Likewise, I'd be willing to give Ms. Marvel season two a try, because in episode six it finally delivered what I had been waiting all season to see: a big superhero fight with her using her powers in interesting ways. I gave episodes one and two a pass because she was just learning about her powers, but episodes three through five bored the tears out of me. (My 15-year-old nephew, who my grown son and I talked into watching it with us because the previews looked good, bailed after the third episode and I couldn't really blame him. We stuck around hoping it would get better and because we wanted to see the groundwork being laid for The Marvels.) I guess my biggest problem was I came in expecting a superhero show and this was first and foremost a coming of age show with some superhero trappings that were apparently a much lower priority to the creators of the show. But I really like the main actress - especially when she's in her geeking-out-over-superheroes mode, which she does a great job of - and I liked some of the little touches (like her running through the air on her hard-light float-disks and patiently waiting for the streetlight below her to turn green), and they put a lot of their special-effects budget into her actually using her "embiggening" powers in the fights at the end. So yeah, I'm ready for more of superhero Kamala, both in a second season of this show and in The Marvels, and I hope they keep her in superhero mode and less in "moping about her family" mode, which got boring pretty quickly. (And I'm sure the scene where Kamala, her mother, and her grandmother all hugged was supposed to be a big emotional payoff, but I was more, "Okay, good, everybody's friends now - can we get to a fight scene now? Please?")