D&D 5E List the character types and level of your current 5E games


Moderator Emeritus
Levels I tend to remember, because for each campaign we are all the same level, names are a little more difficult, one campaign it's been so long since we've been able to play that names elude me.

Interesting, I tend to remember names for characters played beyond a handful of sessions even when I can't remember anything else about them.

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My son's group recently started over at first level and added a new player...

Aarakocra Sorcerer
Aarakocra Monk
Dragonborn Fighter
Elf Warlock
Half-Elf Ranger
Tiefling Rogue
Tortle Barbarian

A bit more variety than the original Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, and two Humans!

Something someone posted in another thread got me thinking about the make up of adventuring parties at various tables (or virtual tables) and was curious what people's groups look like in terms of class/lineage/level.
2 of our 3 regular games just Started Over... and this is the first time in 15 years I am not DMing...

group 1) (Just had 1st game after session 0)
Teifling Warlock (hexblade, blade) 4th
Astral Elf Rogue/Sorcerer (mastermind/divine soul) 3/1
(me)High elf Wizard/Artificer (Bladesinger/battlesmith) 2/2
Half elf Warlock/Fighter (hexblade, tome) 3/1
Custom lineage Cleric (death) 4

group 2) (been playing about 6 months)
(me)Damphyr Artificer (armor) 8
Custom lineage Artificer (alchmist) 8
Human varriant Artificer (Battle smith)
Goliath Artificer/rogue (artillary/arcane trick) 5/3

group 3) *useing a house rule where 1st class you take gets 2 subclasses (and we only had session 0)
(me)Aasimar Cleric (life/Death) 3
Damphyr Monk (open hand/shadow) 3
teifling Warlock (hexblade/fiend/blade/amulet) 3


I'm not doing the full membership/party, but here are the games and my PCs/role.:

Game 1: Roll 20 - War of the Burning Sky (Level 3 - weekly) - Half-elf/quarter-orc moon druid 2, undead warlock 1.
Game 2: Live - Homebrew (Level 7 - bi weeklyish) - I DM a party of 6 in my homebrew world.
Game 3: Roll 20 - Odyssey of the Dragonlords (Level 10 - weeklyish) - Vuman Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 10
Game 4: Roll 20 - Homebrew (Level 7 - infrequent) - I DM the backup game for the War of the Burning Sky group when the DM isn't free.
Game 5: Roll 20 - Dungeon of the Mad Mage (Level 16 - infrequent) - Tiefling Archer / Spellcaster (5 glass multiclass - A holy assassin of Asmodeus)
Game 6: Roll 20 - Rise of Tiamat (Level 9 - infrequent) - Vuman Open Hand Monk
Game 7: Live - Unknown Module (Level 13 - monthlyish) - Half-elf Trickery Cleric. It is a published module, I think, but I do not known which one and it is heavily modified.
Game 8: Live - Homebrew (Level 2 - occasional) - I just started to DM for my kids and some of their friends. They're real young, so this is only losely D&D.
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Only one of my current two games is 5e, but in the spirit of a currently-popular thread:

Game 1: Candlekeep Mysteries (5e D&D)
Therrin Al Rand, Human Fighter 1 / Warlock 3 (Fiend)
Nerium, Eladrin Bard 4 (Lore)
Gladfor Wifflepebble, Fairy Fighter 4 (Rune Knight)
Daphne Dabbleday, Gnome Artificer 4 (Battlesmith)

Game 2: Against the Cult of the Reptile God (The Black Hack)
Kairón: 2HD Wizard
Tetton: 2ND Halfing (The Class Hack)
Buster: 2HD Thief
Dae Shim: 2HD Monk (The Class Hack)
Lucard: 2HD Paladin (The Class Hack)


Games currently playing, first character is me in all of them:

Game 1
Human Arcane Archer 7/Shadow Sorcerer 1/Arcane Archer 6
Goliath Death Cleric 8/Paladin 5
Elf Hexblade/Paladin level 13 total
Human Gloomstalker 10/Battlemaster 4
Half-Elf Draconic Sorcerer 14

Game 2
Half-Elf Scout Rogue 8/Twilight Cleric 3
Shifter Genie Warlock 11
Human Paladin 11
Leonin Barbarian/Fighter level 11 total
Elf Divination Wizard 11
Drow Dreams Druid 11

Game 3
Shadar-Kai Bladesinger 5/Cavalier 3
Tabaxi Glory Paladin 8
Human Battlemaster 8
Human Knowlege Cleric 8
Human Genie Warlock 8

Game 4
Mountain Dwarf Order Cleric 1
Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Asimar Twilight Cleric 1

Game 5
High Elf Bladesinger 5
Human Swashbuckler 3/Ranger 2
Human Life Cleric 5
Human Battlemaster 5

Game 6
Damphir Shadow Sorcerer 1/Undead Warlock 7
Human Echoknight 8
Half-orc Moon Druid 8

Currently DMing
Game 1
Dragonborn Battlemaster 13/Divination Wizard 2
Elf Arcane Cleric 1/Evocation Wizard 14
Halfling Assasin 8/Vengence Paladin 7

Game 2
Human Zealot Barbarian 7/Battlemaster 4
Elf Bladesinger 11


Dusty Dragon
Games I GM:

1: Drakkenheim, all level 4
Loxodon spore druid
halfling swarsmkeeper ranger
Elven fighter battlemaster
Human arcane trickster

2: Gates of Firestorm Peak, all level 7
Elven moon druid
Dwarven light cleric
Harengon artificer battlesmith

Games I play

3: Drakkenheim, all level 3
Goblin "alchemist artificer" (this is my PC and will be converted to playtest the new apothercary class)
Halfling ranger swarsmkeeper (yes, same as my game)
Githyanki Chronurgy Wizard
Half-elven soulknife
Dwarven forge cleric

4: Begining of Time, level 1 (we haven't started playing yet
Human wizard (me)
Bard (race? will be college of sword)
Fighter (race? will be rune knight)
Goblin ranger (planned subclass is ?)

5: Zeitgeist game (pathfinder 1e)
Magus level 10/shadow template, elf (me)
Fighter, human level 11
Some kind of homebrew caster, human, level 11
two headed fire aspected thing (like a fire genasi?) alchemist/investigator combo, total level 10 (has a "two headed" template)
Gunslinger 11, human


Our current campaign that I DM is based in a modified Solasta world with restrictions on available options for race and class/sub-class. The characters are level 4:
Human Shadow Tamer Ranger
Hill Dwarf Lore Master Wizard
Hill Dwarf Champion Fighter
Sylvan Elf Oblivion Cleric
Sylvan Elf Scout Rogue
Island Halfling College of Swords Bard


Group 1
Leonin Fighter (Champion) 10
Human Paladin (Glory) 10
Half-Elf Bard (Lore) 8 / Warlock (Hexblade) 2
Eladrin Wizard (Evocation) 10
Half-Elf Ranger (Hunter) 10
High-Elf Cleric (Grave) 10

Group 2
Goliath Sorcerer (Storm) 7
Shadar-Kai Rogue (Swashbuckler) 6 / Warlock (Hexblade) 1
Leonin Fighter (Echo Knight) 7
Aasimar Cleric (Grave) 7
Half-Elf Wizard (War Magic) 7
High-Elf Wizard (Bladesinger) 7

Human Wizard (Abjuration) 6
Wood Elf Monk (Shadow) 6 / Rogue 1

Group 3
Wood Elf Druid (Wildfire) 3
Changeling Wizard (Illusion) 3
Tiefling Rogue (Arcane Trickster) 4
High Elf Monk (Mercy) 3
Eladrin Rogue (Arcane Trickster) 4
Wood Elf Monk (Shadow) 4
Shifter Paladin (Ancients) 4
Pallid Elf Rogue (Inquisitive) 3 / Fighter 1
Half-Orc Druid (Moon) 4

Group 4
Hill Dwarf Cleric (Twilight) 20
Half-Elf Sorcerer (Divine) 17 / Warlock (Hexblade) 3
Aasimar Barbarian (Zealot) 20
Tiefling Paladin (Vengeance) 20

Group 5 (Not yet Started)
Triton Cleric (Tempest) 3
Dhampir Warlock (Undead) 3
Half-Orc Paladin (Watchers) 3
Human Druid (Moon) 2 / Monk 1
Dhampir Warlock (Hexblade) 2/ Fighter 1
High-Elf Artificer (Battle Smith) 3
Bugbear Barbarian 3
Triton Ranger 3
Half-Elf Ranger 3

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