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[LPF] Allbright's Shadow

Satin Knights

First Post
It take about another forty five minutes for the rest of the guests to arrive and be seated. Since there is nothing better to do that gossip with neighbors and look around, the grand temple itself is magnificent. High above, vaulted ceilings form a cracked ribcage draped in shadow and resonant echoes. Along the perimeter rise curved timber beams thick with detailed carvings, leafy furls, and symmetrical clubs. Around the perimeter, marked by tiered rows of amber-glowing candles, tall stainedglass windows set in leaden frames depict the major accomplishments of Saint Mendikarr’s life. At the far end of the chamber, a raised dais supports a long marble altar fronted by a pulpit and a gold-leafed reliquary. Flanking the altar stand two exquisitely carved massive wooden statues of Saint Mendikarr. The once bright colors of the oil paints covering the statues have faded and dulled with time. The saint is depicted at the time of his ascension, with a crown of light on his head and feathered wings sprouting from his back as he prepares to fly toward the heavens.

Once the guests are seated, a parade of twenty six paladins come in through the main door. This seams to be the start of the ceremony. They march up the red carpet, in front of the dais where they split and circle around the forward guests. Most of the marching paladins take up standing positions at attention on the steps of the two alcoves surrounding the VIP section. A couple at the tail of each line go up and stand on the stage itself.

A hush falls over the room. A door to the left of the stage opens and three priests and a young paladin in shiny plate mail comes out. He is followed by a grey haired man in platemail as well. Taking the pulpit, the lead priest is flanked by the old and new paladins.

"Greetings and Welcome, guests, friends, honored dignitaries. In the shadow of Mendikarr's own keep, under The Shield that was bestowed upon us by Helerion himself, we are here to bear witness to the transfer of title and solemn vows from the venerable Sir Kalton Gerbidinger, after his decades of devotion and service, to a new and strong defender of the faith, Alton Allbright. Alton Allbright will be taking his place among the Thirteen in the Holy Order of the Sentinels, defenders of the realm, protectors of the faith, ..."

... and the long winded speeches have begun. Speech, listing of deeds, moment of prayer, hymn, moment of prayer, another hymn, an hour goes by, a second priest gives a sermon, at least the people that start snoring are woken up by their neighbors,

One of the old clerics in robes walks up beside Daylily, as he has been calm for the last hour. Whispering, {{This will heal you.}} He holds out his hand and waits for either Daylily or Relic to nod before touching him.

At the front, a third priest repeats the jist of the same sermon in celestial, more yawning, another hour has slipped away, more hymns, the first priest returns to the pulpit.

And now, Sir Kalton Gebidinger, have you selected your rightful heir and successor in The Thirteen? "I have. Alton Allbright."

"And you, Alton Allbright, do you take up the mantle of Brother of the Thirteen, Protector of the Realm, Defender of the Faith?
"I shall."

The priest holds up an ornate, jewel encrusted, ivory scroll case, presenting it to all the congregation to see before handing it over to Alton. "Allow these vows to consecrate your place as one of The Thirteen."

Alton takes the scroll case, unseals it an starts reading his vows. "I, Alton Allbright, Son of Kengimarr Allbright, begot of Misaran Allbright and Mirisam Caleighlane, do take these vows to protect ...

... and now his speech drags on. As it gets more formal, the language changes to celestial, reciting titles and promises, going to pages 5, 6, 7...

[sblock=Relic and Kalinn]as Alton is reading in celestial, the last four words were in Abyssal instead. You get a surprise round standard action. You still have previous restrictions that you received in PMs in effect. If the action is alerting others to anything, it is forbidden.[/sblock]
[sblock=Status]Surprise round actions for Relic and Kalinn
Getting in and sitting through the sermons has consumed 4 hours.
..30/117 AC 19 K28 ~ Daylily Does Daylily accept the gift of healing?
..83/83. AC 18 K29 ~ Relic
..82/82. AC 17 L32 ~ Sylvain
..99/99. AC 24 AJ17 ~ Orlando
105/105 AC 30 L31 ~ Borric
..65/65. AC 17 AN30 ~ Anaerion ~ MA/FL/OFl/4hr/DS/16h//
74/74. AC 18 AN29 ~ Elenka
..82/82. AC 18 AN28 ~ Arianna ~ MA/4hr
164/164 AC 28 AD28 ~ Kalinn ~
..74/74. AC 18 AJ16 ~ Breninyr ~
105/105 AC 26 V15 ~ Aradra ~
101/101 AC 22 W14 ~ Shadow ~

???/??? AC 30 K24 ~ Announcer ~ by the door
Usher1 K25
Green BD25 ~ High Priest
Magenta BD24 ~ Alton Allbright, star of the show
Light Yellow BD26 ~ Kalton Gebidinger, retiring paladin[/sblock]Map Link = http://lpf.coloredpixels.com/Allbright/cathedral5.png[sblock=map]
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Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter


At the smelly elf’s misunderstanding, Borric turns to Syl and shrugs, "I guess the more subtler nuances of language and wordplay are pointless on him.”

“Wake me up if something interesting happens."

Things get boring real quick and try as he might, even with an occasional nudge from the witch sitting beside him, Borric spends more time doing the nodding off than he anything else.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Borric Hawkins
+4 Perception: +16
AC: 30 (25 w/out shield, 28(23w/shield) flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 105 Current: 105
CMB: +15 CMD: 28 (30 vs. Disarm/ 32 vs. Trip) Fort: +12 Reflex: +8 Will: +7 (+10 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (in darkness), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Step Up, Greater Trip, Power Attack (-3/+6Dmg) or Combat Expertise (-3/+3AC), Lunge

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield (LH), Spiked Gauntlet (RH)
Chakram: 1/1 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

As the ceremony nears its end, Kalinn stands abruptly from her seat, pulling Hafísbíta from his sheath as she does so, and begins walking toward the altar. Her voice rings clarion-clear across the assembly as she moves. "My most sincere apologies for the interruption, good sirs and madams, but I would pay my respects to Lord Allbright more directly!"

  • Free: Stand (since standing from prone is a move action, I think standing from a bench should be free).
  • Free: Draw Winterbite
  • Standard: Move 40' toward the front
  • Free: Speak
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Standard Block
Initiative: +03
AC: 29 (15 Touch, 26 Flat-Footed)
HP: 164/164
CMB: +15 CMD: 30
Fort: +11 Reflex: +07 Will: +09

Rage Block
Initiative: +03
AC: 27 (13 Touch, 24 Flat-Footed)
HP: 160/160
CMB: +17 CMD: 30
Fort: +14 Reflex: +07 Will: +11

Rage Block (Hafísbíta in Hand)
Initiative: +3
AC: 27 (13 Touch, 24 Flat-Footed)
HP: 195/195
CMB: +16 CMD: 29
Fort: +13 Reflex: +06 Will: +10

Fatigue Block
Initiative: +2
AC: 28 (14 Touch, 26 Flat-Footed)
HP: 164/164
CMB: +14 CMD: 28
Fort: +11 Reflex: +06 Will: +09

Senses: DarkVision
Perception: +15, Sense Motive: +2

Special: Rage (Remaining Rounds: 18/18)
Special: Spirit Totem (+10/1d4+2)
Special: Claws (Remaining Rounds: 05/05)

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Hafísbíta Powers Available
Special: Boon: Shield (Remaining Points: 10/10)
Special: Boon: Healing Surge
Special: Boon: Cure Light Wounds (Remaining: 03/03)
Special: Boon: Heroism (Remaining: 01/01)
Special: Boon: Gallant Inspiration (Remaining: 01/01)

Spells Available (Cantrips: Unlimited, 1st Level: 7/7 per Day, 2nd Level: 7/7 per Day)
( 3rd Level: 4/4 per Day )
Cantrips : Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Haunted Fey Aspect, Jolt, Mending, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st Level: Ear Piercing Scream, Icicle Dagger, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Shield
2nd Level: Frigid Touch, Protection from Evil (Communal), Resist Energy, Scorching Ray
3rd Level: Fly, Haste, Versatile Weapon
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First Post
Relic's eyes flutter open when the priest approaches Daylily. What had he been thinking? So lost in his own thoughts he had failed to even tend to his friend's wounds. Meeting the priest's gaze he nods, accepting the offer of healing on Daylily's behalf. He utters a single word of thanks before returning to his state of concentration.

It is difficult to remain alert given the drawn out nature of the ceremony. Doubtlessly he drifts into a state of sleep several times, but the state is a shallow one, the deeper state staved off by the magical nature of the ring he wears. When Allbright enters Relic's eyes open at last, his attention focused and sharp once more. His hands wring the staff that he rests upon in nervous anticipation, the terrible sense of foreboding flooding his senses. He hears Allbright's terrible words a moment before he says them and he catches his breath sharply. "Oh no ...." he gasps.

A spell springs to his lips as his gnarled fingers deftly draw a curl of licorice from his pouch. As it dissolves on his tongue he speaks a word that crackles with arcane power. "Velocitat" The power he evokes infuses not only himself but also Daylily, Borric and his companion with supernatural speed.

[sblock=Action] Cast Haste (50 ft Radius): Relic, Daylily, Borric and Syl [/sblock]

[sblock=Relic lvl 10]
Relic Nevyn
(Lvl 10) Human Wizard 9/Oracle 1
HP: 83
AC: 14 (15) Touch 14 (15) FlatFooted 11
Initiative: +8; Temporal Celerity: Rolls initiative twice and can use either result
Status: Haste
(9 rounds) Move +30 ft
Fort: +7 Ref: +7 (+8) Will: +11
Wizards Spells: lvl 0: Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand
Lvl 1: Shocking Grasp; Magic Missile, Tiny Hut, Enlarge Person, Colour Spray, Silent Image: Used
Lvl 2: Gust of Wind, Hideous Laughter, Mirror Image,
Prot vs Evil, Communal, See Invisibility, Empty Slot
Level 3: Haste 1/2 Used; Lightning Bolt; Fly, Empty Slot
Level 4: Control Summoned creature, Black Tentacles, Dimensional Anchor, Empty Slot
Level 5: Suffocation; Telekinesis, Empty Slot
Bonded Ring:
Pearl of Power #1 (lvl 1):
Pearl of Power #2 (lvl 1):
Pearl of Power (lvl 2):
Lightning Flash 8/8 uses left today
Cyclone: 8/8 uses left today
Oracles Orisons: Detect Poison, Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink
Oracles Spells: lvl 1: 3/3 uses left today
Wand of Mage Armor: (45/50) charges
Wand of CLW: (47/50) charges
Wand of Protection vs Evil:(50/50) charges
Wand of Glitterdust: (50/50) charges
Wand of Align Weapon:(50/50) charges
Lesser Metamagic Rod, Extend: 3/3 uses left today
Lesser Metamagic Rod, Bouncing:3/3 uses left today
Lesser Metamagic Rod, Piercing: 3/3 uses left today
Lesser Metamagic Rod, Silent: 3/3 uses left today
Consumables: 2/2 CLW Potions; 1/1 CMW Potion; 4/4 trail rations
Scrolls prepared for Battle:
Curse: Clouded Vision: Max Vision limit 60'; as Darkvision


First Post
Syl was in misery beside his warrior friend, throughout the ceremony. He kept looking around the cathedral, looking for any cute, seemingly unattached ladies.

When he felt the tingle of a spell upon him, and saw guests drawing steel, he punched Borric in the side. "Tell me you felt that spell just hit us. Something weird is going on." He held his position, waiting to see what else happened before acting, afraid he might be banished from the whole ceremony if he disrupted the festivities.

Sylvain stat block: [sblock]

Initiative: [/sblock]
AC: 17 (15 Flat-Footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 82/82
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +8 Reflex: +9 Will: +10
Perception: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: None
Hexes: Misfortune, Healing, Fortune, Flight, Slumber, Cackle, Evil Eye, Retribution--none used today.
Spells Per Day
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Light, Message, Stabilize
1st Level: Burning Hands (DC 18), Charm Person (DC 20), Enlarge Person, Ill Omen (DC 20), Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking Grasp
2nd Level: Flaming Sphere (DC 19), Glitterdust (DC 21) (x2), Hold Person (DC 21), Vomit Swarm, Web
3rd Level: Dispel Magic, Fireball (DC 20) (x2), Heroism, Stinking Cloud (DC 20)
4th Level: Black Tentacles, Confusion (DC 23), Dimension Door, Wall of Ice
5th Level: Baleful Polymorph (DC 22), Feeblemind (DC 24), Teleport
^means spell is used for the day.



Satin Knights

First Post
As Kalinn attempts to interrupt the critical part of the ceremony, two monks that were flanking the dais rush forward to intercept here. They only get about halfway to her, when crashes of shattering glass from above and the sides echo through the cathedral. Several massive horned beasts and winged women are crashing through the skylight stained glass and side windows.

Up front, Alton has been desperately trying to complete his ritual. He succeeds. A wave of green energy emanates from him and washes over those on the dais and in the front rows. All the commotion going seems to be taking its toll, as knees buckle, and a few people caught up in the wave collapse.
(Anaerion twitches)

The demonic beasts fall from the celing skylights, landing in the crowds. The winged women flap their bat like wings and hover near the ceiling. Reading scrolls carried in their clawed hands, they point down into the crowd. People flinch, expecting a fireball or such, but no such visible blast comes. Following in behind the first wave is another. Large turkey headed winged creatures plummet to the ground, thudding and shaking the floor as they slam into it in the aisles. The slam with the ground seems as if it might have shattered them, as several copies of them rock and sway in the places they crashed. In near unison, the turkeys screech a foul noise, so vile, it causes many of the party guests to lose their faculties.

To the right of the stage, a door slams open, and out pours blobs of hate. Dretches, minor little demon blobs come rushing out, going after the VIP attendees in the front row. A noxious cloud of obscuring black smoke follows them out the door and starts rolling into the crowd, causing choking and more panic.

The monks and paladins that have been standing guard during the ceremony start rushing towards the invading demons, but have to contend with shocked guests getting in their paths.

Alton convulses wildly. An inhuman groan erupts from his distended mouth, transforming into a wolfish howl. The man transforms into a towering creature with a broad muscular body, four arms—two of which end in huge pincers—and a wolf-like head topped with long, twisted horns. A huge demon is standing on the pulpit now, where they young paladin had been standing for the last three hours.

[sblock=Kn Arcana][sblock=DC 24]Scrolls used by the flying creatures were Confusion[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Kn Religion][sblock=DC27]Scroll used by Alton was Blasphemy[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Kn Planes][sblock=DC7]Dretches are the lowest of demons. Stinking cloud[sblock=DC12]Dretches also cast Cause fear[sblock=DC17]Winged Women are Succubi, they prefer to charm/dominate their prey[sblock=DC19]Turkey Demons are Vrocks. Screech stuns for 1 round][sblock=DC20](purple medium) Klavakus demons have several horns and like using them to snag weapons in disarm attempts at +4[sblock=DC22]Succubi can energy drain with a kiss[sblock=DC24]Vrocks can release spores as a free attack[sblock=DC25]Klavakus demons can enslave a soul as a swift action. -6 to all attacks. If it kills the soul bearer, it receives a heal spell[sblock=DC27]Succubi have an SR 18[sblock=DC29]Vrocks can dance for three rounds and release a wave of electricity, doing 5d6 damage for each vrock in the dance, up to 3 for 15d6.[sblock=DC34]Vrocks have an SR20[sblock=DC39]Just go ahead and read the bestiary entries[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Round 1]
Initiatives went:
Relic and Kalinn got surprise init (knowing abyssal was one key trigger that others didn't have, there were others)
Demons made surprise attack, finished scroll and crashing glass
Anaerion beats them on normal init and gets a full action
Demons get full first round (22 init, vs mostly 18-20, except Anaerion's 25)
Standing paladins and monks charge in, most double moving
Party initiative for first round (now), Anaerion goes again
Panicked people go
second round will start

Relic and Anaerion have been studying books this month. They get a +10 on identifying demons. Of course, Relic has to get close enough to see them first. :lol:

117/117 AC 19 K28 ~ Daylily ~ Haste 9 ~
..83/83. AC 18 K29 ~ Relic ~ Haste 9 ~
..82/82. AC 17 L32 ~ Sylvain ~ Haste 9 ~
..99/99. AC 24 AJ17 ~Orlando ~ DC20 Fort or stunned 1 round
105/105 AC 30 L31 ~ Borric ~ Haste 9 ~
..65/65. AC 17 AN30 ~Anaerion ~ MA/FL/OFl/4hr/DS/16h ~ Full action, then DC20 Fort or stunned 1 round, 2nd full action after all party members go
..[/COLOR]74/74. AC 18 AN29 ~Elenka ~ DC20 Fort or stunned 1 round
..82/82. AC 18 AN28 ~Arianna ~ MA/4hr ~ DC20 Fort or stunned 1 round
164/164 AC 28 AD28 ~ Kalinn ~ DC20 Fort or stunned 1 round
..74/74. AC 18 AJ16 ~Breninyr ~ DC20 Fort or stunned 1 round
105/105 AC 26 V15 ~ Aradra ~
101/101 AC 22 W14 ~Shadow ~

???/??? AC 30 P23 ~ Announcer ~ moved, attacked, missed
..??/??. AC 22 P22 ~ Usher1 ~ moved, attacked, missed

Green BD25 ~ High Priest, Dazed 1 rd
Magenta BD24 ~ Alton Allbright, finish scroll in surprise round, std dismiss Veil
Light Yellow BD26 ~ Kalton Gebidinger, retiring paladin, Dazed 1 round

Inside green circle, DC 20 Will save or (13th level dazed 1rd, 12th level -2d6 STR for 2d4 rds, 8th lvl, paralyzed minutes)
Inside a Cyan Circle, Screech DC 20 Fort save or stunned one round
Inside a lavender circle, DC 16 Will save or Confusion
Tan shaded state: Stunned
Purple shaded state: Confused
Green diamond state: Weakened
Magenta Triangle state: Flying
Red X state: dead
Grey X state: Paralyzed/unconscious
Balls around Demons: Mirror Images
Greyed Area: Stinking cloud, no visibility beyond 5'

AC30 ~ Horned Demon A ~ Q18 ~ Crash through stained glass window surprise, land and attack
AC30 ~ Horned Demon B ~ BA24 ~ single move, land and defend
AC30 ~ Horned Demon C ~ AQ31 ~ Crash through stained glass window surprise,land and attack
AC30 ~ Horned Demon D ~ AQ19 ~ Crash through staind glass window surprise, land and attack
AC27 ~ Winged Turkey Demon A ~ Q23 ~ 7 Mirror Images ~ fly/fall and screach
AC27 ~ Winged Turkey Demon B ~ Z23 ~ 6 Mirror Images ~ fly/fall and screach
AC27 ~ Winged Turkey Demon C ~ AF35 ~ 8 Mirror Images ~ fly/fall and screach
AC27 ~ Winged Turkey Demon D ~ AF17 ~ 7 Mirror Images ~ fly/fall and screach
AC27 ~ Winged Turkey Demon E ~ AH23 AM25 ~ 7 Mirror Images ~ fly/fall and screach
AC27 ~ Winged Turkey Demon F ~ AV23 AV25 ~ 8 Mirror Images ~ fly/fall and screach
AC25 ~ Winged Female Demon A ~ AR6.. ~ Crash through stained glass window, read scroll, flying
AC25 ~ Winged Female Demon B ~ AE39 ~ Crash through stained glass window, read scroll, flying
AC25 ~ Winged Female Demon C ~ BA39 ~ Crash through stained glass window, read scroll, flying
AC25 ~ Winged Female Demon D ~ .W35 ~ Crash through stained glass window, read scroll, flying

18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch A ~ BG10 ~ open door, move out of way
18/18 AC14 ~Dretch B ~ BA10 ~ Charge Attack, nat 20 , Dead
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch C ~ BA11 ~ Charge, hit
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch D ~ BA12 ~ Charge Miss
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch E ~ BA13 ~ Charge miss
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch F ~ BA14 ~ Charge miss
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch G ~ BA15 ~ Charge miss
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch H ~ BB11 ~ double move
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch I ~ BB14 ~ double move
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch J ~ BB15 ~ double move
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch K ~ BB16 ~ double move
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch L ~ BC10 ~ miss, wounded
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch M ~ BC11 ~ hit
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch N ~ BC13 ~ double move
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch O ~ BD11 ~ miss, wounded
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch P ~ BD 14 ~ double move
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch Q ~ BE10 ~ miss
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch R ~ BE 12 ~ move, stinking cloud
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch S ~ BF11 ~ move
18/18 AC14 ~ Dretch T ~ BF 12 ~ move, cause fear, Yeah Right!
Map link http://lpf.coloredpixels.com/Allbright/cathedral7.png
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First Post
Anaerion, realizing that this was the moment that Mother was talking about, stands up. Doing a quick look around of every creature that entered the room, he realizes what most of these creatures can cast magics that effect the mind.


A wave of abjuration magic is released over Anaerion, and Elenka and Arianna feel the effects of the aura now generating from the mage. Reaching into his backpack, Anaeiron grabs at a rod that he knows will have much use in the next couple rounds.

It was not enough, however, to save the mage from the stunning spell of the nearest monster, but he hopes that his actions will allow the other two females to act.

Arcana: 1d20+18=21, Religion: 1d20+18=26, Planes: 1d20+28=38
Cast Magical Circle against Evil
Move: Draw Piercing Rod

Fails Stun Save

Initiative: +9 Perception: +2 (low-light vision)
AC: 13 + 4 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch ) HP: 65 Current: 65 + 19
CMB: +2 CMD: 15 Fort: +7 Reflex: +8 Will: +8
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep

Spells in Effect:
Detect Scrying: 16 hours remain
Mage Armor: 4 hours
False Life: 4 Hours (19)
Overland Flight: 4 hours
Magic Circle against Evil: 90 Minutes

School Focus:
Shift: 20' Teleport as Dim Door. Does not Provoke AoO (9/9 remaining)
Summoner's Charm: Summoning Spells Last a total of 13 Rounds
Fast Study: Can Memorize Open Slots in 1 minute instead of 15 minutes
Dimensional Steps: 270/270 feet per day. Must be used in 5' increments
Ring Of Counter spells: Contains Enervation

Malkovian: Happy for now.
Timely Inspiration: 3/3 Immediate Action, +2 Bonus, Range 60', Immediate action
Gallant Inspiration: 1/1 Immediate Action, +2d4 Bonus, Range 60', Immediate action
Borrow Skill: 3/3 Standard Action, borrowing skill ranks (Normally Knowledge Skills)
Mage Hand: At will. Controllable by Malkovian/ Anaerion
Cure Light Wounds: 3/3 Standard Action. 1d8+5.
Bonus Boon: Anaerion does not know this power.
Bonus Boon 2: Anaerion does not know this power.
Bonus Boon 3: Anaerion does not know this power.

Spells Prepared (* denotes School Spell):
Level 0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Mending
Level 1: Mage Armor *, Comprehend Languages, Grease (DC 18), Disguise Self, Feather Fall, Ray of Enfeeblement (2 Slots)
Level 2: Stone Call *, False Life (2 slots), Invisibility, Mirror Image,See Invisibility,Create Pit (DC 19)
Level 3: Aqueous Orb (DC 20) *, Haste, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Evil, Resist Energy: Communal
Level 4: Black Tentacles *, Persistent Glitterdust (DC 18 Save Twice), Telekinetic Charge, Detect Scrying
Level 5: Wall of Stone *, Persistent Slow (DC 19 Save Twice), Overland Flight
Arcane Bond: Available
Pearl of Power level 1: 2/2
Piercing Rod: 3/3


First Post
Aradra's jaw drops as soon as the demons crash into the entrance hall. Unable to act before the monsters made their viscous attack, Aradra's determination did not stop there.

Standing up and moving out of the pew, Aradra draws his bow, but not before whispering a prayer "Grant my bow the weight of the enemies crimes, that these monsters may fear our counter attack!"

The bow, as usual, flashes a dangerous red color before Aradra takes aim at the monster currently engaging the monk. Shadow, meanwhile, growls but does not depart from his masters side.

Move to X14, drawing the magical bow

Standard: Cast Gravity Bow

Shadow is defending Aradra right now.

[sblock=Aradra Stats]
Aradra Longstrider
AC: 26 (19 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 105/105
CMB: +13 CMD: 29
Fort: +9 Reflex: +14 Will: +6
Perception: +19
Initiative: +8
Current Weapon in Hand: Nothing Yet
Current Conditions in Effect: Rapid Shot/Deadly Aim/Endless Ammo (from Bow); Woodland Stride ; Evasion; Clustered Shots; Falcon's Aim (+3 Perception & 19-20 /x3)

Used Items:

Adaptation: 110/110 Minutes Remain (Darkvision, Iron Will, Skill Focus Stealth)

Level 1 Spells: Feather Step, Gravity Bow, Longstrider
Level 2 Spells: Barkskin (+3), Wind Wall
Level 3 Spells: Greater Magic Fang
Extend Rod: 3/3 per Day
Pearl of Power lvl 1: AVAILABLE
Negate Crit: 1/1
Haste: 10/10
Fly (CL 5): 1/1

[sblock=Shadow Stats]
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 101/101
CMB: +14 CMD: 27 (31 vs Trip)
Fort: +11 Reflex: +8 Will: +6 (+4 vs Enchantment Charm/Compulsion)
Perception: +16
Initiative: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: Bite (+12/5 1d8 + 16 + Trip) + d6 Shocking Amulet of Mighty Biting (De-activated)
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Evasion, Share Spells; Scent;


First Post
Relic lets out a mighty roar of frustration as hell erupts amongst them, a tsunami of frustration that he knew this was coming and could do nothing to stop it. The emotions threatened to run away with his thoughts and steal the knowledge he had so diligently memorised these past days. One of the creatures he could see ... but from the sounds there were many, many more.

[sblock=Kn Rolls] Just checking SK: Did you roll initiative twice for Relic?

Kn: Planes 34; Arcana 25; Religion 26; Spellcraft 32

QUestion: Would Daylily's weapon benefit from Align Weapon: Good?[/sblock]

[sblock=Relic lvl 10]
Relic Nevyn
(Lvl 10) Human Wizard 9/Oracle 1
HP: 83
AC: 14 (15) Touch 14 (15) FlatFooted 11
Initiative: +8; Temporal Celerity: Rolls initiative twice and can use either result
Status: Haste
(9 rounds) Move +30 ft
Fort: +7 Ref: +7 (+8) Will: +11
Wizards Spells: lvl 0: Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand
Lvl 1: Shocking Grasp; Magic Missile, Tiny Hut, Enlarge Person, Colour Spray, Silent Image: Used
Lvl 2: Gust of Wind, Hideous Laughter, Mirror Image,
Prot vs Evil, Communal, See Invisibility, Empty Slot
Level 3: Haste 1/2 Used; Lightning Bolt; Fly, Empty Slot
Level 4: Control Summoned creature, Black Tentacles, Dimensional Anchor, Empty Slot
Level 5: Suffocation; Telekinesis, Empty Slot
Bonded Ring:
Pearl of Power #1 (lvl 1):
Pearl of Power #2 (lvl 1):
Pearl of Power (lvl 2):
Lightning Flash 8/8 uses left today
Cyclone: 8/8 uses left today
Oracles Orisons: Detect Poison, Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink
Oracles Spells: lvl 1: 3/3 uses left today
Wand of Mage Armor: (45/50) charges
Wand of CLW: (47/50) charges
Wand of Protection vs Evil:(50/50) charges
Wand of Glitterdust: (50/50) charges
Wand of Align Weapon:(50/50) charges
Lesser Metamagic Rod, Extend: 3/3 uses left today
Lesser Metamagic Rod, Bouncing:3/3 uses left today
Lesser Metamagic Rod, Piercing: 3/3 uses left today
Lesser Metamagic Rod, Silent: 3/3 uses left today
Consumables: 2/2 CLW Potions; 1/1 CMW Potion; 4/4 trail rations
Scrolls prepared for Battle:
Curse: Clouded Vision: Max Vision limit 60'; as Darkvision
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Satin Knights

First Post
[sblock=Relic]Yep, rolled twice. One was low, the other was a 21 vs the demons who rolled well. There were also 3 20s and an 18 in the party.
The demon you can see is a Vrock. I was going to say it was too far, but your sight bumped to 60'.
General Demon knowledge since you were reading books for a week. CR7 and below can be cold iron or good. CR9 and above have DR 10/good. So, 95% chance that is an absolutely wonderful spell. I am assuming you do that if Systole beats you to the post.
Edit: Went ahead and took that option as your action because it is a perfect choice with the character's knowledge.

Relic reaches back and grabs a stick that came up out of his backpack to meet his hand. Tapping it on Daylily's black blade, he gives it the perfect enchantment for the situation. "Go kill the demons."
[sblock=Actions]Question asked was the perfect choice, so I am posting it now to get things in proper order.
move: draw wand
std: cast Align Weapon: Good on Daylily's main weapon.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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