First Post

Rhas sighs. "It weren't a misunderstanding, Mr. Hrandeth. In fact, it were sort of the opposite of a misunderstanding. If memory serves, it came about because the captain said it was nae his job to go looking after lost caravans. And what with me being a guard who's traveled some roads that were darker than they needed be on account of men like him, my temper got up and I called him a bloody chair-polisher. And he took poorly to that, accurate as it may be. But it was just words that passed between us, so I doubt we'll be met with naked blades at the gate or suchlike. The reception might be a wee bit on the frosty side, though."
[sblock=OOC]--[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Rhas Ironeyes
AC: 19 (13 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 77/77
CMB: +9 CMD: 23
Fort: +7 Reflex: +6 Will: +4
Weapons: Heavy Crossbow (+14/+9 or +12/+12/+7, 1d10+9, 19-20x3) or Dwarven Waraxe (+9, 1d10+3, 20x3)
Perception: +15
Initiative: +4
Reliable Strike: 0/1
Weapon in Hand: Heavy Crossbow (+14/+9 or +12/+12/+7, 1d10+9, 19-20x3)
Conditions in Effect: None
Used Items: