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Modiphius' Star Trek Adventures playtest sign up date announced...

aramis erak

One of my players got the hands on the rules it seems so we might just do it. But I prefer to run with the pre-made chars. As we've seen in the opening adventure, they are no guarantee of a balanced skill set in the group though.

The premades are the only option At the moment.

They're decently done, and the character competency baseline means that even unfilled niches are not a total deal-breaker... unless telepathy is requisite, in which case, you NEED a betazoid or vulcan.

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aramis erak

First official lexington module came out mid-week, and I ran it on friday.

If you're going to run it, make a list of the tasks and their times first. I didn't, and regretted not doing so.


Cute but dangerous
Probably because it's supposed to be left to the players. Really hard to have a group where they are all the same rank.

aramis erak

Probably because it's supposed to be left to the players. Really hard to have a group where they are all the same rank.

Not really - positional authorities can make up for that quite easily.
Top Down

Commanding Officer ranks everyone
Vice Commander (if any - use on ships has varied over the years - more off than on)
Executive Officer
—— below here, rank usually trumps position; position often beats date of rank)
Operations Officer (Note Data holds this in TNG, and Ranks LaForge; we see Data take the center seat throughout TNG)
Chief Engineering Officer (LtCdr Argyle for a while, later Lt LaForge)
Senior Helm Officer
Senior Gunnery Officer
Senior Subcraft Pilot Officers.
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
other line (Command Division) officers by date of rank
Other Operations officers by date of rank
Science Officers by date of rank

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