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[LPF] Allbright's Shadow

Satin Knights

First Post
The party planner is miffed at Borric as well for jumping out of line, but after having just taken a shoulder chuck from the barbarian, he is in no mood for another confrontation at the moment. He scribbles something on Borric's invitation and thrusts it back at him, allowing the fighter to go through the gate.

With everyone through the shield wall and gate, it is a leisurely walk up the stone road to the cathedral. A large building, it looks to be about four hundred feet long, two hundred and fifty feet wide, and eighty feet tall. Stained glass windows decorate the upper walls. On the hill behind the cathedral, a keep, or maybe more appropriately a minor castle stands. Ancient, the castle has been maintained reasonably well, but shows its age.

As the sun starting its decent already, there are squires and paladins on the grounds who are gently herding the guests towards the cathedral.

Just inside the door are six of the party planners that are seating guests. Anaerion hands over three invitations.

"Arianna, Daughter of the Sea, Priestess of the Stormlords."
An usher steps forward and leads her to her seat. On the left side, she gets an aisle seat in the cushy section.

"The Knazna, Princess Elenka Danyllova of Predgor'jah Krai."
Another usher steps forward to lead her down the red carpeted aisle. Elenka is seated next to Arianna.

"Anaerion of Tritower, with companion and friend Malkovian of Venza."
The announcer is puzzled, as only one person is standing before him, but he takes it in stride. The usher takes them down the aisle and seats Anaerion with the ladies he arrived with.

"Kalinn Ari"
Having arrived in battle armor dress, she is led up the aisle. To the right are plain wooden pews. To the left, the pews are made of stone. Kalinn is seated in the lead aisle seat of the stone pews. Ahead of her, she spots that the rest of the pews are polished wood with cloth cushions for the patrons. It appears that prominence is actually taking a second chair to practicality and the these folk are making sure metallic armor does not scratch their pretty things.

"Breninyr Hydref"
Bren is seated to the right near the back of the forward section. Getting a middle seat, it isn't close to the pulpit, but at least the seat is cushioned.

"Scout First Class Aradra Longstrider, Recon Corp of Rorn, retired. Shadow, wolf of Rorn, his friend and companion."
Aradra and Shadow are led to the old wooden pews to the right side. Given an aisle seat, the usher instructs Aradra to have Shadow to sit in the aisle. The accommodation seems appropriate as the wolf is a bit large to be squeezing in between the pews.

"Orlando Furioso of Venza"
The usher leads Orlando up to sit by someone familiar at least. Seated next to Bren in the comfy section, he is at least near the back and not a center of gossiping focus.

"Sylvain Marana"
Sylvain gets the luck of being seated with Bren and Orlando as well.

Relic hands over the papers with funny scribbles on them to the announcer. He pauses for a moment, sighing. Braces himself, then calls out in a louder than usual voice,
"Stinkweed and Decrepit"
A hush falls over the room as all eyes turn to the back. Not even bothering to reach for the next invitation,
"and accompanied by Borric the Braggart"
The announcer points to the back two stone pews. "SIT!"

[sblock=Tense Situation Number 2]
117/117 AC 19 M24 ~ Daylily
..83/83. AC 18 M25 ~ Relic
..82/82. AC 17 AJ15 ~ Sylvain
..99/99. AC 24 AJ17 ~ Orlando
105/105 AC 30 L24 ~ Borric
..65/65. AC 17 AN30 ~ Anaerion ~ MA/FL/OFl/9hr
74/74. AC 18 AN29 ~ Elenka
..82/82. AC 18 AN28 ~ Arianna ~ MA/8hr
164/164 AC 28 AD28 ~ Kalinn ~
..74/74. AC 18 AJ16 ~ Breninyr ~
105/105 AC 26 V15 ~ Aradra ~
101/101 AC 22 W14 ~ Shadow ~

Announcer M26 pointing at L32, L33, L34
Usher1 L26
Usher2 K26
Usher3 M23
Usher4 K23
Usher5 L23

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First Post

Daylily throws his hands up in sheer frustration. "By the stinking under-crack of the Stonefather, what is wrong with you civilized peoples!?" he shouts, loudly enough to silence conversation throughout the entire cathedral. "First you is send me squiggle writings, then you is throw at me with soap, and now you is make joke of honored Jiragan ancestor name!? If you is wanting to test yourself against Falshenaya, then just do the attackings! It is not problem! I am right heres! But all this trying to provoking me angry is really start to make PISSING ME OFF!"

[sblock=OOC]Yes, Daylily is now that guy[/i].[/sblock]


First Post
Relic's face remains stony. He peers into the blur that sits at the edge of the range of his vision running things through his head for a moment and then arriving at a decision. If he was wrong ... he would indeed look the fool. But he could not risk that his prediction was right and do nothing. He compels the head usher to meet his gaze and in his most serious tone begins to speak. "Little man with bloated sense of self worth, on any other day your actions would be so petty and devoid of meaning that I would gladly take a back seat. But not today. Today your foolishness could cost many lives of those gathered here. If you sit two stalwart warriors and an Oracle of Time, one who can glimpse into what will pass here, in the back, you will be the hands doing Evil's work. A terrible danger threatens today's celebration. If you are anything but a decorated puppet lacking any power to act upon your own judgement as you appear at this moment, then offer us no seat at all. We will stand, but as guards. At the front of proceedings. I give you my solemn process we will remain absolutely silent throughout the ceremony, drawing no undue attention upon ourselves.

Do this and prove my assessment of your character wrong. Do this and prove yourself a true servant of what is good and righteous, ever alert for the awakening of evil. Trust me on this matter and tomorrow they will hail you a hero for your foresight. I promise you that I will see to that."
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Satin Knights

First Post
"Sit down and shut up. You're not special. You wouldn't have even been on the guest list if you were not friends of Frost. She gave us respect. We gave her respect. You insulted us and we threw the insults back in your face, in front of everyone who actually do matter. This is OUR house! Now SIT!"

[sblock=Tense Situation Number 2]
Sense motive tells both of you that this party planner thinks he can take on a known barbarian and kick his a$$. And if not, he has five backup standing with him and a full house of friends. He knows exactly who you are, and you know nothing about him.
117/117 AC 19 M24 ~ Daylily Sense Motive (1d20+0=20)
..83/83. AC 18 M25 ~ Relic Sense Motive (1d20+6=20)
..82/82. AC 17 AJ15 ~ Sylvain
..99/99. AC 24 AJ17 ~ Orlando
105/105 AC 30 L24 ~ Borric Sense Motive (1d20+13=16) unsure
..65/65. AC 17 AN30 ~ Anaerion ~ MA/FL/OFl/9hr
74/74. AC 18 AN29 ~ Elenka
..82/82. AC 18 AN28 ~ Arianna ~ MA/8hr
164/164 AC 28 AD28 ~ Kalinn ~
..74/74. AC 18 AJ16 ~ Breninyr ~
105/105 AC 26 V15 ~ Aradra ~
101/101 AC 22 W14 ~ Shadow ~

Announcer M26 talking and pointing at L32, L33, L34
Usher1 L26
Usher2 K26
Usher3 M23
Usher4 K23
Usher5 L23


First Post
"I see you have lost your temper, little peacock. It does not take much it seems. Such is the way with cowards when given a drop of power to wield. But in your anger you have twisted reality to suit your false sense of righteous indignation.

We offered you no insult. We responded to your invitation. We are simply ourselves. The same that you invited. It was you who attacked Daylilly at the door when we approached. Even then we held our anger. Then you insulted us upon entering and expect us to hold our tongue. If you had not wanted us here then you should not have bid us come.

But you cannot offend us. Your barbed words sting us as little as your pomp as you have proven your worthlessness. We are here for a higher purpose. Your significance is that of worm rot.

Think of that when you stand amongst the dead knowing that you are partly to blame. May the guilt stain your soul forever."

Relic moves out of the doorway so as not to impede the entrance of any other guests entering. He remains at the back, standing. His eyes being of little use to him at this distance, he closes his eyes and listens


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter


Borric was as miffed at being shunted aside as he was talking with Fury and Syl and was forced to wait until after the smelly elf and his old man keeper. With the elven warrior causing a stink (pun intended ;)), Borric had intended to take the distraction to clank over and sit with Fury and Syl where he should have been seated.

When he hears the old wizard join in as well as, he gives him a grin and thumbs up to encourage the man's persuasive efforts.

But after hearing the mage's attempt to talk his way out of sitting in the back amongst the cheap seats fall on deaf ears, he shrugs to the announcer, "Mate, I really think you need a roll in the hay with some buxom barmaid to loosen you up. I swear that vein on your neck is going to burst."

"But if you are going to call people names and treat them like dogs, you really should not get your panties in a bunch when they piss on the floor, yeah?"

Overall Borric has not been very impressed with things. The old man was right in that they invited them here and yet did not appear to want them here.

He clanks over to the stone pew and wishes he had brought a bottle of wine. He mutters with a smirk, "At least in the back, you have a wall to lean against in case you doze off, ha."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Borric Hawkins
+4 Perception: +16
AC: 30 (25 w/out shield, 28(23w/shield) flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 105 Current: 105
CMB: +15 CMD: 28 (30 vs. Disarm/ 32 vs. Trip) Fort: +12 Reflex: +8 Will: +7 (+10 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (in darkness), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Step Up, Greater Trip, Power Attack (-3/+6Dmg) or Combat Expertise (-3/+3AC), Lunge

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield (LH), Spiked Gauntlet (RH)
Chakram: 1/1 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]


First Post

Daylily snickers at this man who thinks he's a match for a Falshenaya warrior. When Relic speaks, however, the amusement drops from his face, and the barbarian seems momentarily stunned. "Uyah ... so the doom is being today, then?" He recovers himself and begins moving quietly toward his seat, the surprise clearly having taken the fight out of him.

Then he stops, and stands straighter. "Waitings a moment," he says. He nods. "Sahhh, I am sees how all this is being put together. Yes, I am having much senses." He turns to Relic. "You shoulds probably gets behind me, Elder Storyteller. And I am being much sorry if this is not how prophecy is supposed to going, exactly. And Borrk of Clan Braggers, you should put hands on weapons."

With a huge smile on his face, he walks back toward the usher. "Hello! I am Daylily of Clan Falshenaya! And this is nots your house!"

Then he headbutts the man.

[sblock=OOC]I realize this could go badly, but Daylily just put a few things together: The usher is too strong to be an usher, he's not acting like a paladin or paladin-associate, and for some reason this sounds like the imp back on the island. If it were me in the cathedral, I'd second guess myself. But since this is Daylily, he's going to act on his intuition, no question. I hope he's right.

Knockdown Blow with Rage + Advanced Str. Surge + Reckless Abandon for 8 points and knocking him prone Knockdown Blow w/ Rage+Adv Str Surge+RA (1d20+30=40)

[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Daylily Falshenaya

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 117/117
CMB: +16 CMD: 29
Fort: +13 Reflex: +8 Will: +7
Attack: +17/+9 for WD+19

AC: 14 (14 flat-footed, 9 touch) [-2 RA]
HP: 137/137
CMB: +18 CMD: 31
Fort: +15 Reflex: +8 Will: +9
Attack: +24/+16 for WD+24

Perception: +15
Initiative: +3

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: Rage, Reckless Abandon
Rage Remaining: 15/16

Used Items:



First Post
Aradra smiles when his name is called, but when he is seated by himself, his smile fades immediately. However, knowing that he is not on the same level of respect that Kalinn had (Aradra tries really hard to stay out of the spotlight for a reason) he says nothing. At least, until Daylily starts making a fuss.

Standing up once Daylily first yells, Aradra waits until Relic attempts to handle with it with diplomatic measures. While it seemed to work, suddenly Daylily decided to head butt the announcer. Not knowing what was going to happen, Aradra yells "DAYLILY! THAT IS ENOUGH!"

Drawing his bow, an arrow appears on it magically, quivering in Daylily's direction. "STAND DOWN! YOUR GOING TO GET RELIC HURT IF YOU KEEP THAT UP!"

Aradra is adding fuel to the fire, I know, but he likes Daylily enough to not have an entire cathedral turn to kill the poor elf.
[sblock=Aradra Stats]
Aradra Longstrider
AC: 26 (19 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 105/105
CMB: +13 CMD: 29
Fort: +9 Reflex: +14 Will: +6
Perception: +19
Initiative: +8
Current Weapon in Hand: Nothing Yet
Current Conditions in Effect: Rapid Shot/Deadly Aim/Endless Ammo (from Bow); Woodland Stride ; Evasion; Clustered Shots; Falcon's Aim (+3 Perception & 19-20 /x3)

Used Items:

Adaptation: 110/110 Minutes Remain (Darkvision, Iron Will, Skill Focus Stealth)

Level 1 Spells: Feather Step, Gravity Bow, Longstrider
Level 2 Spells: Barkskin (+3), Wind Wall
Level 3 Spells: Greater Magic Fang
Extend Rod: 3/3 per Day
Pearl of Power lvl 1: AVAILABLE
Negate Crit: 1/1
Haste: 10/10
Fly (CL 5): 1/1

[sblock=Shadow Stats]
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 101/101
CMB: +14 CMD: 27 (31 vs Trip)
Fort: +11 Reflex: +8 Will: +6 (+4 vs Enchantment Charm/Compulsion)
Perception: +16
Initiative: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: Bite (+12/5 1d8 + 16 + Trip) + d6 Shocking Amulet of Mighty Biting (De-activated)
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Evasion, Share Spells; Scent;

Satin Knights

First Post
Relic's admonishments fall on arrogant deaf ears. He walks over and takes a position behind the stone pews out of defiance and waits for his friends to do the same. Borric is as equally miffed, but resigns himself to take a leisurely seat on the stone pews.

Daylily starts to give in and follows his friends, but then gets a wild idea in his head. Returning, he challenges the announcer, and tries to headbutt him. The headbutt comes up an inch short, missing as the announcer leaned back just in time. The party announcer retaliates. While it is a sloppy strike, it is more than enough to hit an enraged barbarian who is off balance. After the first strike, he takes another quick strike of opportunity, before deciding to really show this barbarian who he is dealing with. Another four punches and kicks leave Daylily pummeled and worn down, but not out of the fight yet. "NOW SIT!"

The ushers stand, letting their master do his work, but are eager to jump in as well if needed.

Aradra stands and draws his bow, aiming towards the group or his friend. The angle of attack leaves that a bit ambiguous. Yelling at Daylily, he attempts to diffuse the situation.

[sblock=Tense situation Round 1]
50/137 AC 14 M24 ~Daylily Sense Motive (1d20+0=20), Rage, Headbutt missed which provoked AoO due to monk's abilities, DC21 Fort save needed or stunned
..83/83. AC 18 M25 ~ Relic Sense Motive (1d20+6=20) , moved, closed eyes
..82/82. AC 17 AJ15 ~ Sylvain
..99/99. AC 24 AJ17 ~ Orlando
105/105 AC 30 L24 ~ Borric Sense Motive (1d20+13=16) unsure, moved and sat down
..65/65. AC 17 AN30 ~ Anaerion ~ MA/FL/OFl/9hr
74/74. AC 18 AN29 ~ Elenka
..82/82. AC 18 AN28 ~ Arianna ~ MA/8hr
164/164 AC 28 AD28 ~ Kalinn ~
..74/74. AC 18 AJ16 ~ Breninyr ~
105/105 AC 26 V15 ~ Aradra ~ Stands, draws bow, Yells at Daylily
101/101 AC 22 W14 ~ Shadow ~

???/??? AC 30-2 M23 ~ Announcer ~ AoO: Stunning fist unarmed strike (1d20+11=14) hits for damage (2d6+4=10), Immediate 2nd AoO: unarmed strike (1d20+11=19) hits for damage (2d6+4=14) Full Flurry: Flurry of blows attack (1d20+12=14, 1d20+12=29, 1d20+7=19, 1d20+7=19) for Damage including power attack (2d6+8=18, 2d6+8=14, 2d6+8=15, 2d6+8=16)
CMD = 7 BAB, 4 STR, 4 DEX, 6 WIS, 3 Ring Deflection, 3 Monk, 4 Style, Iron Limb 2, 10 base = 43
Usher1 L26, readied action
Usher2 K26, readied action
Usher3 M23, readied action
Usher4 K23, readied action
Usher5 L23, readied action


First Post

Daylily seems surprised when the man dances out of the way of his headbutt, and takes a half step backward under the counterattack. Afterward, he simply rolls his head around his neck, cracking several vertebrae loudly. "Sahhh, it is like that, then? I was going to match fist for fist, but you is go to use the knife-hand?" He snorts his utter disgust with the monk. "Pfeh. For knights who is claim to be so civilized, I am think you is showing very little honor. Still ... if you wants to fighting with knife-hand a second time, just ask. But you should be knowing that I wills bringing a knife for that fighting, not a fist."

He clears his throat and spits a stream of blood and phlegm onto the carpet. "Now if you do not minding, I wills stand next to the Elder."

[sblock=OOC]Fort save (1d20+15=22)

Moving to K28 unless the spitting pisses them off.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Daylily Falshenaya

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 117/117
CMB: +16 CMD: 29
Fort: +13 Reflex: +8 Will: +7
Attack: +17/+9 for WD+19

AC: 14 (14 flat-footed, 9 touch) [-2 RA]
HP: 137/137
CMB: +18 CMD: 31
Fort: +15 Reflex: +8 Will: +9
Attack: +24/+16 for WD+24

Perception: +15
Initiative: +3

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Rage Remaining: 15/16

Used Items:


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