[LPF] Kaedyn's Quest

"I'm hoping we've got gnomington's stuff here, since it took us so long to find this passage in the first place," Ru says as Umthirn goes to collec the former prisoner. He joins the others in taking a sweep, and collecting their loot near the door for transport.

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~ Day 15, 13:58 - Miles North of Thornbury ~

You succeed in gathering up the weapons and gear from the dead outsiders. Moving the recovered loot from the various caravans takes a little time; the bolts of cloth and ingots were heavy and needed to be stacked again in the main chamber.

Umthirn went up the stone stairs to the scene of the battle with the teiflings. Their corpses splayed where they died, and their weapons and gear were untouched.


The gnome was a mixture of curiosity and concern as he waited for news of the battle. It had been over for a few minutes and the echoing sounds had not sounded comforting. When it all went silent, he was fretting over things for a few minutes before the dwarven brawler retrieved him.

Hrandeth followed Umthirn back down into the lair and he immediately went to the two small wooden chests. "Ah, there they are! Let us hope the buggers did not muck up the contents."

He opened a chest and a pleasant smell emanated from it, bringing to mind some of the better meals you have had. Half a dozen tightly sealed oilcloth bags were inside. Undoing the leather binding on the neck of one revealed an inner bag. The gnome pulled it out and checked the contents, a fine powder. With the bag open, the pleasant smell was much stronger.

The gnome sealed the bag shut and put it back into the oilcloth bag again. "Good, good. I don't think they disturbed and spoiled the spices."

He continued inspecting the bags of the chest.

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Ru:        29/62 HP remaining; 
Damaris:   38/47 HP remaining; 
Rhas:      26/66 HP remaining; 
Umthirn:   30/62 HP remaining; 
Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used:
  Ru: Studied Target 2/2
  Damaris: Bard Perf 14/14; Spells 1st 3/5, 2nd 0/4; SLA 1/1
  Umthirn: Stun Fist 6/6
Conditions in effect: Message, Mage Armor (Umthirn), Demon's Bane (Ru, Umthirn)

Umthirn returns and helps with the stacking, then proffers a wand to Damaris. "If ya' could, lass," he asks.

After the bard has healed him, he makes his way back up the stone steps to the other room and sets about gathering the Tiefling gear. "Have a look at this, Miss Damaris," he says, returning to the room and dropping a large pile of the fiends' gear on the floor.

Healing: Umthirn's healing (with his Wand of CLW) (1d8+1=3, 1d8+1=3, 1d8+1=4)
Umthirn's healing (with his Wand of CLW) (1d8+1=3, 1d8+1=5, 1d8+1=6)

Puts him at 54, which is good enough for now.

Umthirn gathers the Tiefling gear and brings it back in for Damaris to check out.


"Well, that's a relief, at least," Ru says as Hrandeth confirms his goods are here and intact. "I think all that's left now, after Princess takes a look at the loot from the hall, is to get this stuff onto the wagons out front and get back to Venza."

~ Day 15, 13:58 - Miles North of Thornbury ~

The gear and equipment from the other three teiflings was no different from that of the 4th that died when you defeated the githyanki. None of it had magical auras.

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Ru:        29/62 HP remaining; 
Damaris:   38/47 HP remaining; 
Rhas:      26/66 HP remaining; 
Umthirn:   54/62 HP remaining; 
Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used:
  Ru: Studied Target 2/2
  Damaris: Bard Perf 14/14; Spells 1st 3/5, 2nd 0/4; SLA 1/1
  Umthirn: Stun Fist 6/6
Conditions in effect: Message, Mage Armor (Umthirn), Demon's Bane (Ru, Umthirn)
[/sblock] [sblock=Additional Treasure]3 Chain shirts (300gp), 3 short swords (30gp), 3 Lt Crossbows & 20 bolts (111gp), 6 daggers (12gp), 12gp[/sblock]
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Ru nods at the assessment, and gathers up some of the gear.

"Okay, time to get this stuff loaded and get out of here, then. Kaedyn's got to be on the edge of his seat at this point worried about his whosamawhatsis," the southerner says. He matches deed to word and begins moving their plunder to the wagon the group had previously begun preparing before they discovered the hidden passage.


Rhas nods. "Let's move out of here and back to town. If one of you doesn't mind minding the reins, I'll keep a watch on the sky and the sides of the road."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Rhas Ironeyes

AC: 19+4 (13+2 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 14/66
CMB: +8 CMD: 22
Fort: +7 Reflex: +6 Will: +4
Weapons: Heavy Crossbow (+12/+7 or +10/+10/+5, 1d10+6, 19-20x3) or Dwarven Waraxe (+8, 1d10+3, 20x3)

Perception: +13
Initiative: +4

Reliable Strike: 0/1

Weapon in Hand: Heavy Crossbow (+12/+7 or +10/+10/+5, 1d10+6, 19-20x3)
Conditions in Effect: None
Used Items:


~ Day 15, 14:20 - Miles North of Thornbury ~

Leaving the magical items unidentified, you gathered them up with all the rest of the belongings and started transporting them to the wagons outside. It was a time consuming process and took multiple trips. While outside in the fort’s courtyard, you did have any interruptions from unwanted visitors or guests.


Hrandeth was pleased as his spices were recovered. His promise of a reward sounded genuine, “I thank you. Once we reach Venza and I can talk with my Factor, I can arrange payment of 500 gold coins for your reward.”

By packing efficiently, you managed to load all the looted gear and recovered goods stolen from caravans onto one wagon. The gnome ensured his two chests of spices were secured and carefully placed where they would not be in danger of falling off or damaged by other items on the wagon.

Hrandeth offered, “If needed, I can drive the wagon. I have acquired a mite of experience doing so in my time.”

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Ru:        29/62 HP remaining; 
Damaris:   38/47 HP remaining; 
Rhas:      26/66 HP remaining; 
Umthirn:   54/62 HP remaining; 
Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used:
  Ru: Studied Target 2/2
  Damaris: Bard Perf 14/14; Spells 1st 3/5, 2nd 0/4; SLA 1/1
  Umthirn: Stun Fist 6/6
Conditions in effect: Message, Mage Armor (Umthirn), Demon's Bane (Ru, Umthirn)
[/sblock] [sblock=GM Note]Since I have no reason to end this before GE wraps up Lost Imperium, I might toss in another encounter before you return to Venza, particularly if it brings foreshadowing or a plothook for the follow-on adventure to this series. I am still mulling over the details for the next installment in this series so I cannot say for sure.

In any case, please finish up the leveling and be prepared.[/sblock]

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