[LPF] Kaedyn's Quest


First Post
Ru nods at Umthirn's request.

"We can hope that taking care of their raider problem might win us some points, but given how spiky the captain was when we left, we can use all the help we can get."

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First Post

Rhas mutters something rude and dwarvish under his breath. "Go on or don't, as you will, an' I'll keep me trap shut around the captain ... for now."

[sblock=OOC]--[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Rhas Ironeyes

AC: 19 (13 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 77/77
CMB: +9 CMD: 23
Fort: +7 Reflex: +6 Will: +4
Weapons: Heavy Crossbow (+14/+9 or +12/+12/+7, 1d10+9, 19-20x3) or Dwarven Waraxe (+9, 1d10+3, 20x3)

Perception: +15
Initiative: +4

Reliable Strike: 0/1

Weapon in Hand: Heavy Crossbow (+14/+9 or +12/+12/+7, 1d10+9, 19-20x3)
Conditions in Effect: None
Used Items:



~ Day 15, 18:00 - Arriving Thornbury ~


Hrandeth shook his head sadly, "Sorry, I don't really know anyone in the village. I mostly passed through and did only minimal business with the locals. My spices are too expensive for them to buy."

"I never even met the constable or guard captain. I met the tavern keeper and staff a few times, but mostly to just order a hot meal. We did not even spend the night very often."

"Surely it cannot be all that bad, can it? What happened?"
The gnome glanced over at the gruff dwarven crossbowman who just proclaimed he had to keep his mouth shut.

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Ru:        57/62 HP remaining; 
Damaris:   38/47 HP remaining; 
Rhas:      77/77 HP remaining; 
Umthirn:   54/62 HP remaining; 
Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used:
  Ru: Studied Target 2/2
  Damaris: Bard Perf 14/14; Spells 1st 3/5, 2nd 0/4; SLA 1/1
  Umthirn: Stun Fist 6/6
Conditions in effect: None


First Post
"Maybe we just say that Rhas is as skilled a deadshot with his words when he's angry as he is with his crossbow. I can't imagine we won't be able to sleep over, especially since we managed to take out their bandit problem, but I don't exactly expect a hero's welcome, either."


[sblock] Sorry I haven't been around. Work has kept me from checking. :| [/sblock]

"Uhm.... They weren't as angry with me... perhaps Hrandeth and I can go ahead first to try to explain the situation? At least to rest for the night and then be on our way? I still wouldn't risk you guys walking in.... People out here, they can be very sensitive." Damaris shakes her head remembering her own little backwater village "I fear it's might be too early for their wounded pride to have healed"


~ Day 15, 18:00 - Arriving Thornbury ~


Hrandeth looked around at Damaris and was puzzled. “Just what happened then? If you want me to help, you probably should tell me what’s going on.”

“If it is all a misunderstanding, surely you can explain, yes? You all make it sound like you are bandits or wanted criminals.”

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Ru:        57/62 HP remaining; 
Damaris:   38/47 HP remaining; 
Rhas:      77/77 HP remaining; 
Umthirn:   54/62 HP remaining; 
Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used:
  Ru: Studied Target 2/2
  Damaris: Bard Perf 14/14; Spells 1st 3/5, 2nd 0/4; SLA 1/1
  Umthirn: Stun Fist 6/6
Conditions in effect: None


"I guess you are right" Damaris sighs and looked at the wagon "Then, what if we approach and let's try to explain what happened back there. I would greatly appreciate your assistance as a witness, Mr.Hrandeth"

If the others do not complain, Damaris would like to walk ahead of the wagon when they enter the town to make use of her Diplomacy skills as soon as they encounter any problem.


~ Day 15, 18:00 - Arriving Thornbury ~


Hrandeth was still confused, "Sure, I am happy to be right. Not sure what I am right about though." he added with a muttered whisper.

The gnome continued, not objecting to Damaris leading the way, "I still don't understand what the problem is. I can be a witness to what you did at the gnolls' fort, at least in describing the results since I did not actually see you do it. But why would they not believe you? Was this captain there earlier in the fighting?"

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Ru:        57/62 HP remaining; 
Damaris:   38/47 HP remaining; 
Rhas:      77/77 HP remaining; 
Umthirn:   54/62 HP remaining; 
Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used:
  Ru: Studied Target 2/2
  Damaris: Bard Perf 14/14; Spells 1st 3/5, 2nd 0/4; SLA 1/1
  Umthirn: Stun Fist 6/6
Conditions in effect: None
[/sblock] [sblock=GM Note]While you are RPing, it would help to move things forward if you actually posted taking actions to. Otherwise you don't go or do anything. There is actually a map of Thornbury in the 1st post of this thread. The keep they are constructing is not on it though.[/sblock]


She clears her throat "Well, they might have openly offended the Captain of the village (against my better judgement). He warned us to leave and not to return" Damaris explains and sighs. "People in these kind of places have long memories if they believe they were insulted."

Voidrunner's Codex

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