Loki Season 2 Discussion - Spoilers

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Sure, Loki might be stuck sitting on that throne forever. He might not. We don't actually know. He is holding and observing all the timelines filtering through his hands, so, it's not like he's got nothing to do. One of the constant refrains in S2 is "what is the point of free will if everyone dies?" I cannot imagine that Loki would be simply content to do nothing forever.

Heck, as the "Time God" couldn't he just spawn a version of himself at some point in time, meddle with things Timelord style, and then yoink himself back? We know he can affect these timelines - he did somehow power them to create the system after all. It's left rather up in the air.

Is this a "Tony Stark has a Heart" moment? No. It's not at all. Bittersweet is exactly the right word. Loki has to make the impossible choice and then finds the third option where everyone lives. I dunno. It really worked for me.

Now, the "he should be insane" argument? I can buy that. The endless iterations should have had some impact. Fair enough. That's something that's explored in loads of time travel stories. OTOH, sometimes it's not. Meh. Having Loki go insane for a couple of episodes would have been great fun, but, it runs into the constraints of the medium. The truth is, we're given very little time with "iterated" Loki. We have no idea how sane he actually is.

Which leaves lots of room for future stories.


New Publisher
Sure, Loki might be stuck sitting on that throne forever. He might not. We don't actually know. He is holding and observing all the timelines filtering through his hands, so, it's not like he's got nothing to do. One of the constant refrains in S2 is "what is the point of free will if everyone dies?" I cannot imagine that Loki would be simply content to do nothing forever.

Heck, as the "Time God" couldn't he just spawn a version of himself at some point in time, meddle with things Timelord style, and then yoink himself back? We know he can affect these timelines - he did somehow power them to create the system after all. It's left rather up in the air.

Is this a "Tony Stark has a Heart" moment? No. It's not at all. Bittersweet is exactly the right word. Loki has to make the impossible choice and then finds the third option where everyone lives. I dunno. It really worked for me.

Now, the "he should be insane" argument? I can buy that. The endless iterations should have had some impact. Fair enough. That's something that's explored in loads of time travel stories. OTOH, sometimes it's not. Meh. Having Loki go insane for a couple of episodes would have been great fun, but, it runs into the constraints of the medium. The truth is, we're given very little time with "iterated" Loki. We have no idea how sane he actually is.

Which leaves lots of room for future stories.
Oh, it's not biggie he's sane, was more a question/comment than a "this is stupid, how is he sane" rant that some people might post.....

I have a lot of questions about him being a time god, basically, but am ignoring those for now....


Oh, it's not biggie he's sane, was more a question/comment than a "this is stupid, how is he sane" rant that some people might post.....

I have a lot of questions about him being a time god, basically, but am ignoring those for now....
Oh, absolutely. The ending raises a shipload of questions. But, that's not a bad thing. I don't have a problem with endings that don't wrap things up in a nice neat bow. Especially time travel questions. But, thematically, it works - he starts the show talking about how he is destined for the throne - burdened with glorious purpose and spends the series learning what burden actually means. At the beginning, it was all about power and being able to control others. Now, he has actually matured and grown into a fully fleshed out character.

It's a nice change for a Marvel show really.


New Publisher
Oh, absolutely. The ending raises a shipload of questions. But, that's not a bad thing. I don't have a problem with endings that don't wrap things up in a nice neat bow. Especially time travel questions. But, thematically, it works - he starts the show talking about how he is destined for the throne - burdened with glorious purpose and spends the series learning what burden actually means. At the beginning, it was all about power and being able to control others. Now, he has actually matured and grown into a fully fleshed out character.

It's a nice change for a Marvel show really.
Agreed on all points, just wish the journey had been more entertaining for me.


Do we really know how Loki was spending those hundreds of years, other than that he was becoming an expert on temporal mechanics? Could he not have just timeslipped to various places that were not immediately falling apart for some nice quite study? Maybe it would make him a bit loopy but he was already over a thousand years old. Relative to his current lifespan it would have been like doing undergrad, a masters, then a quick phd.

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