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[LPF] Allbright's Shadow


First Post
Syl takes a deep breath, and stands up. "Fury, Bren, excuse for a few moments. I have to go take up for Borric the Blowhard," he adds with his trademark smirk.

Syl walks back to the stone bleacher and plops down beside the warrior.

"I appreciate you not wrecking this whole damn place. But, I'm not going to let you all sit back here like unwanted garbage. Waltor and I aren't too good to be seen with you lot. Anyway, maybe there are single ladies here that might be intrigued with the 'bad boys' section!"

Sylvain stat block: [sblock]

Initiative: [/sblock]
AC: 17 (15 Flat-Footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 82/82
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +8 Reflex: +9 Will: +10
Perception: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: None
Hexes: Misfortune, Healing, Fortune, Flight, Slumber, Cackle, Evil Eye, Retribution--none used today.
Spells Per Day
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Light, Message, Stabilize
1st Level: Burning Hands (DC 18), Charm Person (DC 20), Enlarge Person, Ill Omen (DC 20), Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking Grasp
2nd Level: Flaming Sphere (DC 19), Glitterdust (DC 21) (x2), Hold Person (DC 21), Vomit Swarm, Web
3rd Level: Dispel Magic, Fireball (DC 20) (x2), Heroism, Stinking Cloud (DC 20)
4th Level: Black Tentacles, Confusion (DC 23), Dimension Door, Wall of Ice
5th Level: Baleful Polymorph (DC 22), Feeblemind (DC 24), Teleport
^means spell is used for the day.



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Satin Knights

First Post
The announcer smiles when Daylily stands down. "I will schedule that brawl with you, in the pit arena, for tomorrow night, after the feast. That way, people will have ample opportunity to place their bets." In a small bit of respect, he does clasp his hands together and bows slightly to Daylily.

Turning to the next person standing in the doorway, after receiving her invitation,
"Lady Anganora of the Tishoff Barony"
The usher closest to Daylily takes this opportunity to step forward and escort Lady Anganora to the comfy section near the front of the cathedral.

The process of seating people returns to normal and people quickly go back to their gossiping about their neighbors and those incoming as they walk down the aisle.

..30/117 AC 19 K28 ~ Daylily
..83/83. AC 18 K29 ~ Relic
..82/82. AC 17 L32 ~ Sylvain
..99/99. AC 24 AJ17 ~ Orlando
105/105 AC 30 L31 ~ Borric
..65/65. AC 17 AN30 ~ Anaerion ~ MA/FL/OFl/9hr
74/74. AC 18 AN29 ~ Elenka
..82/82. AC 18 AN28 ~ Arianna ~ MA/8hr
164/164 AC 28 AD28 ~ Kalinn ~
..74/74. AC 18 AJ16 ~ Breninyr ~
105/105 AC 26 V15 ~Aradra ~
101/101 AC 22 W14 ~ Shadow ~

???/??? AC 30 M23 ~ Announcer ~ back to announcing others
Usher1 L26,
Usher2 moved
Usher3 M23,
Usher4 K23,
Usher5 L23,


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter


Borric gives Syl a grin and nods to the witch as he sits down. He sees that the show is over and he chuckles, "Aw, why would I wreck the fookin’ place. I ain’t no knight with a lance up my arse to keep my back straight. With all the hoity-toity people around here, I just wish I brought something to drink if this turns out to be boring.”

“Heh, otherwise I might get up to some mischief,"
he says with a wink.

Borric looks over his shoulder at Daylily and calls out, "That did not work out so well for you, mate. I did not expect you to be so easily deterred by a popinjay that treats you like a dog. He nearly looked like he was going to rub your puppy nose in your own dung. Heh, heh. And you have not even crapped on the floor yet, ha!”

“I guess we see tomorrow who has the bigger manhood."
He makes a gesture about his groin to show exactly what he means.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Borric Hawkins
+4 Perception: +16
AC: 30 (25 w/out shield, 28(23w/shield) flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 105 Current: 105
CMB: +15 CMD: 28 (30 vs. Disarm/ 32 vs. Trip) Fort: +12 Reflex: +8 Will: +7 (+10 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (in darkness), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Step Up, Greater Trip, Power Attack (-3/+6Dmg) or Combat Expertise (-3/+3AC), Lunge

Current Weapon in Hand: Shield (LH), Spiked Gauntlet (RH)
Chakram: 1/1 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]


First Post

Daylily shrugs. "I am having to admits, there was a little surprises there. Normally, I am very powerful butthead."

When Borric smiles at Daylily and gestures at his groin, a frozen, desperate smile appears on the barbarian's face, although his eyes look like those of a cornered animal. "Hunhh, wells ... I am very appreciate the offering to compare manhoods, but I am think I have to refuse with much politeness. Not there is being anything wrong with liking to compare manhoods!" He gives a small, wooden-sounding chuckle. "Ha ha ha. Because some of my best of friend are the way of liking to compare manhood, so I am not prejudices or anything. But for myselfs, I am kind of prefer to stay with the womans. No offenses to you, okays? Also, tomorrow I am going to be much busy pounding a guy in his face with my big hammer."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Daylily Falshenaya

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 117/117
CMB: +16 CMD: 29
Fort: +13 Reflex: +8 Will: +7
Attack: +17/+9 for WD+19

AC: 14 (14 flat-footed, 9 touch) [-2 RA]
HP: 137/137
CMB: +18 CMD: 31
Fort: +15 Reflex: +8 Will: +9
Attack: +24/+16 for WD+24

Perception: +15
Initiative: +3

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Rage Remaining: 15/16

Used Items:



Orlando Furioso, Venzan bravo

Fury opens his mouth to make a reply to Sylvain but the witch is already shuffling down the bench to join Borric. Fury looks over at Bren and shrugs. He wouldn't mind joining Borric, sarcastic asides might be necessary to make the event tolerable, but he doesn't want to abandon Bren. Besides, he's sure he could learn a lot about handling oneself in polite society from Breninyr, although what he has seen so far of this society hasn't been terribly polite by his standards.

"On a normal day I might find a brawl entertaining," says Fury quietly to Breninyr. "But not so sure today. There's a tension in the air I don't usually feel except right before a fight. Maybe its the barbarian's doings."

Fury cranes his head around to see if he can see any of the excitement back behind him. He can't make out much and so turns forward again and sits tapping a staccato pattern on his thigh impatiently awaiting the start of the ceremony.


• Orlando Furioso •

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 9 / Bard 2
Initiative: +8 Perception: +14

AC: 24 (17 touch; 18 flat-footed)
HP: 99 Current: 99
CMB: +9 CMD: 26 Fort: +5 Ref: +16 Will: +7

In Hand:

Bard Spells
Spells Remaining: 1st: 2/2
Spells Known:
1st: Expedition Retreat, Feather Step, Vanish
0-level: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Sift[/sblock]
Last edited:


Elenka Danyllova, summoner

Elenka idly plucks at a loose thread on her dress and tries to make sense out of the echoes in the cathedral.

"I wonder what is happening back there? Sounds like a bit of a disturbance. You don't think...? No, I'm sure it is nothing."


. . . Elenka Danyllova . . .

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 9
Initiative: +2 Perception: +11

AC: 18 (13 touch; 16 flat-footed)
HP: 74 Current: 74
CMB: +7 CMD: 19 Fort: +5 Ref: +6 Will: +9

In Hand: empty
  • 1st level: 6/6 remaining.
  • 2nd level: 5/5 remaining.
  • 3rd level: 4/4 remaining.
Summon Monster 5 7/7
Bond Senses 9/9 rounds remaining
Maker's Call (Transposition) 1/1 remaining
Rod of Extend: 3/3 remaining (3rd lv. or lower)

[section][size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +3 Perception: +10; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 21 (13 touch; 18 flat-footed) Current AC: 21
HP: 65 Current HP: 65
CMB: +16 CMD: 29 Fort: +6 Ref: +5 Will: +5 (+9 vs. enchantment)

In Hand: empty
Longarm bracers 3/3 remaining

[sblock=Large Evolution][section]Large Stats Not currently in effect
Evolution Surge (Large): +8 STR, +4 CON, +2 Natural Armor, -2 DEX, -1 AC &
attack rolls, +1 CMB & CMD, -2 Fly, -4 Stealth, 10 ft. reach, STR evolution
costs double

Major Modifications:
STR: 30 +10 [32 +11 w/ belt]
DEX: 15 AC: 21, 11 touch, 19 flat-footed
CON: 17 HP: 79

Modified Attacks:
Slam (x2) +19 (2d8+12)
Hooves (x2)[/section][/sblock][/section][/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Kalinn blushes somewhat as she's escorted toward the front of the assembly, but on noticing the stone seat she's given versus the wooden ones the others are shown to, she deduces the intent and calms. When Daylily makes his scene she turns to watch the proceedings, but doesn't rise to interfere. Were he a member of her own tribe in the Seithr, he'd be mortified if another were to intervene on his behalf . . . this was no hunting expedition where all looked out for each other, after all, but a matter of pride.

She winces as the slender elf is roundly pummeled by the usher, and resolves to place a bet on her friend when the challenge is issued.​
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Standard Block
Initiative: +03
AC: 28 (15 Touch, 25 Flat-Footed)
HP: 164/164
CMB: +15 CMD: 30
Fort: +11 Reflex: +07 Will: +09

Rage Block
Initiative: +03
AC: 26 (13 Touch, 23 Flat-Footed)
HP: 160/160
CMB: +17 CMD: 30
Fort: +14 Reflex: +07 Will: +11

Rage Block (Hafísbíta in Hand)
Initiative: +3
AC: 26 (13 Touch, 23 Flat-Footed)
HP: 195/195
CMB: +16 CMD: 29
Fort: +13 Reflex: +06 Will: +10

Fatigue Block
Initiative: +2
AC: 27 (14 Touch, 25 Flat-Footed)
HP: 164/164
CMB: +14 CMD: 28
Fort: +11 Reflex: +06 Will: +09

Senses: DarkVision
Perception: +15, Sense Motive: +2

Special: Rage (Remaining Rounds: 18/18)
Special: Spirit Totem (+10/1d4+2)
Special: Claws (Remaining Rounds: 05/05)

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Hafísbíta Powers Available
Special: Boon: Shield (Remaining Points: 10/10)
Special: Boon: Healing Surge
Special: Boon: Cure Light Wounds (Remaining: 03/03)
Special: Boon: Heroism (Remaining: 01/01)
Special: Boon: Gallant Inspiration (Remaining: 01/01)

Spells Available (Cantrips: Unlimited, 1st Level: 7/7 per Day, 2nd Level: 7/7 per Day)
( 3rd Level: 4/4 per Day )
Cantrips : Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Haunted Fey Aspect, Jolt, Mending, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1st Level: Ear Piercing Scream, Icicle Dagger, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Shield
2nd Level: Frigid Touch, Protection from Evil (Communal), Resist Energy, Scorching Ray
3rd Level: Fly, Haste, Versatile Weapon

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Bren accepts his proffered seat with equanimity, and makes small talk with Fury and the others seated nearby as he waits for the ceremony to begin. When the ruckus starts with Daylily, he turns to watch with interest. The fighting technique of the usher is of particular interest to him, and he makes mental notes to practice the hand to hand techniques demonstrated. "Aye, there's something brewing here that I'm none to happy about myself," he replies to Fury, though is tongue nearly cramps with the effort of making even that much reference to what he knows.

He notes the Bravo's discomfort. "If you'd be more comfortable sitting with others, please don't hesitate on my account, sir. I'm happy to have you here for conversation, but I'd not wish to be the source of discomfort for you." The earnest expression on his more than handsome features makes it impossible to interpret his words as offensive.​
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Breninyr Hydref
Initiative: +0
AC: 18 (18 Flat-Footed, 18 Touch)
HP: 74/74
CMB: +10 CMD: 27 (+12/29 vs Grapple)
Fort: +12 Reflex: +08 Will: +18

Senses: DarkVision
Perception: +15, Sense Motive: +10

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Special Abilities: Advice (10/10 Rnds), Calming Touch (09/09), Channel Energy (10/10)
Special Abilities: Inspiring Command (09/09), Stunning Fist: Fatigue, Crushing Blow (08/08)
Special Abilities: Ki Pool (08/08), Jaunt Boots (03/03), Unity (01/01)

Prayers Available
Orisons: Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless, Bless, Bless, Murderous Command, Ray of Sickening, Shield of Faith, Shield of Faith
2nd Level: Bull's Strength, Prot from Evil (C), Prot from Evil (C), Shield Other, Silence, Spiritual Weapon
3rd Level: Archon's Aura, Chain of Perdition, Invisibility Purge, Prayer, Searing Light
4th Level: Discern Lies, Freedom of Movement, Spiritual Ally, Spiritual Ally


First Post
Seeing the announcer's brutal counter attack against Daylily, Aradra was sure that the elf was going to strike him back. However, when Daylily backed down Aradra breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his bow. As he removes his pull from the bow, the arrow disappears.

Sitting back down, Aradra felt the gaze of his neighbors, who had a questioning look in their eyes. With a simple "I'm ready for this ceremony to start, how about you?" Aradra turns forward and does his best to blend into the pew. Scowling slightly, Aradra was silently hoping that nothing else will happen so he can go drink heavily after this. And this is why I hate social events. Always end up looking like an idiot...

[sblock=Aradra Stats]
Aradra Longstrider
AC: 26 (19 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 105/105
CMB: +13 CMD: 29
Fort: +9 Reflex: +14 Will: +6
Perception: +19
Initiative: +8
Current Weapon in Hand: Nothing Yet
Current Conditions in Effect: Rapid Shot/Deadly Aim/Endless Ammo (from Bow); Woodland Stride ; Evasion; Clustered Shots; Falcon's Aim (+3 Perception & 19-20 /x3)

Used Items:

Adaptation: 110/110 Minutes Remain (Darkvision, Iron Will, Skill Focus Stealth)

Level 1 Spells: Feather Step, Gravity Bow, Longstrider
Level 2 Spells: Barkskin (+3), Wind Wall
Level 3 Spells: Greater Magic Fang
Extend Rod: 3/3 per Day
Pearl of Power lvl 1: AVAILABLE
Negate Crit: 1/1
Haste: 10/10
Fly (CL 5): 1/1

[sblock=Shadow Stats]
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 101/101
CMB: +14 CMD: 27 (31 vs Trip)
Fort: +11 Reflex: +8 Will: +6 (+4 vs Enchantment Charm/Compulsion)
Perception: +16
Initiative: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: Bite (+12/5 1d8 + 16 + Trip) + d6 Shocking Amulet of Mighty Biting (De-activated)
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Evasion, Share Spells; Scent;


First Post
Anaerion takes a look around at the commotion going on behind him, his curiosity getting the better of him. However, just as soon as the fight started did it end.

"Looks like some wild elf was causing a stir, and the announcer beat the snot out of him. Not what we thought it would be"

"So, pretty normal for the event then, huh? When is the feasting going on? I can't wait for it."
says Malkovian, ignoring the fact that they have an event to go through first.

Initiative: +9 Perception: +2 (low-light vision)
AC: 13 + 4 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch ) HP: 65 Current: 65 + 19
CMB: +2 CMD: 15 Fort: +7 Reflex: +8 Will: +8
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep

Spells in Effect:
Detect Scrying: 20 hours remain
Mage Armor: 9 hours
False Life: 9 Hours (19)
Overland Flight: 9 hours

School Focus:
Shift: 20' Teleport as Dim Door. Does not Provoke AoO (9/9 remaining)
Summoner's Charm: Summoning Spells Last a total of 13 Rounds
Fast Study: Can Memorize Open Slots in 1 minute instead of 15 minutes
Dimensional Steps: 270/270 feet per day. Must be used in 5' increments
Ring Of Counter spells: Contains Enervation

Malkovian: Happy for now.
Timely Inspiration: 3/3 Immediate Action, +2 Bonus, Range 60', Immediate action
Gallant Inspiration: 1/1 Immediate Action, +2d4 Bonus, Range 60', Immediate action
Borrow Skill: 3/3 Standard Action, borrowing skill ranks (Normally Knowledge Skills)
Mage Hand: At will. Controllable by Malkovian/ Anaerion
Cure Light Wounds: 3/3 Standard Action. 1d8+5.
Bonus Boon: Anaerion does not know this power.
Bonus Boon 2: Anaerion does not know this power.
Bonus Boon 3: Anaerion does not know this power.

Spells Prepared (* denotes School Spell):
Level 0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Mending
Level 1: Mage Armor *, Comprehend Languages, Grease (DC 18), Disguise Self, Feather Fall, Ray of Enfeeblement (2 Slots)
Level 2: Stone Call *, False Life (2 slots), Invisibility, Mirror Image,See Invisibility,Create Pit (DC 19)
Level 3: Aqueous Orb (DC 20) *, Haste, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Evil, Resist Energy: Communal
Level 4: Black Tentacles *, Persistent Glitterdust (DC 18 Save Twice), Telekinetic Charge, Detect Scrying
Level 5: Wall of Stone *, Persistent Slow (DC 19 Save Twice), Overland Flight
Arcane Bond: Available
Pearl of Power level 1: 2/2

Voidrunner's Codex

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