D&D General Making sure everyone can play D&D

This is a thread dedicated to making sure everyone can play D&D.
Here we can brainstorm how to remove barriers or other factors that prevent people from playing D&D.
How can support people so that they can join the D&D world?

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
In my opinion, be the change you want to see!

If you have experience running games, see if there is a need for running games for others in your local community. Libraries, schools, etc., are often interested in having gaming groups, but need someone to DM for them.

I ran games for teens to introduce them to it, and as they learned to love the game, they moved on to run their own games. Rinse, repeat.

It's easy to talk about things that may never be done. Go out and do something. Trust me on this- it feels great to see people fall in love with D&D.

Theory of Games

Storied Gamist
With play-by-post and the evolution of VTTs, we can find games anywhere we have access to the web. If a gamer doesn't like online gaming, they have created their own barrier, IMO.

The Soloist

With the free 5e basic PDF and YouTube channels to show how to play, I would say the barrier to entry into the game has never been lower. All you need is one set of dice for the group and a volunteer to be DM. No experience is necessary.

Voidrunner's Codex

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