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MAGIC Domain is Broken!

You are Sorcerer? You do know that you can use scrolls as a Sorcerer, don`t you?
And your "pseudo" wizard levels from Magic Domain won`t stack with those from the sorcerer...
But anyway, I wouldn`t worry about it.
Wands are the best "spell storing" devices...
Be sure to get a Quiver of Elhonna or Heward`s Handy Haversack, so you can put the wands somewhere. :)

(Hahaha.. A Wand of Cure Light, a Wand of Magic Missile, a Wand of Shield, a Wand of True Strike - and these are only the first level wands...)

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Hypersmurf said:

Well, the only place in the PHB that really talks about scrolls - p126 - says "Activating a spell completion item - such as a scroll - is the equivalent of casting a spell".

Other than that, you need to go to the DMG to find out any information about scrolls.

Spell has to be of the correct type, arcane or divine? THat's in the DMG.
Spell must be on your class list? That's in the DMG.
User must have the requisite ability score? That's in the DMG.

It's not spelled out in the PHB. It's hardly even alluded to in the PHB. But you knew that you couldn't normally use a wizard scroll as a cleric, right? That's not in the PHB.

In general, all the rules about any magic items are in the DMG.

Using a wand? If you know the rule - that you can only use a wand if the spell is on your class list - then the Use Magic Device description makes sense. But it's not in the PHB.

You can't complain that one rule about scrolls wasn't in the PHB, because none of the rules about any magic items are in the PHB... except peripherally, when they relate to something that is.

-Hyp. [/B]

You know, after sleeping on the matter, I realized that your post only strengthens my point! :D

You've pretty much proven that there is no way I could have known about this scroll thing by using the PHB alone. Like you say, I could not have known about any magic items, much less scrolls. So there you have it. My excuse for being in the dark about this Magic domain scroll thing: No magic item usage is covered in detail in the PHB, period. ;)
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Mustrum_Ridcully said:
You are Sorcerer? You do know that you can use scrolls as a Sorcerer, don`t you?
And your "pseudo" wizard levels from Magic Domain won`t stack with those from the sorcerer...
But anyway, I wouldn`t worry about it.
Wands are the best "spell storing" devices...
Be sure to get a Quiver of Elhonna or Heward`s Handy Haversack, so you can put the wands somewhere. :)

(Hahaha.. A Wand of Cure Light, a Wand of Magic Missile, a Wand of Shield, a Wand of True Strike - and these are only the first level wands...)

Damn, how cool is all that???? Very. :D

Yes, I know that as a Sorcerer could use scrolls already. But as I am planning on going up as a cleric for a while, not sorcerer, the Magic Domain's Wizard level stacking in regards to scrolls was something I was looking forward to. After a while a Sorcerer1 was gonna start having problems with high level spells on scrolls.

And about the "Wizard" levels stacking with the Sorcerer level...this was just a dream of mine that I am hoping my DM will share. I am hoping my 13 page background story continues to give me brownie points from him! ;)

I should mention here that in our campaign it seems like scrolls are MUCH easier to come by and find. I already have a ton of arcane scrolls found in dungeons and such, and have only found ONE wand...an Entangle wand! Couldn't use it. I sold it to the Druid in the party and he loves the thing.

However, good news, we are currently on our way to Waterdeep for some serious shopping! Anyone know a way the DM can honestly determine what kind of magical goodies would just happen to sitting on the store shelves there? I hope the "Magical item availablity in towns" rules are clearly laid out in the DMG or somethere, otherwise our DM may just say the Waterdeep shops only have...yup...you guessed it...SCROLLS! ;)
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First Post
If you plan on taking many levels of an arcane casting class, wizard would have been A LOT better than sorcerer.

Especially since you could use your Int for bonus spells and for using scrolls as a cleric, in addition to getting more skill points.

Getting the next level of spells one level slower when you are multiclassing means getting them at least 2 levels later. An 8th level character casting level 2 spells isn't exaclty powerful.

--Anti-Sorc Spikey

Hmm. Okay. That is a difficulty, I see.
But as far as I understood the FR Setting, it is full of magic. We don`t have to ask if whe can get an item, we only have to pay the price... :)

(But on the other hand: My Bard had Diplomacy 20, in another group we have a paladin and a bard, and in still another we have... hmm. no one?)


First Post
You don't have to amend anything to the magic domain. This is a little tricky, but trust me, it works. You can use scrolls as a wizard. A wizard can cast spells off of scrolls if 1) it's an arcane scroll 2) the spell is on his possible spell list 3) he has the right attribute score. If he matches these and the level, the scroll just works. If he matches these and is not high enough level, he has to make a caster level check. Note that it says nothing about Int being the only possible attribute. If the scroll was fashioned by a sorceror, the attribute that must be matched is Charisma, even if you are a wizard.


SpikeyFreak said:
Getting the next level of spells one level slower when you are multiclassing means getting them at least 2 levels later. An 8th level character casting level 2 spells isn't exaclty powerful.
--Anti-Sorc Spikey

Yes, but as an 8th level character I will also be casting 4th level cleric spells along with those 2nd level Wizard spells by then. Not too shabby.

BTW, I grabbed a level of sorcerer and not wizard because, among a lot of other reasons, I did not want to worry about spellbooks and all that nonsense. My cleric side doesn't bother with all that stuff, and neither does my arcane side. I travel light. :)
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If the scroll was fashioned by a sorceror, the attribute that must be matched is Charisma, even if you are a wizard.


The class of the character scribing the scroll determines whether it's arcane or divine. That's it.

Casting requires the attribute of your own class - note that it says "Intelligence 15 for a wizard casting a 5th level spell", not "15 Intelligence for casting a 5th level spell from a scroll scribed by a wizard".


War Golem

First Post
Zhure said:
Not only is Identify free, but you also rock using the Anyspell combos from the Spell domain.

A cleric of Magic and Spells is almost a better wizard than a wizard, as they don't need a spellbook and get d8 for hit points, plus turning + cleric spells + spontaneous cures.


Hi Greg,

I don't think this is correct. I believe the Anyspell description specifically states that the cleric can prepare 1 arcane spell of either 1st or 2nd level from a written source (e.g., a spellbook or a scroll). If the cleric prepares the spell from a scroll, the spell is lost from that scroll, just as if the spell had been cast off the scroll. When prepared from a spellbook, the original written spell remains.
Unless you carry around an abundance of low-level scrolls, a spellbook will be necessary. My aasimar paladin/cleric of Mystra fully intends to make full use of "borrowing" privilages with the party mage's spellbook.

Voidrunner's Codex

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