Need help with a House Rule feat


Isn't there a feat that boosts caster level by +X (I think +4) limited to character level? That sets a decent precedent for this kind of feat. I would suggest caster level is much more universal to a spellcaster than challenges (or smites or similar for other classes) per day is to a cavalier so maybe more than +4 is warranted, but a similar approach could work.

Yes there is! But it is 3.5 (it hasn't been reprinted for pathfinder, that I know of). I called on the trait as a precedent because it mirrors the feat so closely (if you take into consideration that Traits were advertized as "1/2 Feats").

I would advice against a "+4" cap, since "Challenges per Day" is much less powerfull than "Caster Level", as many broken campaigns proved.

In the end, Adimus, you are the DM so you should decide the power level of the feat.
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First Post
In my opinion, a feat that lets you add up your total character level to determine the amount of daily Challenges is the best solution. So, if he is a Samurai 6/PrC 10, he gets as many daily Challenges as a 16 level Samurai.

This would make it similar to the Trait that lets your add levels on non-caster clases to your Caster Level for a chosen Casting Class (Try saying that three time fast!)

See, I think for the cost of a whole feat (which I know you get more of in Pathfinder but it's nonetheless still a high price) something like that would be a quite fair. I suggested a simple "You get an extra challenge per day", but some of the group thought even that was a little too much...

I like the rechargeable challenge idea. So, as a compromise I think I might offer two feats, something like this. I figure if he wants to spend two feats on it he should have it. Tell me what you think.

Soul of the Samurai
Prerequisite: something like Unworthy Opponent
You may add the class levels from one other class to your samurai level for the purposes of determining the number of Challenges you would be able to use per day. The class chosen in this way must offer martial weapon proficiency as a class feature.
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I think somewhere between a +4 level bonus and an "all other levels" bonus lies the right spot. While caster level is important, the character is not getting more spells or higher level spells, only more effectiveness out of his already available spells.

Getting more uses of Challenge is better than just advancing its "challenge level", but it's also a much smaller component of the entire class. Given that, I could see a higher figure.

I don't think I'd restrict it to classes that offer martial weapon proficiency. That muddies the water, especially for prestige classes, and is a restriction not present in the other feat/trait options. Besides, a lot of PrC's offer no new weapon proficiencies because they assume you had those from classes you needed to meet the prerequisites.


First Post
I think somewhere between a +4 level bonus and an "all other levels" bonus lies the right spot. While caster level is important, the character is not getting more spells or higher level spells, only more effectiveness out of his already available spells.

Getting more uses of Challenge is better than just advancing its "challenge level", but it's also a much smaller component of the entire class. Given that, I could see a higher figure.

I don't think I'd restrict it to classes that offer martial weapon proficiency. That muddies the water, especially for prestige classes, and is a restriction not present in the other feat/trait options. Besides, a lot of PrC's offer no new weapon proficiencies because they assume you had those from classes you needed to meet the prerequisites.

My approach would probably be to set the limit pretty high (probably adding all levels of other classes), with the stated caveat that we play this way for a while and reassess whether it needs further refinement after it's had some playtesting.

I'm generally cautious as a DM, and still a little shell-shocked from 3.5's ability to be broken with too much multiclassing and PrCs. That's why I just wanted it to apply to one class, so you can't be a rogue/sorcerer/ranger/cleric and get not only the benefits of all their class features but full challenge usage as well. I was also being cautious with in regards to limitations just because of the power the feat could potentially grant.
I did forget to add 'as well as your effective level when determining added damage from Challenge.' and I also forgot the all-important 'total levels added in this way cannot exceed your total samurai class level.' so you don't end up with a samurai 1/barbarian4/druid 10 enlarged flaming shillelagh-wielding dire ape...attending tea ceremonies.

The marital prof. bit just makes sense to me, because since its not just for prestige classes, it wouldn't make sense that training as a wizard would have any relation to samurai abilities. That said I did forget that PrCs don't really list prof. Maybe a BAB requirement to shunt out caster classes would be better, or should it be okay to allow such?
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First Post
I don't see a problem allowing caster classes. He's going to be less powerful in melee if he's taking low hp/slow BAB class levels, which will make the Challenge less potent on its own.

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