Audra spends the first hour around dawn with only the wind and the water as her companions. The rising sun slowly brings with it the beginning of the day's activity, however, and as she continues her meditation, she hears the sounds of what is undoubtedly Captain Renlow and Nevilantura beginning their daily chores. Still, the pair do not disturb her, and she continues her practice until some semblance of peace has settled over her.
At some point later on in the day, Nevil approaches her tentatively to ask, "Is you alright, Miss Audra? Was up early!" he says with a friendly smile, although the concern lying behind it is clear.
The coming days pass without a repeat of the card's activity: Audra pulls it out and inspects it from time to time, but it seems as mundane as ever. While her sleep cannot be described as the best, it is at least not further interrupted by magically-augmented dreams. The days otherwise pass without any excitement, save for hitting another patch of river shrimp.
After a little over a week, Captain Renlow addresses the group one morning at the tale end of their breakfast. "Just wanted ter give you lot a head's up. Today we'll be takin' a bit of a shortcut down to the Starwater River. Madam Elenka, you'll know what I'm talkin' about," he nods to the redheaded summoner. "Our hostess for the trip is a bit of a seductress type, not to mention capricious, so when I give the word, those of you at risk of the wiles of a woman would do well to keep yer distance."
"Yay! Today we's is seeing Pretty Lady?"
"That goes especially fer you, Nevil."
A few hours later, the ship begins approaching a bend in the river. Captain Renlow fishes a small bird-shaped charm out of his pocket, winking at the others. "One of the perks of workin' for Phedilo - that fella seems to have an endless supply o' these things." The dwarven riverboat captain leans down and whispers something to the charm, and the item comes to life. "Allebasi," he tells it. The creature takes off, heading towards the bend.
"So like I said, folks - let's keep yer distance."
As the group rounds the bend, a collection of fallen trees and assorted debris comes into view. Although the captain's deckhand remains silent, his eyes widen in excitement at the sight. Phineas begins to make his way to the front of the deck.
"My good captain!" calls out a flirtatious female voice. An unnatural surge of water makes its way suddenly over the edge of the ship, its recession revealing the presence of a beautiful, semi-nude woman lounging on the railing. "It's good to see you again," she purrs.
Renlow chuckles. "Hello, Allebasi."
[sblock=Know. Nature DC 20]You recognize this human-looking woman as a nereid, a powerful fey with dangerous seductive powers. [sblock=Know. Nature DC 25]Those who have fallen victom to a nereid's charms will obey virtually any of her commands, including her request for a final, deadly kiss.[/sblock][/sblock]