D&D General March Madness 2024 - Round 2 - Martials

Choose your favorite 4 classes from this list.

  • Fighter

    Votes: 44 72.1%
  • Swordmage

    Votes: 12 19.7%
  • Ranger

    Votes: 37 60.7%
  • Warlord

    Votes: 19 31.1%
  • Paladin

    Votes: 39 63.9%
  • Monk

    Votes: 23 37.7%
  • Rogue

    Votes: 40 65.6%
  • Barbarian

    Votes: 23 37.7%

  • Poll closed .
Hey now, don't be hating on Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. I think it's the most useful D&D book to come out in years.

It's fun to watch how some of the scores are getting closer together, and others are getting further apart. And it's really interesting to see the difference between the different "games." Like, the number of votes in Fighter vs. Swordmage is very different from the number of votes in Rogue vs. Barbarian. Like, 20% different.

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If you want to be able to move at full speed and possibly carry someone, yes.

Which, while true, requires a use of their wild shape. Monk's ability doesn't cost anything. It's free, all the time. Without a weapon. Have you ever played in a game where the PCs didn't have their weapons? I have. Have the fought things with resistance to normal damage? I have.

Despite what you think, it is a very good feature.

Without action surge or rage? I think not. Perhaps fighters when they (finally) get Extra Attack (2) and (3).
monks do not have a str build they would be to mad to work and you do not want more than three stats needs.
personally, the ability to switch dex and str for it would be nice.

monks yes half their stuff of chi and the rest is too low powered, it needs to be freed from being a martial and just admit it is off being its own thing when in comes to class structure.

it is not just what it presently is but that it fails to be what it should be.

it is hard to explain in text the failings of monk

it needs to be freed from being a martial and just admit it is off being its own thing when in comes to class structure.
This I can agree with... it really should be "its own thing". Like in AD&D, it was listed as a class, but out of alphabetical order because of its uniqueness.

it is not just what it presently is but that it fails to be what it should be.

it is hard to explain in text the failings of monk
Fair enough. If you ever think of how to explain it/ express it in text, please let me know and thanks.

There absolutely are good strength-based Monk builds. Monk multi-classes pretty well with Barbarian, it's MAD but absolutely doable
mad in dnd is a design failing, it forces you to use too much on just getting the build to work not on playing.
The best way to explain the failing is to the design the Monk class as should be.

Then people can compare.
I have no class design chop nor experience and the scale I would be going to which is fairly deep and complex.

This I can agree with... it really should be "its own thing". Like in AD&D, it was listed as a class, but out of alphabetical order because of its uniqueness.

Fair enough. If you ever think of how to explain it/ express it in text, please let me know and thanks.
the class's default name is even wrong just you can't change the name without opening a can of worms, and some of those cans are nationalist worm cans one of the worst types of worm cans.

it is more it is an idea rather unrelated to the others and most of the necessary framework was not even in the West when it was first designed(which it has been shackled to ever since) but we have more data now

it is more it is an idea rather unrelated to the others and most of the necessary framework was not even in the West when it was first designed(which it has been shackled to ever since) but we have more data now
Can you provide any websites as examples to what you would expect in such a "class"? Any relevant media or something?

What is your basis for comparison?

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