  • Gennasi, Water
  • Githyanki
  • Githzerai
  • Goblin
  • Goliath
  • Harengon
  • Hobgoblin
  • Kenku
  • Kobold
  • Lizardfolk
  • Minotaur
  • Orc
  • Satyr
  • Sea Elf
  • Shadar Kai
  • Shifter
  • Tabaxi
  • Turtle
  • Triton
  • Yuan-ti

While reprinted, these races have all been updated to the current standard used by WotC for D&D races used in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, including a free choice of ability score increases (increase one by 2 points and another by 1 point; or increase three by 1 point), and small races not suffering a movement speed penalty.

The video below from Nerd Immersion delves into the races in more detail.


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I'm pretty sure that's the point. It is Spelljammer, after all. Sentient Penguinfolk merchants ride flying space pigs into battle in that setting. The goofiness and stupidity of it is one of the its main draws, in my opinion.
Pretty sure that was also a major turn-off for many, and why it flopped.

WotC would be well advised to dial that back a notch.

D&D is funny, but it should be the players making the jokes at the expense of the rules, not the rules making jokes at the expense of the players.


5e Freelancer
Pretty sure that was also a major turn-off for many, and why it flopped.

WotC would be well advised to dial that back a notch.

D&D is funny, but it should be the players making the jokes at the expense of the rules, not the rules making jokes at the expense of the players.
Due to the added ridiculousness from the most recent UA (WotC adding the "Gif vs Jif" battle into the Giff race) and Gnome Ceremorphs/Squidlings in Rime of the Frostmaiden, I'm not expecting them to dial back the jokes. I would be disappointed if they did. I love that Spelljammer doesn't take itself seriously. It knows that the concept of "D&D in SPAAAAACE" is ridiculous, and uses that to its advantage, IMO. It leans into it.

When I did Spelljammer in 5e, all of my players loved it (and I was running for about 8 people at this point). They loved the nonsense. I think that a Spelljammer 5e book that kept all of its ridiculousness would actually be quite successful if released now. Younger players would like the silliness, some older players would like the nostalgia, and some other players would just buy it for player options and/or to collect the 5e books.

When I did Spelljammer in 5e, all of my players loved it (and I was running for about 8 people at this point). They loved the nonsense.
When I bought Spelljammer when it first came out I never played it because it was way too stupid. I was looking for D&D in space, not a piss-take. D&D manages to be stupid enough without deliberately adding dumb-ass dad-jokes. I prefer to make my own jokes, that way at least they are funny.


Prove that verisimilitude is just an annoyance and not a benefit? I'm betting that you can't since it is a very subjective things, not objective like you are making it out to be.
Real verisimilitude isn't. However, "verisimilitude" is—unlike actual verisimilitude, "verisimilitude" exists only as a bludgeon to dismiss a game from being "legendary", "narrative", "gamist", or whatever else the bludgeoner doesn't like this season.
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Warforged have already added themselves to the Forgotten Realms, by way of being cool. Lore be damned, I have seen several people playing them in the Forgotten Realms setting. The players come up with their own explanations as to why their character is a sentient golem.

The name sounds cool, which is all players care about. It has as much meaning as aasimar. Sounding cool is all that is required of meaningless made up names. People would even play vedalken if they had a cooler sounding name.

Unlike autognome which sounds stupid and goofy.

Gnomeforged is passable.
How about DeceptiGnome?

Li Shenron

5E seems so over complicated now due to all it's patches etc. They desperately need a new edition.
It's been WotC strategy for two decades:
  • rush some parts of the new edition to plant the seeds for some delayed customers frustrations
  • release patches in the form of new or revised books to make customers feel they care, but make sure never to fix all of their complaints
  • complicate the edition with too many patches and books, make customers feel a reboot is necessary

However in 5e the difference was that it was not that much rushed, thanks also to the open playtest. In fact some of the most criticised bits (Sorcerer, Beastmaster) were parts added at the last minute WITHOUT an open playtest.

In fact, 5e is the first edition ever which we are playing without house rules just fine. And without patches (Tasha).

Given my history of previously hating half-editions and even-number edition, I think I'm settled with what I have until 2034.


Dragon Lover
So with the leaks, we have a idea of all the updates for the races. So I wanted to give my option on them.

Aarakocra - For the most part I'm not bothered by the nerf to the flying speed. Due to the fly speed being the same as your walking speed, any feature that would increase the later will also buff the former. The increase damage to the talons is nice too. I feel like for the Wind Caller feature, I would have liked to either have been able to cast Gust of Wind a number of times equal your proficiency modifier or have had one or two more spells added to the features like the Gust cantrip and maybe Feather Fall (mainly to cast on allies as if you were using the wind to slow their descent) or even something like Zephyr Strike (to signify them being able to gain quick bursts of speed and someone mimic the flyby feature of some birds and other flying monster types) to give a stronger feel to the idea that Aarakocra have learned to control wind to some extent.

Aasimar - I like the idea of giving the Aasimar a dice pool for healing equal to your proficiency. I would have been cool to be able to spread them out more, like only using 1d4 at a time, but that might be a bit too good so doing it all at once is fine. I'm really happy to see that the Aasimar's Celestial Revelation features are now activated on a bonus action, this makes them much more appealing to utilize in combat. I do think though that with the nerfing of the extra damage done with these features from your level worth of damage to just proficiency mod worth of damage and this being a feature only usable once per long rest, you should be able to apply this damage to each attack, not just once per turn. Maybe that's too much but it feels right to me.

Bugbear - I think the Bugbear is solid over all. They now have Fey Ancestry, which now just gives advantage to avoid or end the charm effect (Immunity to sleep was moved to the elf's trance ability). They can now move through spaces meant for small size creatures without squeezing which is interesting. Surprise Attack now reads as "If you hit a creature with an attack roll, the creature takes an 2d6 damage if it hasn't taken a turn yet in the current combat." I believe this is a buff, as before the creature had to be surprised in order take extra damage but now in the first round of combat you just have to go before them in the initiative order in order to deal this damage.

Centaur - Outside of the increase to the hooves damage, the Centaur is unchanged. I'm ok with that

Changeling - The biggest change to the Changeling is them becoming Fey and being able to be small or medium in size. Both changes I like a lot.

Deep Gnome - It's interesting that they granted them the spellcasting from the Deep Gnome feat, but I'm not complaining. Also I find the change to their Camouflage ability acceptable. Instead of always advantage on stealth checks only in rocky environments, they can just grant themselves advantage on stealth checks but only a number of times equal to their proficiency bonus. I think that is a good balance.

Duergar - I'm fine with no Sunlight Sensitivity. I am curious as to why they changed it from advantage against the paralyzed condition to the stunned condition, not that it mind the change either way. It does feel weird that they have effectively lost three of there previous racial features though (Dwarven Combat Training, Tool Proficiency, and Stonecunning) without gaining much else beside losing Sunlight Sensitivity. Not sure how I feel about that.

Eladrin - Outside of the updated Trance feature, the Eladrin didn't really change much which is fine.

Fairy - Same as it's Witchlight showing.

Firbolg - The only real change to the Firbolg is that their racial Disguise Self feature allows them to make a disguise that is 3 feet shorter or taller, instead of just 3 feet shorter which is neat.

Genasi, Air - 35 ft. movement speed is a neat little buff, as is giving them lightning resistance. I like the added spells of Shocking Grasp and Feather Fall, though it would be cool if we could choose between Shocking Grasp and Gust. Still some nice changes.

Genasi, Earth - Not being impeded by difficult terrain is really good, and I like the extra feature of being able to cast Blade Ward as a bonus action a number of times equal your proficiency bonus. I feel like they should have maybe gotten one more spell though, like maybe Mold Earth or Earth Tremor. Or maybe a resistance like the others, like to poison? I'm not sure. Still, pretty good in my opinion.

Genasi, Fire - Similarly to the other Genasi, I think giving them the option between an attack cantrip and a utility cantrip would help give the option for a little bit of customization. I'd also personally change Flame Blade to Scorching Ray, but otherwise the spells given are fine.

Gennasi, Water - Once again, having a choice between Acid Splash and Shape Water would be neat. Otherwise, the changes are great.

Githyanki - A bit sad that they lose their armor proficiencies, but having the ability to switch out your tools, skills, and now weapons proficiencies chosen from the Decadent Mastery feature is nifty. Plus Psychic resistances is cool.

Githzerai - Outside of Psychic resistances and the overall changes to innate spellcasting, the Githzerai are unchanged which is fine as they are a solid choice.

Goblin - Their fury of the Small damaged has been nerfed from level damage to proficiency bonus damage. However, they gained the Fey Ancestry ability. I feel maybe if it was 2 x proficiency bonus it would be better but it's not too bad due to the added feature.

Goliath - The Goliath is pretty much the same, though they combined Natural Athlete and Powerful Build together under the Little Giant feature. Pretty solid.

Harengon - Same as it's Witchlight showing.

Hobgoblin - Fey Ancestry is nice and I really like the Fey Gift feature, using the help action to give different benefits to allies. The bonus to the Fortune of the Many feature (Saving Face rewritten) was nerfed from a max of +5 to a max of +3, but I think this Hobgoblin is a neat improvement.

Kenku - I'm happy that they no longer have their RP limitations (restricted speech and lack of creativity), and their Kenku recall is a neat little buff allowing you to get advantage with any skill you a proficient with a number of times equal t your proficiency bonus. Plus you can be a small birb and still use mimicry to mess with people. I'm really happy with these changes over all.

Kobold - I'm actually happy that they are using the Draconic UA kobolds here, though I feel they need just a bit more to their features. Maybe a second set of features for them to choose for their Kobold Legacy that they can pick from at 3rd or 5th level. Maybe give them an option to pick from a draconic resistance to an energy type, flight, or some other equivalent feature. I don't know.

Lizardfolk - I'm a bit sad that they removed Cunning Artisan without adding anything else to the Lizardfolk. I really liked this unique feature. Everything else is pretty much the same.

Minotaur - They lost Imposing Presence, which gives prof in Intimidation or Persuasion, and gained Labyrinthian Recall, which lets you always know where north is and gives you adv on Survival checks to navigate or track. I don't really have a preference between these two features so I'm not bothered by the change.

Orc - Adrenaline Rush is an upgraded version of Aggressive, lettings Orcs dash as a bonus action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and gain temp hp equal to your proficiency bonus when you use the feature. They lose their skill proficiencies but gain the Relentless Endurance feature. I'm kind of bummed they lost their skills proficiencies but this does make the Orc a bit scarier in combat so I think it balances out.

Satyr - Outside of the increase to the horn attack and magic resistance only effecting spells. the Satyr is the same as before.

Sea Elf - Outside of the new version of Trance and a cold resistance, the Sea Elves are relatively the same.

Shadar-Kai - Outside of the new version of Trance, the Shadar-Kai hasn't changed.

Shifter - Most of the Shifter's features are the same, just combined together and having you choose which skill and Shifting ability you have at character creation. The nerf to the temp hp is a bit of a bummer and nothing new was added which is a bit upsetting.

Tabaxi - Only minor changes but they are still appreciated. You can now be a small Tabaxi, your climbing speed now equals your walking speed and your claw damage has increased. Everything else seems to be the same.

Tortle - Outside of the increase claw damage and the wider selection of skills to choose from, the Tortle seems to be mostly the same which is fine.

Triton - I kind of wished they had kept Wall of Water instead of replacing the spell with Water Walk. However, Their Emissary of the Seas ability lets them communicate with Elementals and Monstrosities with a swim speed as well Beasts so that's interesting.

Yuan-ti - Considering that their Magical resistance now only works on spells and not spell like abilities, I think they should have kept the poison immunity. Otherwise not much has changed.

Overall, I like most of the changes that were made. I might change a few things that seem off to me but otherwise I'm excited to see how the other races will be updated.

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