Malvoisin's Savage Tide, Act 1 - There Is No Honor


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Anar sighs again as Col marches away. With a shrug he grabs a soft, heavy bathrobe and quickly wraps the garment around himself. Turning to his remaining companions, he smiles. "Brandy in the parlor?"

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Kalen nods as he comes out of his reverie and accepts Anar's invitation. "Once Keoni and Chongo return I think it might be best to head straight in whether they learn anything or not. Vanthus has a habit of moving around from one scheme to the next and I'd hate to let him slip away before we can have a reunion. We'll have to be quick witted and think on our feet as we don't know the whole situation but it will probably be our best shot at catching Vanthus right now. And Col's Cold One is brawny enough to serve the jotun's purpose fine if he agrees to go with us."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Col pulls Eyvi close as they depart the dadies. "Get me a boat. Thar be a dock 'ere ye can be us'n. Meet me thar. These louts donna know wha' be good fer 'em" He then goes to the laundry to find some of the gang's spare clothes, or whatever is available. The old man chuckles to himself as he does so. Mayhap Miss Lavinia be lik'n to see that Anar nekkid.

His booty gathered, the old coot slips out the back.

OOC: Initiate Crazy Man Plot #43! While Col is out, he'll also try to think of a local Church that might be amenable to his crazed speak w/ dead scheme. Kill two birds with one stone.


Eyvi listens to Col and chuckles quietly. When the others get up to go for brandy in the parlor, he hangs back, and instead goes out the way he came in.

Outside, he will make for the docks and try to find a boat, preferably unattended and not clearly visible to any authority figures.


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covaithe said:
Eyvi listens to Col and chuckles quietly. When the others get up to go for brandy in the parlor, he hangs back, and instead goes out the way he came in.

Outside, he will make for the docks and try to find a boat, preferably unattended and not clearly visible to any authority figures.
It doesn't take long for Eyvi to locate just such a boat, a dinghy that seems about perfect. Looking around surreptitiously, it appears to the northman's eyes that no one is nearby...


Eyvi walks calmly to the boat, climbs in, looses the mooring rope and shoves off. He starts to row with the powerful, economical strokes of an experienced oarsman.


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Rhun said:
Anar sighs again as Col marches away. With a shrug he grabs a soft, heavy bathrobe and quickly wraps the garment around himself. Turning to his remaining companions, he smiles. "Brandy in the parlor?"
Bael raises an eyebrow. "Why not," he replies, already forgetting about Col's hairbrained scheme.


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covaithe said:
Eyvi walks calmly to the boat, climbs in, looses the mooring rope and shoves off. He starts to row with the powerful, economical strokes of an experienced oarsman.
With the northman's strong arms and keen navigation sense, it is only a short time before Eyvi docks the small boat at the appointed rendezvous point, and looks for Col.


First Post
Anar leads the way to the parlor, and makes a beeline for the sideboard upon reaching the plush chamber. Picking a likely looking decanter of pale brown liquid, the rogue removes the stopper and breathes deeply of the potent spirits. "Ah, my friends. This is the stuff."

Agiley setting up three large snifters, Anar quickly pours a brandy for himself and his two companions. He hands the others their drinks and then grabs his own, sinking into an overstuffed armchair. He takes a sip of the liqour, sighing contentedly. Then he smiles. "A tasty meal, a hot bath, and a fine drink; is there a better way to relax after our latest experience? I think not."

Anar takes another sip, and then the garrulous rogue continues. "So you think that northman Eyvi has ever met the frost giant jarl?" Anar chuckles. "He looked something like a frost giant himself, what with those cold eyes and the near white hair!"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The old man waited impatiently for the Cold One, and when the northman finally arrived, Col unceremoniously dumped his bundle in the boat. "Parrot Island. That be where this be happ'n. Now, listen close. Yar be in this now, so best you be know'n what you be gett'n into har. See, Lady V be hav'n a scallywag of a brother..."

During the ride across, Col let Eyvi know the particulars of the Blue Nixie, Vanthus' apparently illicit activities, and the brother's cursed attempt to have the lot of them killed under the island. "So, now that we be find'n th'note of the dead Penkus, we be doin' our best to be keep'n outta view. If we be look'n to be taken to Locker Below, then Vathus and the Lotus be mak'n mistakes. Makes it a'easier to be find'n 'bout 'em."

In the dark, Col leads the burly young man into the thick of the island. After some time, they eventually find the trap door. After securing a rope and descending, Col shows the young boy the fruit of their forced labor below the island. "These be mak'n a fine crew, har! That one be built like that little one, and this be close enough for that other... Thar, make sure to be maiming the face and cutt'n off the ear.... No, you fool! Ya saw 'im nekkid! That birthmark be over thar!... We can be us'n some of there dried blood for the clothes, it'll do in a pinch."

After many hours of exhaustive work (Eyvi doing the majority of it), Col is finally pleased with the efforts. "Now for the final piece. Be dropp'n me off at the Vanderboens, and while doin', keep these weighted under th'blue. We want'n 'em water logged. Then, you be goin' back to Shadowshore w'them on yer boat. Be mak'n a big stink 'bout find'n the bodies. Say it be wear'n the clothes of yer friend Col. That be enough. Donna be say'n anything else! Ya not be as wily as that elf and yer lies be more transparent. Just plant the seed and begone! I'll be send'n word fer you at the Drunk Bear."

The old man smiled. He'd outthink Black Asmodeous himself.

Voidrunner's Codex

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