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Well, if you can post me stats for a dire raccoon, I'll be sure to make something out of them. Werecamel? No, just a bit too weird, even for me. Wereowl? No, too similar to the were-eagle. I was thinking that a weredino could be in place... let me think on this for a while, okay? :)


First Post
Right, now all the two of you who are actually reading my thread have a choice between two lycanthropes that I might post.
1) Wereraptor, or
2) Wereape
Whaddaya think, which should it be? (I'll probably post them both once I've enough time)
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A Two-Headed Fire Breahting Dire Ape... What?
Actually I prefer if he made the wereraptor, a wereape is just pointless, it will only make the infected person hairier...

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