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My STAR WARS Geek is ON!!

Water Bob

Not really new, but new to me: I've been reading a few of the Dark Horse Star Wars trades. With the new movie coming out, and looking so good, I've got my Star Wars geek on. It's so "on" that it blinks and you can see it from space.

I am extremely impressed with the tales I've been reading. Story after story, I am presented with good to exceptional art and excellent writing.

Here's what I've read recently:


This is an incredibly well told tale, written in first person, about a clone trooper that idolizes Darth Vader. This is an example of how good graphic novels can be.


I wasn't crazy about the cover, but the story is fantastic. This one is also written in first person from the point of view of a new rebel recruit. The Alliance does not have the resources to send operatives to basic training. You learn on the job when you're a Rebel. The best that they can do is partner you up with an experienced operative on your first mission.

Guess who the "experienced operative" is....

Five stars for this one.


The brightest spot in the entire prequel trilogy was, for me, Darth Maul. I think the guy is an excellent bad guy. He was killed off way too early. I think he should have served as Darth Vader served in the original trilogy--as a bad guy that dies at the end of the three films. I think Anakin's final test as he turns to the Dark Side should have been to kill Darth Maul in an epic battle, replacing him as the Emperor's new apprentice (and then he could go on to fight Obi-wan at the climax).

I guess the powers that be at Dark Horse agree, because they have kept this incredible bad guy alive. Medical science is near magic in the Star Wars universe. Luke has his cybernetic hand. Darth Vader has his cybernetic limbs. General Grievous has his cybernetic body.

Darth Maul kept himself alive at the bottom of that pit on Naboo through shear will of the Force. Through his HATE. His unbridled, overwhelming, HATE. But not only did that hate keep him alive, it also drove him mad.

An extremely interesting character just got more interesting!

Darth Maul's brother, Savage Opress, rescued Maul from Naboo. The Sith Lord is now half cybernetic machine, not unlike General Grievous. The two brothers now roam the galaxy on a mission to kill all Jedi...and to take the Empire for themselves!

Love it!


The New Jedi Order stuff just never has interested me. I know a little about it. An alien race from another galaxy invades. I've always liked the old Republic/Alliance vs. the Empire stories. But, I picked this up anyway--the first of a trilogy of paperbacks--and began to read. I was blown away. This is good stuff, and it totally ignited my interested in the New Jedi Order. It's a grittier Star Wars than we're used to. And, the bad guys are very interesting--they abhor technology. Instead, their tech is all based on organics. Everything they use, from their armor to their weapons to their vehicles and starships are all organic. Like the ship in FarScape being alive--that's how the ships are for these bad guys.

Add to that a savage Conan-esque battle zeal to them, and you've got a very interesting enemy.

I dig it!

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Water Bob

Oh, I forgot! THIS one is excellent, too!


It gave me a story that I was not expecting. Like the others, top notch writing and even better art.

Big thumbs up!

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