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Malvoisin's Savage Tide, Act 1 - There Is No Honor


First Post
(OOC: Tonks, I NPC'd Damash, and had him move then cast Cure Minor to stabilize Col. If this course of action is objectionable to you, I'm willing to retcon with a different action. Just let me know.)


Keoni thrusts with his spear at the female thug who had been dallying with Vark behind closed doors, but she evades his attack. The assembled thugs continue their wild assault, stabbing at Keoni, Kalen, and Anar with their rapiers. Anar does take one serious wound in the shoulder as blades clash.

Kalen steps back out of harm's way, and with an incantation, launches a prismatic blast of light at two of the thugs. One shakes off the dazzling array of color, but the closest (Toothless) collapses in a heap to the deck, his senses overcome.

Col's life continues to ebb away as Anar's rapier thrust is parried by the squint-eyed thug.

Damash runs across the deck to Col's side, and prays briefly to Ishtishia for the crazy one's healing. Col's bloodflow stops, thanks to the aventi's prayer.

Nicolai steps forth, and launches another electrical orb from his fingertips. This one also strikes its target, shocking the squint-eyed thug, who yelps in pain and surprise.

Soller Vark hollers back at Keoni, "Off my ship! Into the drink with ya!" as he barrels headfirst into the shaman's chest, trying to force him back and over the rail. Keoni tries to bring up his spear and catch the charging Vark, but he is too slow. Still, he does manage to hold his ground and stay on his feet. Vark staggers back, frustrated.

Chongo cries out in a blood-curdling shriek of rage, and charges across the deck with his spear raise overhead, dreadlocks flying behind him. He slams into the clustered thugs like a bat out of hades, and thrusts his spear right through the ribcage of the squint-eyed thug. The man's lifeless corpse smashes to the wooden deck in a fountain of blood.

Meanwhile, Keoni channels a different manifestation of draconic power, causing Kalen, Anar, Col, and Damash to feel slightly invigorated.


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Key: /=Stairs or Ladder Up; \=Stairs or Ladder Down; !=Mast; 
*=Lifeboat; #=Floor Grate


1. Keoni
2. Thugs 1,4
3. Kalen
4. Col (Unconscious)
5. Anar
6. Damash
7. Nicolai
8. Soller Vark
9. Chongo


Keoni 7/11 hp; Kalen 4/7 hp; Col -4/6 hp (Stable); Anar 3/8 hp; Damash 4/10 hp; Nicolai 4/4 hp; Chongo 14/14 (16/16 raging) hp.
Thugs 1,4 unharmed. Thug #2 -18 hp, dead; Thug #3 Unconscious, Stunned, and Blinded for ?? rounds; Thug #5 -11 hp, dying; Thug #6 -12 hp, Dying. Soller Vark unharmed.
Keoni's Aura: Power (+1 melee damage w/in 30')
Col: Shield of Faith (8 rounds remain)
Chongo: Raging (6 rounds remain)

1. Keoni attacks Thug #4 with spear, Rolls 5, misses. (Changes aura from Power to Vigor)

2. Thug #1 attacks Anar with rapier. Rolls 12, misses.

3. Thug #2 attacks Anar with rapier. Rolls 16, hits for 6 damage. Anar now at 2/8 hp.

4. Thug #3 attacks Kalen with rapier. Rolls 10, misses.

5. Thug #4 attacks Keoni with rapier. Rolls 9, misses.

6. Kalen takes 5' step, casts Color Spray (targeting Thugs #2,3. #2 makes his will save, #3 fails. Thug #3 goes down, is unconscious, blinded, and stunned. Kalen gains one hp from Keoni's aura.

7. Col fails to stabilize on his own, loses 1 hp. But, he gains one hp from Keoni's aura, which does stabilize him. Now at -5/6.

8. Anar attacks thug #2 with rapier, rolls 5, misses. Gains one hp from Keoni's aura, now at 3/8.

9. Damash moves 30' to get next to Col, casts Cure Minor Wounds (burns Create Water). Col regains 1 hp. Now at -4/6. Damash gains 1 hp from Keoni's aura, now at 4/10.

10. Nicolai moves 10', casts Lesser Orb of Electricity on Thug #2, makes ranged touch attack, rolls 10. Hits! Damage is 5.

11. Vark tries to Bull Rush Keoni. Keoni gets AOO, rolls 9, misses. Opposed STR check, Vark rolls 3, Keoni rolls 14, Keoni wins.

12. Chongo rages, moves 30' into melee range (avoiding AOO's). Attacks Thug #2 (the one closest to Col). Rolls 9, Hits! Damage is 13! Thug #2 falls dead.[/sblock]
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Keoni sees his friends blood spattering the deck of the ship, and he worries for their failing strength. He fills his mind with the unflappable endurance of the storm serpents and does his best to fill himself and his friends with the same stoic nature.

"We're not going anywhere!"

He yells his defiance to Vark, and takes a stab at a pirate, hoping that he will actually manage to lend power to his words with action.

SA: Attack thug #1. Attack +3 (flanking), 1d6+1 dmg (noo aura). 20/x3

Change aura to Vigor (retroactive?). Fast healing 1 to all allies under 50% health.
Currently Kalen, Col, Anar, Damash will all heal 1 point on their initiative.[/sblock]
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As the young dockworker chants softly to close Col's wounds, the old man is restless in his unconsciousness and mutters just loud enough to be heard, "Ishtishia take them, take them..."


First Post
With a quick nod of thanks to Chongo for defeating the squint-eyed thug, Anar turns his attention to the next opponent in line. He thrusts his rapier at the new foe, biting his lip against the pain in his shoulder as he does so, and cursing the sailors. "Foul smelling, pond sailing scoundrels!"

Attack vrs. Thug 2: +2 rapier (damage 1d6+2/18-20) (not sure if Chongo and Kenoi's flanking applies to Anar as well...if so, +4 rapier and +1d6 sneak attack)
HP: 2/8, AC: 16
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Land Outcast

Seeing things don't look so good for his side, the man rises his voice above the fray to try and improve his chances of survival "Sir Captain, let me point out we double you in number... and soon we will triple you" Bluff +7 still, he keeps playing with the sparks on his left hand and won't hesitate to make another throw.

OOC: if the Ugly One reconsiders, nothing; but if the Ugly One doesn't pay heed to Nicolai's comment, another globe of lighning is going for his crew
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First Post
Chongo's spear reverses in his hands and he brings the bloodied tip upwards as he attempts to impale the next-closest sailor from the groin up. His implacable rage does not waver as he continues his murderous rampage.


Kalen steps nonchalantly over the body of the sailor he dazzled and with a flick of his wrist sends mystic tendrils to cloud and distract the mind of Soller Vark.

ooc daze DC 14


First Post
Ignoring the burning sensation in his arm, Damash lifted his hand away from the crazed man and knew the Deep One was speaking through the bloody lips of the man.

'..to the deep they shall go to be judged.'

Advancing with his spear at the ready, Damash saw the others closing in on the remaining pirates and knew that if they could close in further with the leader, the ship would be their's soon.

Extending his spear and touching the coral necklace around his neck, Damash reached out to gather the strength of the sea and send it against the scarred pirate.


[sblock=ooc]Casting command against the pirate and hoping he fails big time. Nothing like two AoO against him to boost morale...:)[/sblock]


First Post
(OOC: I retconned round 2 of this combat, to reflect Keoni's change of auras at the end of his turn. I think the hit point totals have accurately reflected the changes, but if I've overlooked anything, please let me know.)


Keoni jabs with his spear at the big-nosed thug in front of him, but the big oaf parries the spear and then counters with a grazing wound on Keoni's upper arm. Keoni winces, but steps aside, dodging the female thug's rapier. Anar thrusts with his own rapier at the big nosed ruffian, but misses.

Kalen chants a spell that clouds the mind of Soller Vark, and the brutish pirate leader stands still and remains thankfully quiet for a moment, blinking stupidly. Somehow, Vark does manage to shake off Damash's magical compulsion that he flee.

Nicolai's admonition to surrender the ship goes unheeded, so the sorcerer launches yet another of his electrical orbs. This one strikes the big-nosed pirate in the leg. The thug barely has time to register the pain, before Chongo's spear buries itself in his expansive midsection. Big-Nose collapses with a grunt, his blood pooling out to join that of his fellows.


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Key: /=Stairs or Ladder Up; \=Stairs or Ladder Down; !=Mast; 
*=Lifeboat; #=Floor Grate


1. Keoni
2. Thug #4
3. Kalen
4. Col (Unconscious)
5. Anar
6. Damash
7. Nicolai
8. Soller Vark
9. Chongo


Keoni 5/11 hp; Kalen 4/7 hp; Col -3/6 hp (Stable); Anar 4/8 hp; Damash 5/10 hp; Nicolai 4/4 hp; Chongo 14/14 (16/16 raging) hp.
Thug #4 unharmed. Thug #1 -11 hp, dying; Thug #2 -18 hp, dead; Thug #3 Unconscious, Stunned, and Blinded for ?? rounds; Thug #5 -12 hp, dying; Thug #6 -13 hp, Dying. Soller Vark unharmed.
Keoni's Aura: Vigor (fast healing to 50%)
Col: Shield of Faith (7 rounds remain)
Chongo: Raging (5 rounds remain)

1. Keoni attacks Thug #1 with shortspear, rolls 2, misses.

2. Thug #1 attacks Keoni with rapier, rolls 14, Hits for 2 damage. Keoni falls to 5/11 hp.

3. Thug #4 attacks Keoni with rapier, rolls 11, misses.

4. Kalen moves 5', casts Daze on Vark. Vark rolls 4, fails will save.

5. Col gains 1 hp from Keoni's aura. Now at -3/6.

6. Anar attacks thug #1 with rapier, rolls 6, misses. Anar gains 1 hp from Keoni's aura, now at 4/8.

7. Damash casts Command on Vark. Vark rolls 17, succeeds on Will save. Damash gains 1 hp from Keoni's aura, now at 5/10.

8. Nicolai tries to Bluff Vark, check fails. Nicolai moves 15', casts Lesser Orb of Electricity on Thug #1. Makes ranged touch attack, rolls 20! Hits for 2 damage.

9. Soller Vark takes no action (Daze spell)

10. Chongo attacks Thug #1 with spear, rolls 15, hits for 9 damage. Thug #1 falls dying.


First Post
Chongo will twist the spear as he pulls it from the fallen sailor. The short savage will duck around and move opposite Vark before stabbing at him with his spear.

[sblock=OOC]Assuming that the rest of the party doesn't move much in the round, I'm going to move 10' to the left and flank Vark. Hopefully the AoO won't hurt ... much. If movement during the round makes that impossible, I'll keep up with Vark and gore him with the spear.[/sblock]

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