[LPF] Ties that Bind


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Ferick's attention is drawn to Drev for what is apparently the first time when Elenka requests some milk for the wood-creature. After a good long pause, he says, "All sorts, indeed, but I have ta say - I ain't neveh seen one such as yer mate, there. But ye folks seem nice, so..." Unable to find the words he was hoping to, Ferick ends his sentence with a shrug and begins to gather their drinks.

"As fer gossips - it's a city a' bloody gnomes! And if yer know gnomes, ye knows they loik to talk. So just pick a bloke and strike up a conversation,"
he chuckles. He listens to Elenka as she gets more specific. "Might indeed, if'n's 'e 'ad any sense a' good taste, anyways. Wot's the fellas name?"

[sblock=OOC]Elenka's check + Eanos' Aid Another succeeded.[/sblock]

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[sblock=ooc]Apologies, but as I went to roll again, I realized: Diplomacy for Gather Info is a single check, though it covers a span of time (1d4 hours). This should normally mean that Eanos would only burn 1 use of Silver-Tongued haggler, since it's a single check.

With that part of the skill being modified for the skill challenge, does Eanos have to burn a daily use for each roll, or does one cover the duration of the challenge? He can use it 6 times a day, and since finding Alecks is their primary goal, I wouldn't imagine he'd be stingy in using it to achieve that end, but I wanted to confirm before continuing.[/sblock]

Artur Hawkwing

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[sblock=OOC]Sorry for the lag folks, between work, looking for somewhere to live, somewhere to work so I can afford somewhere to live and sleeping and eating, time has been a bit tight of late.[/sblock]

Audra is guided forward by Elenka and takes a moment to remember from her recent 'dreams' how Alecks appeared. With that, she is able to give a general description of him, height, approximate body size, eye color, details that might distinguish him in the mind of an attentive person.


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[sblock=OOC]Don't worry about it, Artur; hope the RL stuff goes as smoothly as possible.

jkason - I would say that Eanos has to burn a daily use with each roll in order to apply the bonus to that roll. Given that the ability's description mentions it applying to one roll, I'm not keen on the idea of having it apply to multiple ones.

If it helps any: the in-game time span over which this challenge will take place is not fixed, but I had imagined it playing out over multiple days and even multiple locations. The way I see it is, you'll get enough information in Warden's Watch to pick up the trail, and will have to continue searching as you travel. With that in mind, let's limit the checks made in Warden's Watch to 2 or 3 more (not counting Aid Another). Also, Diplomacy is obviously the go-to, but you'll need to make use of other skills to fully complete the challenge.

Sorry if all this is a bit vague. I had drawn up the mechanics, but as usual for me, I've already started to change things on the fly, both to better accommodate the breadth of the scenes I had in mind and this group's especially pumped Diplomacy modifiers. :D

So, given that you've already made a successful check with Ferick, feel free to save your Diplomacy rolls for someone else.[/sblock]


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Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

jkason - I would say that Eanos has to burn a daily use with each roll in order to apply the bonus to that roll. Given that the ability's description mentions it applying to one roll, I'm not keen on the idea of having it apply to multiple ones.


So, given that you've already made a successful check with Ferick, feel free to save your Diplomacy rolls for someone else.[/sblock]

No worries, and I think I'm getting a better handle on what we're doing. I was concerned that we were going to have to make Diplomacy checks for each back and forth with a character, but it sounds like what we're doing is kind of a hybrid of the Gather Info and Change Attitude/Make Request elements of the skill, which is probably much more manageable from a resource perspective.[/sblock]

"Goes by the name of Alecks," Eanos says, then nods his head in the direction of Audra. "Not yet had the pleasure of his company, myself, but might be a family resemblance to that one. If it runs in the family, might be he'd have been sopping wet," he finishes with a wry smile to the monk.

[sblock=mini stats]Eanos Setirav
Initiative: +6
AC: 17 (19 w/ SoF)
HP: 29 Current: 29
CMB: +4 CMD: 17 Fort: +5 Reflex: +5 Will: +8

Conditions: Wet

In Hand: None

Arrows: 33/33
Blunt Arrows: 20/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 31/50 remaining (second wand full)

Judgement: 2/2 Remaining Determination: 2/2 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 5/6 remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (4/4 remaining)(DC 14): Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (2/2 remaining)(DC 15): Silence, Weapon of Awe[/sblock]


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Ferick strokes his beard as he attempts to recollect. "Hmm, ye say he was passin' through, eh? Well, dependin' on 'ow he was trav'lin', 'e might 'ave needed a horse. If so, there ain't a foiner rearer a' horses than me brother, Gohred Stonehelm, so ye might want ter check with him." Grinning, he adds with a wink, "Having all this ale on hand means that my senses aren't always the sharpest, if yer know wot I mean." Switching to a frown, he adds, a bit confused, "But I certainly wudda remembered a drenched fella comin' in through 'ese doors..."

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Audra blinks and looks down, as if expecting to find her clothing again plastered against her person. She looks a bit relieved and sighs. She looks around at the patrons gathered around, as if looking for one to pick out as a candidate when the horses are mentioned. She tilts her head, listening, the her eyebrows go up.

Ale. That sound rather good right now. Let me have one. Strongest thing you have.

She gives a look to Fulgrim as if to see if her new found drinking partner might be game.


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Eanos nods at the dwarf's information.

"Appreciate the tip, mind if we name drop you to your kin?" Eanos asks before he joins the others for a drink and to plan their next move.

[sblock=mini stats]Eanos Setirav
Initiative: +6
AC: 17 (19 w/ SoF)
HP: 29 Current: 29
CMB: +4 CMD: 17 Fort: +5 Reflex: +5 Will: +8

Conditions: Wet

In Hand: None

Arrows: 33/33
Blunt Arrows: 20/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 31/50 remaining (second wand full)

Judgement: 2/2 Remaining Determination: 2/2 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 5/6 remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (4/4 remaining)(DC 14): Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (2/2 remaining)(DC 15): Silence, Weapon of Awe[/sblock]


First Post
"That's the spirit, lass!" says Ferick, retrieving a mug to fetch Audra her ale.

"Feel free to tell Gohred I sentcha, though be warned, it might do yer more harm than good," he chuckles, sliding a mug filled with a thick dark liquid bordering on sludge. "I jest, a'course - we Stonehelms stick together. A lot of us have traveled from our home in the Seithrs down into the lower lands, to see a little a' the world and to start our own businesses. We weren't much for workin' our way up the traditional dwarven social ladder," he says with a wink. Staring at Audra's ale, he adds, "Though there certainly are some things 'bout home to be missed." Shaking himself out of his revelry, he adds, "Anyway, just let me know when ye'd like to seek out Gohred and I'll give ye directions."


Fulgrim smiles and nods to Audra as he replies. "I'da be happy to drink wit ye." Fulgrim seems eager to have a partner to drink with as the others ply the bartender for information.

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