Having appeared twice Paksenarrion is now also on the zero point list. Paks, by the way, is very clearly a BECMI paladin, as you can see in her backstory (traditional unpowered fighter + experience + dramatic choosing) and her dungeon crawl with the elf. She is a GREAT model for anyone intending to play a Pally.
@Tonguez I'm curious as to your reasons for Kwai Chang and Kane. One would very obviously be modeled as a Monk, and from what I remember of Solomon Kane, he'd be a combat-orient Rogue.
@TwoSix Good solid choices, all. In fact, anyone who tries to model Michael Carpenter as anything other than a paladin is really working against type.
@Tonguez I'm curious as to your reasons for Kwai Chang and Kane. One would very obviously be modeled as a Monk, and from what I remember of Solomon Kane, he'd be a combat-orient Rogue.
@TwoSix Good solid choices, all. In fact, anyone who tries to model Michael Carpenter as anything other than a paladin is really working against type.