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Need advice: What is a good creature for a campaign climax?


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I am looking for advice about how to end my campaign. It is a modified Eberron campaign, and under the Mournland is an evil that could destroy the world much as it has destroyed the Mournland. And this evil creature is...and that is where I lose it.

It can't be one of the Lords of Dust Rajas because that is what the rakshasas believe is there, but the party knows that isn't right. I was thinking another demon lord (Orcus perhaps) but it just doesn't feel right.

I am leaning toward a Galchutt from Monte Cook's Chaositech, or possibly making my own Daelkyr. But I just feel like there is an obvious answer that I am missing. I am looking for something in the low-mid 20s CR range; something a souped-up 20th level party (souped up via powerful legacy items and unusual templates) can handle without going epic.

Does anyone have any good advice? Don't be shy about non-core sources: I have everything WotC has put out (maybe something in FR?) and can get my hands on any Dragon magazine (I think). I have most of the Scarred Lands books, everything Monte has put out, Tome of Horrors I (and would be willing to pick up the others). I have gone through my sources that seem most likely to have a cool solution to my problem, but I still feel like I am missing something obvious.

Thanks in advance.

ps: They just hit 17th level so I have plenty of time. I would just like to start dropping hints soon.

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A half-breed Thoqqua/Flumph.

Or a fiendish dragon. Conventional wisdom says to use a chromatic dragon, but Eberron frees you from that, so I might try a metallic dragon.


Campaign climax?

Century worm. No doubt about it.



I am partial to demon lords - Pale night, Obox-ob (perhaps Eberron is the world he 'almost' pulled into the Abyss), Ebon Maw (Dragon Magazine #??) ; or Orcus (why doesn't he feel right?)

A fiendish gold might be fun, esp if the PCs know one of his cover IDs - and consider him a friend. Or take a page from a recent series and make him a a vampire or dracolich.
you may even be able to find the stats - really cutting down on prep time.

Of course I have 2 memphits (with class levels) feuding over control of the plane or earth - so
small harmless enemies (with lots of pull) can be fun too.


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Let's stack those templates!

Monster of Legend Half-Fiend Hall-troll 12-headed Pyro-hydra

possessed by that critter from MM2...the little critter that's a parasite...can't...remember...damn...

It's big, and it's cheesy... :D


A rogue dragon of Argonessa (sp?) who believes that the culmination of the Prophecy will be the direct result eradication of all non-dragon sentients from the face of Eberron; or, alternatively, it isn't so much about the destruction of living beings as it tearinga whole through space-time to allow a direct bleed from wherever it is magic comes from.

Another option is the Warforged, perhaps a souped up LoB if the PCs haven't encountered him yet (or if they have and he wasn't "dead" dead). After all, the Mournland is all sorts of beneficial to anti-organic Warforged and the LoB could easily be behind an attempt to wipe the non-construct races from the world.


First Post
Evilhalfling said:
I am partial to demon lords - Pale night, Obox-ob (perhaps Eberron is the world he 'almost' pulled into the Abyss), Ebon Maw (Dragon Magazine #??) ; or Orcus (why doesn't he feel right?)

I would like a demon lord, or actually any big, smart outsider of some sort.

Why not Orcus? Well, undead have already figured very prominently in the campaign. One PC is very good against them and I feel she has had her chance to shine. Not that Orcus is undead of course, but a lot of his minions are. Not that they have to be...hmmm.

To be honest, Orcus is definitely in the running; He is the big bad smart scary outsider I keep coming back to. I am just seeing if people can come up with something I haven't thought of.

As for the undead suggestions: Thanks but I really can't. I mean, I love undead , but have probably overused them as it is. A good number of their enemies (and a couple of allies) have been undead, and they will probably have to face off against Vol's people one more time before the end.
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Well, you want something destruction-themed, assuming that your Mournland resembles the official version. It also sounds like your creature is more a big nasty destructoid rather than a passive manipulator, although I could be wrong.

If you want a sort of destruction-oriented "spirit of the wastes," especially one with warforged links, I'd suggest an anaxim . Those are very warforged-ish, pretty darn powerful (CR 22), and are capable of inflicting scary damage. Actually, the other abominations (especially the infernal and atropal) make sense too for the nature of the Mournland.

Some other options on the "engine of destruction" front include an alien Elder God like one of the ones from CoC d20, or Obox-Ob from Hordes of the Abyss. Orcus et al seem a bit too nuanced to use for this sort of thing. An advanced nightshade is also always cool.

If, OTOH, you want a manipulator type (and I don't really see where you'd be going with that given your initial setup), I *really* like the fiendish metallic dragon idea, especially if the PCs have been dealing with the Chamber or encountered a "benevolent" metallic dragon in the past.

More input would be helpful, too!


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Phoenix said:
Let's stack those templates!

Monster of Legend Half-Fiend Hall-troll Kobold Frenzied Berserker

possessed by that critter from MM2...the little critter that's a parasite...can't...remember...damn...

It's big, and it's cheesy... :D
Fixed it for you.

Nothing like totally throwing off the party. :D

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