[LPF] Kaedyn's Quest


Rhas sighs. "It weren't a misunderstanding, Mr. Hrandeth. In fact, it were sort of the opposite of a misunderstanding. If memory serves, it came about because the captain said it was nae his job to go looking after lost caravans. And what with me being a guard who's traveled some roads that were darker than they needed be on account of men like him, my temper got up and I called him a bloody chair-polisher. And he took poorly to that, accurate as it may be. But it was just words that passed between us, so I doubt we'll be met with naked blades at the gate or suchlike. The reception might be a wee bit on the frosty side, though."

[sblock=OOC]--[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Rhas Ironeyes

AC: 19 (13 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 77/77
CMB: +9 CMD: 23
Fort: +7 Reflex: +6 Will: +4
Weapons: Heavy Crossbow (+14/+9 or +12/+12/+7, 1d10+9, 19-20x3) or Dwarven Waraxe (+9, 1d10+3, 20x3)

Perception: +15
Initiative: +4

Reliable Strike: 0/1

Weapon in Hand: Heavy Crossbow (+14/+9 or +12/+12/+7, 1d10+9, 19-20x3)
Conditions in Effect: None
Used Items:


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Ru Brike, human slayer

[sblock=ooc]I've not been posting much in the way of action because I didn't think there was much to post. We said we were heading back on the road, and Damaris was going to try to do some identifying once we weren't off-roading any more. Soulnova's been a bit busy, so didn't have a chance to make Spellcraft rolls due to being busy.

Though we're nearing Thornbury, we've been weighing our options, but as far as I'm aware, hadn't yet come to a consensus.

Since the keep under construction isn't on the map, but the keep is the only landmark we've got: whereabouts would that be? West, south, southeast? [/sblock]

Ru nods. "Prickly's memory's about the same as mine," Ru says. "We saw the encroaching raids as a threat to the town, and asked the commander for help. He demurred, and seemed especially annoyed that we'd even asked. Which, since we were leaving to take care of a problem that was affecting commerce in and out of his town, we didn't take especially well to."

Ru shrugs. "We probably could have tread lighter. Of course, I'd just seen two companions murdered not a day before, and the rest of us only managed to escape by the skin of our teeth, so I can't say I was feeling especially politic. It is what is, though. And as she says, Princess didn't utter an unkind word, so we'll hope that, between her silver tongue and your witnessing to our epic heroism--" the southerner's wry grin makes it clear he's well aware of the self-inflation he's engaged in--"We'll not have trouble booking rooms, at least."

Ru points toward the keep. "Though maybe we circumvent the obvious military installation as our first stop. I remember an inn. Let's see if we can't manage to find safe harbor there. We can check in on the survivor of the other raid while we're at it. We did send Shadow back ahead of us. Maybe he smoothed things out already."

Deciding a reduced theat is probably best, Ru sheathes his weapons as he moves to lead the wagon and the others into Thornbury. At the first sign of negative reaction, he'll fall back and defer to Damaris and Hrandeth

~ Day 15, 18:00 - Arriving Thornbury ~


Hrandeth took in the explanations and shrugged, "I can only do so much. Like I said before, we only stopped on through this little hamlet."

"I would expect you might have to apologize if you insulted someone. Only the polite thing to do. Even if they only think they were insulted and you did not mean to do it, it is still the same."

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Ru:        57/62 HP remaining; 
Damaris:   38/47 HP remaining; 
Rhas:      77/77 HP remaining; 
Umthirn:   54/62 HP remaining; 
Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used:
  Ru: Studied Target 2/2
  Damaris: Bard Perf 14/14; Spells 1st 3/5, 2nd 0/4; SLA 1/1
  Umthirn: Stun Fist 6/6
Conditions in effect: None
[/sblock] [sblock=GM Note]The exact location of the keep under construction is not real important. Call it overlooking the town to the West.[/sblock]

[sblock] Can't post a lot. Damaris will talk with the Captain or whoever we find, apologize (if needed) and explain the situation with Hrandeth's help.

Diplomacy 1d20+12=31 (add +1 vs males).

She wants to make sure we can stay the night here to rest and prepare for our trip back to the city [/sblock]

"Aye, well, let's get on with it then," grumbles Umthirn. "Let's head for the inn. If'n the guard captain wants ta intervene, we'll see what he has ta say."


Rhas snorts. "Oh, I meant it. But if you need me to, I c'n probably manage a humble word or two of apology." He hawks and spits over the side of the wagon before adding, "O' course, I won't mean it."

[sblock=OOC]--[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Rhas Ironeyes

AC: 19 (13 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 77/77
CMB: +9 CMD: 23
Fort: +7 Reflex: +6 Will: +4
Weapons: Heavy Crossbow (+14/+9 or +12/+12/+7, 1d10+9, 19-20x3) or Dwarven Waraxe (+9, 1d10+3, 20x3)

Perception: +15
Initiative: +4

Reliable Strike: 0/1

Weapon in Hand: Heavy Crossbow (+14/+9 or +12/+12/+7, 1d10+9, 19-20x3)
Conditions in Effect: None
Used Items:


GM: Jumped forward to get to the very end as I work on the final numbers

~ Back in Venza ~

You entered Thornbury, unobtrusively making your way to the center of the town and the inn. Damaris and Handreth managed to secure lodging and stabling, albeit at double the normal rate and only after a few apologies. The taproom was open, but the innkeeper (also the hamlet’s Council Headman) refused to serve any alcohol, lest you get out of hand and insulting again. Overall, the stay was not pleasant but you were not run off either. The Captain never made an appearance.

You journey resumed the next morning and you followed the Trade Road to the south. The trip to Venza took longer with the wagon, because you could not take the same forest trails. But a few extra days meant you could stop along the way at some small villages to spend the night at inns instead of camping out. You were able to sell off some of the bulkiest equipment taken from the dead gnolls and allow some to ride the wagon during the trip. By taking short shifts of resting times, you extended the hours of daily travel to 12 and made up the time to Venza despite taking a longer route.


Upon reaching the City of Glass, you parted ways with the gnome merchant and received your reward. For minimal percentage, he offered to broker the sale of the trade goods you recovered as well. You made your way to the Chapter House of Helerion to deliver the artifact. You were shown into the late Father Kedric’s old office and were met by the harried paladin Sir Kaedyn.


“Welcome back. What news do you bring?”

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Ru:        62/62 HP remaining; 
Damaris:   47/47 HP remaining; 
Rhas:      77/77 HP remaining; 
Umthirn:   62/62 HP remaining; 
Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used:
  Ru: Studied Target 0/2
  Damaris: Bard Perf 0/14; Spells 1st 0/5, 2nd 0/4; SLA 0/1
  Umthirn: Stun Fist 0/6
Conditions in effect: None

"The good news is: Narissa is dead," Ru says as the paladin asks for a report. His usually cocky demeanor dulls, however, as he continues.

"That victory, however, cost us two of our own, as well as your wizard friend, I'm afraid."

Before Kaedyn can despair at the wizard's loss, Ru presents the artifact box the party recovered.

" Our new dwarven friends were good enough to join the cause, though, which is how we lived long enough to recover this."

~ Back in Venza ~


Kaedyn looked sad, nodding solemnly at the news of the fallen. “May they rest in peace, and hopefully we can honor their sacrifice by continuing to thwart evil.”

He looked at the artifact for a few moments. He was no wizard and shrugged. “I shall have to see if someone cannot learn of its properties so we might use it in this war we wage.”

“I thank you for aid. My Chapter House has begun recovering, but I could have need of your services again in the near future. I shall send word to the Dunn Wright Inn.”

Your job completed, you received further payment and took your leave of the paladin.

[sblock=Final numbers]Here you go:
Ru gained 19567XP & 7887.75gp+13507TBG=21394.75gp (Includes 2 DMC)
Damaris gained 21283XP & 6867.75gp+15920TBG=22787.75gp
Rhas gained 17012XP & 5405.75gp+11183TBG=16588.75gp
Umthirn gained 8726XP & 2042.25gp+6720TBG=8762.25gp
Mfloyd gained 8286XP & earned 3363.5gp+4463TBG=7826.5gp

[MENTION=6666968]Satin Knights[/MENTION], please take a look. I uploaded the screen shots of the 4 Excel Spreadsheets I used. [/sblock]


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OOC: Thanks for the adventure, PM. Can we get a list of treasure, too? I don't think we ever figured out that breastplate that Rhas took.

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