Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The old man looks at the larger one as if he was the mad one. "Ya be daft, Cold One. That Vanderboen bit be hir'n me to do 'er dirty work. But if you be find'n us so easily, tha' be mak'n our ruse a bit more diff'cult." Col looks at Eyvi with a cunning look in his eye. "Aye, but maybe we be us'n it to our advantage."covaithe said:"You need help bustin' outta here?" he says eagerly.
The old man begins making his way loudly through the house, not particularly caring about it. Eventually, he makes it to where the dandies are doing their soaking.
"We be need'n t'be a'chang'n our plan. I be need'n some torches an' some of yar old clothes." The man grins devishly.
"I need t'be kill'n us."
[sblock=OOC]Col will outline is "cunn'n" plan. As people know the group was looking for them, he needs to put up some diversion to make sure they appear dead. So... suss up some of the zombie corpses to look like us with our clothes, but mangle, main and burn said bodies to be unrecognizable beyond said (torn and mangled) clothes. Leave some identifying paperwork on one of them to make it look like us and then let the bodies float. Have Eyvi or Lavinia identify them when they wash up. The only issue is that Kalen and Chongo may spoil it if something happens to them... so lets just do corpses of us, the fool them into thinking only those two survived. Plan?[/sblock]