Malvoisin's Savage Tide, Act 1 - There Is No Honor

covaithe said:
"You need help bustin' outta here?" he says eagerly.
The old man looks at the larger one as if he was the mad one. "Ya be daft, Cold One. That Vanderboen bit be hir'n me to do 'er dirty work. But if you be find'n us so easily, tha' be mak'n our ruse a bit more diff'cult." Col looks at Eyvi with a cunning look in his eye. "Aye, but maybe we be us'n it to our advantage."

The old man begins making his way loudly through the house, not particularly caring about it. Eventually, he makes it to where the dandies are doing their soaking.

"We be need'n t'be a'chang'n our plan. I be need'n some torches an' some of yar old clothes." The man grins devishly.

"I need t'be kill'n us."

[sblock=OOC]Col will outline is "cunn'n" plan. As people know the group was looking for them, he needs to put up some diversion to make sure they appear dead. So... suss up some of the zombie corpses to look like us with our clothes, but mangle, main and burn said bodies to be unrecognizable beyond said (torn and mangled) clothes. Leave some identifying paperwork on one of them to make it look like us and then let the bodies float. Have Eyvi or Lavinia identify them when they wash up. The only issue is that Kalen and Chongo may spoil it if something happens to them... so lets just do corpses of us, the fool them into thinking only those two survived. Plan?[/sblock]

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Bael sighs as he hears the approaching noise of what can only be Mad Col. Opening his keen elven eyes from his relaxation, he turns them on the door, and watches as Col bursts in.

His eyes narrow and flick to where his dagger rests nearby as he spies the newcomer behind his companion. But, trusting to Col's judgement, he doesn't move.

As Col outlines his cunning plan, Bael nods thoughtfully and relaxes a little as he realises that Col must trust the newcomer. "When do we need to do this?" he asks of the archivist.

"And when are you going to introduce your friend?"

Legildur said:
"When do we need to do this?" he asks of the archivist.

"And when are you going to introduce your friend?"
"Feh. Be giv'n me and Eyvi yer clothes now, and he can be row'n me out thar tonight. Can even be us'n the dock har once Eyvi be gett'n us a boat. Best be us'n the cover o'darkness. Not like anything be left stirr'n down thar, ha!"

The old man then realizes what Bael meant by his other question. "The Cold One be Eyvi. Strapp'n lad from the cold. Got the plunder'n blood in 'im. Taught 'im to read, even if 'e no be hav'n sense. Apparently, 'e be a'worried about an old man's disappearance."

"Oh, boy. Here we go," mutters Anar to Bael and Kalen as Mad Col begins to relate his plan. The rogue climbs from the bath as the old man speaks, unashamed by the nakedness of his slender, tone body. He grabs a heavy towel and begins to dry off, eventually wrapping the linen around himself in some semblance of modesty.

As Col finishes speaking, Anar shrugs. "They already think we are dead, Col. Vanthus locked us in the tunnels beneath Parrot Island. We've not had any contact with anyone but Lady Lavinia and some of her staff since returning."

Turning his attention to the northman, Anar smiles and offers a slight bow. "Well met, friend Eyvi. I am Anar Tovanni, of Sasserine."
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Rhun said:
As Col finishes speaking, Anar shrugs. "They already think we are dead, Col. Vanthus locked us in the tunnels beneath Parrot Island. We've not had any contact with anyone but Lady Lavinia and some of her staff since returning."
"Aye, a maybe before Chongo and Keoni be pok'n thar head above water and this lout be ask'n about me in Shadowshore! Best be mak'n it easy for them to be a'think'n us dead."

Turning back to Col, Anar continues to argue his point. "But nobody in Shadowshore knows we were locked beneath Parrot Island. Only Vanthus and his associates. And they are the ones we need thinking that we are dead." The rogue sighs heavily. "If we go forward with your plan and word of my death reaches my mother, you'll be the one that has to explain to her what has really happened! Personally, I'd rather face those zombies all over again."

The slightly built elven male remains in the bath as they speak. He makes a short gesture of greeting the new warrior companion of Col's. "Anar has a point," agrees Bael. "If everyone is thinking we are dead, then we won't be able to access our own families, associates or affiliations. I think at this time it might be more of a hindrance than a help."

"We still have to wait until Chongo and Keoni return before we do anything else."

"Hail, Anar Tovanni. May yer axe never rust. If you lot are friends of Col, yer friends of mine, and that's the gods' own truth. Now, does someone want to explain to me what it is we're tryin' to get done that settin' fire to some zombies won't help with? It sure sounds like a good plan to me." Eyvi settles on the rim of one of the bathtubs, which shifts dangerously.

Anar grins at Eyvi. "If I ever get an axe, I'll hope it doesn't rust either," he quips. "Now...our clothing won't be dry until morning, though I am sure there are plenty of cloaks and robes in the cloak closet. Col's plan is aimed at making Vanthus and his associates believe we are dead; however, since Vanthus locked us in the undead-filled tunnels below Parrot Island with no way to escape, he thinks we are dead already."

Rhun said:
"Since Vanthus locked us in the undead-filled tunnels below Parrot Island with no way to escape, he thinks we are dead already."
Col wags his bony fingers at Anar. "That be yer assumption, and I already be tell'n ya how that jungle boy and the dragon seer be foul'n that up. Mark me words!" Col storms off, dragging the big Eyvi with him.

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