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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Blancher's Revenge


Tyrien, Half-elven Archeress


Tyrien nodded grimly as she mentally prepared for the coming battle. “That sounds good. Thanks for that.”

She looked to Eanos and Heinrich seeing if they had further magical preparations they needed to discuss.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Tyrien e'Adrianne
Initiative: +10 Perception: +19 (low-light vision)
AC: 30 (23 flat-footed, 20 Touch)
HP: 88 Current: 88
CMB: +11 CMD: 31(23ff) Fort: +9 Reflex: +16 Will: +7
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep
Current Conditions in Effect: PBS, Precise Shot, Enhanced Arrows (+1 Dmg/+1d6 Elect), Ioun Stone illumination (in darkness), Deadly Aim (-3Att/+6dmg), Many Shot, Improved Snap Shot (15ft), Jingasa Luck (1xday, Immediate neg Critical/Sneak Attack), Combat Reflexes(8 AoO)
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow
Seeker Arrow: 1/1 Remaining
Rounds of Haste (boots): 10/10 Remaining
Fly Spell from armor: 1/1 Remaining

Bardic Performance:
5/5 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Message, Resistance, Mending, Prestidigitation, Know Direction)
1st Level 4/4 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Chord of Shards, Silent Image)
2nd Level 1/1 (Cure Moderate Wounds, Sound Burst)[/sblock][sblock=GM Note]I am sort waiting on jkason to be back with us (as I am sure he wanted some preparations) before Initiative is rolled.[/sblock]

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=ooc] I will give you an initiative now, since I will eventually need to. [roll0] [/sblock]
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First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor


[sblock=ooc]First, my apologies. Clearly my ... stuff took longer than expected to get sorted.[/sblock]

Eanos nods to his fellows' prepartory choices.

"My boots might surprise them, too," he offers, tapping the heels of his slippers to activate their magic at mention of Tyrien's flight ability. "And definitely, Heinrich, whatever you can do to give us more arrows to pepper them with, the better."

As Larissa offers to bolster Tyrien's defense, Eanos pulls a small parchment from his belt. He shakes it, and the paper crumbles, its bits carried on a whispering wind that swirls around him.

He nods to the field.

"Let's see if which of us was worth the smack we were talking, yes?"

"Protection sounds like a good idea," he agrees.

[sblock=ooc]Some of the stuff Eanos might do is measured in rounds, so I'm not sure I can get away with casting it pre-fight. Sticking with the minute stuff, instead then. I debated Death Ward, but two uses of Judgment Light might come in more handy, since we don't know if there's any energy drain in play. Weapon of Awe won't be good for Eanos because the sacred bonus won't stack, and if Tyrien's inspiring courage, the bonus from Wrath would be superflous, too, especially if each pre-buff bolsters the other side, too. I want to stick with stuff that's worth letting them have their own legup.

So, two buffs done by Eanos, both on himself:

Activate Spider Climb boots (10 minutes to use)
Cast Shield of Faith (10 minute duration)

His judgment can't activate until combat starts. Debating whether it's worth losing a full attack to cast Flames of the Faithful on his bow in the first round, but again, that'll be once combat starts since it runs in rounds.[/sblock]

Eanos Setirav

Initiative: +10
AC: 24 (27 w/ SoF, 26 w/Prot Evil) (current: 27)
HP:75 Current: 75
Senses: Perception 20 (24 scent w/ Bloodhound), Sense Motive 24/29
CMB: +8 CMD: 24 Fort: +10 (+13 w/ purity)
Reflex: +11 (+14 w/ purity)
Will: +14 (+17 w/ purity)
***-4 saves vs odor based effects w/ Bloodhound
***Purity bonus doubled vs. curses, diseases, and poisons

Conditions: Spider climb boots (10/10 minutes), Shield of Faith (+3 AC, 10/10 minutes)

In Hand: Bow

Common Attacks:

+1 Seeking Comp. Longbow (Str +1)*: Attack: +15/+10 = [BAB (07/02)
+ DEX (06) + Magic (01) + Bracers (01)]
negates miss percentage chances
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 19-20/x3^, range 110'
Spiritual Weapon (Sbow): Attack: +11/+06 = [BAB (07/02) + WIS (04)]
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 20/x3, range 170' Special: force / spell
All: +2 to hit / +2d6+2 damage when using Bane ability

* +1 to hit / damage within 30' (point blank shot),
* Deadly Aim available (-3 attack, +6 damage)
^ Crit range increased via Bracer's of Falcon's Aim
Many Shot: 1st attack of Full attack uses 2 arrows for damage on a hit.

Arrows: 40/40
Blunt Arrows: 16/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 18/18 remaining (backup still full chgs)
Disguise kit uses: 9/10 remaining
Spider Climb (boots) minutes: 10/10 remaining
Scrolls: Comp Languages x3, Lesser Restoration x2

Used: none

Judgement (2 choice per): 4/4 Remaining
Determination: 4/4 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 7/7 remaining
Bane: 10/10 rounds remaining
Discern Lies (DC 17): 10/10 rounds remaining
Dimensional Hop: 100'/100' feet remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 14): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (6/6 remaining)(DC 15): Deadeye's Lore, Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Lend Judgement, Litany of Sloth, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (5/5 remaining)(DC 16): Bloodhound, Flames of the Faithful, Ghostbane Dirge, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Weapon of Awe
3rd (4/4 remaining)(DC 17): Blessing of the Mole,* Dispel Magic, Halt Undead, Invisibility Purge, Prayer
4th (2/2 remaining)(DC 18): Death Ward, Judgment Light[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure

Words are spoken in the language of dragons as heinrich prepares himself. [cast cat's grace]

[sblock=spell use info]
tar pool - 1 round / lv, dam 10d6 + possible more
wall of force - 1 rnd / lv, 220 hp / hardness 30
detonate - 10d8 damage radiating from caster
black tenticles - 1 rd/lv; grapple damage
summon monster 4 - 1 rd / lv; medium elemental
Haste - 1 rnd/lv; multi person effect
displacement - 1 rnd/lv
levitate - 1 min/lev


[sblock=Mini Stats]Heinrich
Initiative: +2
+12 (Greater Darkvision w/ spell)
15 (13 flat-footed, 12 Touch) (better with spells)
HP: 46 Current: 46
BAB: +5 CMB: +5 CMD: 17 (15 ff)
Fort: +6 Reflex: +8 Will: +11 CONC: +21
Current Conditions in Effect:
cat's grace - 11 minutes
Current Weapon in Hand: WAND: acid arrow
Scroll: Summon Monster IV

Spells Memorized

Save DC:          
General: 15 + SL                 
Evocation: 17 + SL          
Elemental (Fire): 16 + SL             
Evoc + (Fire): 18 + SL 

0 Level              Level 01               Level 02                
* Prestidig.     * feather fall          * See invisibility 
* Disrupt Undead * Burning Hands(ev,E,*) * Scorching ray (ev,E) 
* Dancing lights * Feather Fall          * Levitate 
* acid splash    * ear pierce scream     * Resist Energy
                 * magic missile         * Warding Weapon
                 * Shield                * cat's grace
                 * Expeditious Retreat   * Scorching ray (ev,E) 
                 P magic missile         P scorching ray (ev,E)
                 P magic missile         P cat's grace
                 P Shield                P Scorching ray (ev,E) 

LEVEL 3                LEVEL 04                LEVEL 05 
* Flame Arrow (E)      * summon monster 4 (E)  * lightning arc 
* Haste                * stone skin            * Elemental body [E] 
* Dispel Magic         * dimension door        * wall of force 
* Dispel Magic         * Detonate              * Teleport 
* lightning bolt       * Blk Tentacles                       
* Displacement         P summon monster 4 (E) 
P Haste 

* Tar Pool (E)
* Chains of fire 
* form of the dragon 1                 

[B][U]Level 00[/U][/B]  
* Resistance * Acid Splash [c] * Detect Magic * Detect Poison * Read Magic * Daze * Dancing Lights 
* Flare * Light * Spark * Disrupt Undead * Touch of Fatigue * Mage Hand * Mending * Message 
* Open/Close * Arcane Mark * Prestidigitation 
[B][U]Level 01[/U][/B]
* Break * Burning Hands (E,*) * Chill Touch * comp lang * Ear piercing scream * Endure Elements (E)  
* enlarge person * expeditious retreat * Feather Fall * Identify * Jump [c] * Magic Missile 
* magic weapon * Shield * Touch of the Sea & * Touch of Gracelessness
[U][B]Level 02[/B][/U]  
* Arcane Lock  * Burning gaze (E) * Cat's grace * darkvision * Elemental Touch * Flaming Sphere (E) 
* Fox's cunning * Knock * Levitate * Resist Energy * Scorching Ray (E) * See Invisibility 
* Spectral Hand * Warding Weapon * false life
[U][B]Level 03[/B][/U]  
* Dispel magic * Displacement * Draconic Reservoir * Fire ball (**,E,ev) * Flame Arrow (E) * Haste 
* Lightning bolt (ev) * Tiny Hut * Ablative Barrier [c] * Fly  
[U][B]Level 04[/B][/U]  
* Black tentacles * darkvision, gtr * Detonate * Dimension door * scrying * stone skin 
* summ monst IV [E] 
[U][B]Level 05[/B][/U]  
* Elemental body II [e] * Feuer vyrm [fire snake] * lightning arc * Summon monster V * Teleport 
* Wall of Force 
[U][B]Level 06[/B][/U] 
* undeath to death * chains of fire * tar pool * sirocco * forceful hand * Form of the dragon I  

( - ) denotes a cast spell    
(*) cast at +1 level (trait)  
(**) cast at +2 levels (Feat) 
(E) elemental: flame school  
(ev) evocation 
(A) denotes changed to acid 
(&) takes 2 spell slots to cast 
(#) recalled via pearl of power 
(E,A) denotes 50% fire/50% acid


[sblock=GM Note]To confirm as I prep combat:
Heinrich Cat's Grace on himself
Larissa Heroism on Tyrien
Eanos Spider Climb and Shield of Faith on himself.

Any more from Heinrich or Larissa?[/sblock]


Larissa nods, but holds her casting. "I will wait until the general approaches us, or bids us approach him," she says. "It would be underhanded, but he could keep us waiting here all day to undermine our plans."

[sblock=Larissa stat block]
Initiative: +0
AC: 22 (22 flat-footed, 11 Touch)
HP: 83 Current: 83
CMB: +10 CMD: 21
Fort: +10 Reflex: +3 Will: +9 (currently wearing Cloak ofProtection)
PER Roll: +2
Move: 30’ (w/boots of Striding & Springing)
Current Weapon in Hand: Greatsword

+2 Greatsword Attack: +13/+8 = [BAB(6/1) + STR(4) + WF(1) + Magic(2)]
Damage: 2d6+8, Crit: 19-20/x2,
Special: pommel is hollow, contains scripture
Pow Att w/+2 Greatsword Attack: +11/+6 = [BAB(6/1) + STR(4) + WF(1) + Magic(2) +PA(-2)]
Damage: 2d6+14, Crit: 19-20/x2,

Spells prepared:
0 Level (4) Level 01 (4+1) Level 02 (3+1) Level 03 (1+1)
* Detect Magic * Bless * Bull's Strength * Dispel Magic
* Read Magic *Divine Favor l * Grace * D: Heroism
* Light * Detect Evil * Silence
* Guidance * Remove Fear * D: Spiritual Weapon
* D: Shield of Faith

Channeling at current level: Channel 3d6,
DC 16 =(10 + 1/2 Cleric lvl + CHA +2 for Glory) for
Undead to Save. 5x/day, Selective (skip up to 2 targets)



~ North of Venza ~

Pretty soon the parade ground cleared and the drilling soldiers were dismissed from formation. But they hung around the area forming tow lines to the east and west of the ground to watch.


You didn't have to wait long before the General approached atop a black charger, armored with barding. Both were wearing platemail. He had his lance in his left hand, but the butt resting on his stirrup and the point to the sky. He had a collection of other weapons as well.

He was accompanied by four of his champions in platemail with lances and greatswords too, but they carried longbows in hand across their saddles. Their heavy warhorses wore chain barding.

They stopped in a line a breast, waiting for something.


There in a reviewing stand with a couple of soldiers and man with a beard watch the spectacle. Eanos and Tyrien recognize one man, last seen in a bathhouse in Venza. It was none other than Blancher and he jeered across the field. "Ha! You two are about to get your due!"


A soldier steps into the middle of the parade field carrying a white flag on 4ft staff. In a parade ground voice he announced for all to hear. “If both parties come forward, we can get started soon. Once I drop the flag, the contest begins!”

[sblock=Tactical Map]
[/sblock][sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Tyrien:    88/88 HP remaining; 
Eanos:     75/75 HP remaining; 
Heinrich:  46/46 HP remaining; 
Larissa:   83/83 HP remaining;

Spells Cast: Heroism(Tyrien), Cat's Grace (Heinrich), Shield of Faith (Eanos)
Abilities Used:
   Tyrien:   Bard Perf 0/5, Seeker Arrow 0/1, Fly 0/1, Haste 0/10, Spells 1st 0/4, 2nd 0/1
   Eanos:    Bane 0/10, Deter 0/4, Judge 0/4, Dim Hop 0/100, Spells 1st 0/6, 2nd 1/5, 3rd 0/4, 4th 0/2 
   Heinrich: Fire Jet 0/9, Spells 1st 0/10, 2nd 1/10, 3rd 0/7, 4th 0/6, 5th 0/4, 6th 0/3  
   Larissa:  Chan Erg 0/5, Bat Rage 0/6, Spells 1st 0/5, 2nd 0/4, 3rd 1/2
Conditions in effect: None
[/sblock] [sblock=GM Note]You get this brief exchange to pick you starting positions within the white square.[/sblock]


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor


Eanos frowns, but doesn't respond to the goading.

"Brought one more than he said he would," Eanos notes. "Shouldn't be surprised. Noble, my pale behind."

"The horses are the first thing to deal with, I think," he whispers. "If we can tangle them up so they can't run but we can still hit them, that'd be ideal."

The archer moves off to his left, staying as far back as the field of battle currently allows. Then he nods.

"Let's do this."

[sblock=ooc]As above. Let's start Eanos at X3[/sblock]

Eanos Setirav

Initiative: +10
AC: 24 (27 w/ SoF, 26 w/Prot Evil) (current: 27)
HP:75 Current: 75
Senses: Perception 20 (24 scent w/ Bloodhound), Sense Motive 24/29
CMB: +8 CMD: 24 Fort: +10 (+13 w/ purity)
Reflex: +11 (+14 w/ purity)
Will: +14 (+17 w/ purity)
***-4 saves vs odor based effects w/ Bloodhound
***Purity bonus doubled vs. curses, diseases, and poisons

Conditions: Spider climb boots (10/10 minutes), Shield of Faith (+3 AC, 10/10 minutes)

In Hand: Bow

Common Attacks:

+1 Seeking Comp. Longbow (Str +1)*: Attack: +15/+10 = [BAB (07/02)
+ DEX (06) + Magic (01) + Bracers (01)]
negates miss percentage chances
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 19-20/x3^, range 110'
Spiritual Weapon (Sbow): Attack: +11/+06 = [BAB (07/02) + WIS (04)]
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 20/x3, range 170' Special: force / spell
All: +2 to hit / +2d6+2 damage when using Bane ability

* +1 to hit / damage within 30' (point blank shot),
* Deadly Aim available (-3 attack, +6 damage)
^ Crit range increased via Bracer's of Falcon's Aim
Many Shot: 1st attack of Full attack uses 2 arrows for damage on a hit.

Arrows: 40/40
Blunt Arrows: 16/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 18/18 remaining (backup still full chgs)
Disguise kit uses: 9/10 remaining
Spider Climb (boots) minutes: 10/10 remaining
Scrolls: Comp Languages x3, Lesser Restoration x2

Used: none

Judgement (2 choice per): 4/4 Remaining
Determination: 4/4 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 7/7 remaining
Bane: 10/10 rounds remaining
Discern Lies (DC 17): 10/10 rounds remaining
Dimensional Hop: 100'/100' feet remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 14): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (6/6 remaining)(DC 15): Deadeye's Lore, Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Lend Judgement, Litany of Sloth, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (5/5 remaining)(DC 16): Bloodhound, Flames of the Faithful, Ghostbane Dirge, Invisibility, Resist Energy, Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Weapon of Awe
3rd (4/4 remaining)(DC 17): Blessing of the Mole,* Dispel Magic, Halt Undead, Invisibility Purge, Prayer
4th (2/2 remaining)(DC 18): Death Ward, Judgment Light[/sblock]


Larissa turns to Heinrich and whispers, "I will try to goad them into surrounding me. If I can get several of them close to me, I can slip away from them and give you a chance to unleash your power."

She strides confidently forward.

Move to S9.

[sblock=Larissa stat block]
Initiative: +0
AC: 22 (22 flat-footed, 11 Touch)
HP: 83 Current: 83
CMB: +10 CMD: 21
Fort: +10 Reflex: +3 Will: +9 (currently wearing Cloak ofProtection)
PER Roll: +2
Move: 30’ (w/boots of Striding & Springing)
Current Weapon in Hand: Greatsword

+2 Greatsword Attack: +13/+8 = [BAB(6/1) + STR(4) + WF(1) + Magic(2)]
Damage: 2d6+8, Crit: 19-20/x2,
Special: pommel is hollow, contains scripture
Pow Att w/+2 Greatsword Attack: +11/+6 = [BAB(6/1) + STR(4) + WF(1) + Magic(2) +PA(-2)]
Damage: 2d6+14, Crit: 19-20/x2,

Spells prepared:
0 Level (4) Level 01 (4+1) Level 02 (3+1) Level 03 (1+1)
* Detect Magic * Bless * Bull's Strength * Dispel Magic
* Read Magic *Divine Favor l * Grace * D: Heroism
* Light * Detect Evil * Silence
* Guidance * Remove Fear * D: Spiritual Weapon
* D: Shield of Faith

Channeling at current level: Channel 3d6,
DC 16 =(10 + 1/2 Cleric lvl + CHA +2 for Glory) for
Undead to Save. 5x/day, Selective (skip up to 2 targets)


Voidrunner's Codex

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