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NEW (AGAIN)- Thunderspire Labyrinth- Stat analysis #25 Shrine to Baphomet


H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
Encounter #2 The Treasure Seeker
Note this is Encounter #26 for this group of PCs

Round #3.

Grey- Burning Hands RZ3; Hit 14 Fire damage (13 HP bloodied) & DW; Miss. Move back out of trouble. Shouts that the others are doing okay.

Dirty- Move. Readied Action RZ3 Slam Dirty; Miss. Cleave DW; Miss. Marked.

Phrenic- Shift. Steel Monsoon RZ2; Miss.

Winstanley- Shift. Sly Flourish Combat Advantage RZ2; Hit 15 damage- DEAD.



RZ3- Ongoing 5 Fire damage (8 HP bloodied). Slam Dirty; Miss. Save vs Ongoing Fire damage- Fail.

RS4- Slam Kaspard; Miss.

And it's my turn to throw my dice across the room- what is going on here?

DW- Horrific Visage Dirty; Hit 1 damage (44 HP) and Pushed 2 & RZ4; Hit 1 damage (26 HP bloodied) and Pushed 3 & Kaspard; Hit 1 damage (31 HP) and Pushed 3. DW Flees at a run.

Kaspard- Shift back. Lance of Faith RZ3; Miss.

None of us could hit a barn door from two paces.

Time to play 9 minutes.

End of Turn-

Good Guys
Dirty Biskit, Male Dwarven Fighter 4 (HP44/55)
Kaspard, Female Half-Elf Cleric of Bahamut 4 (HP31/41)
Winstanley Portico, Male Halfling Rogue 4 (HP41)
Grey Morlock, Male Human Wizard 4 (HP36)
Phrenic, Male Tiefling Warlord 4 (HP44)

Bad Guys 875XP Level 4 Encounter.
Rotwing Zombie Level 4 Skirmisher [RZ] (x4) (HP8/54 26/54) 2 DEAD.
Deathlock Wight Level 4 Controller [DW] (HP27/54)

Action Points 0 Total 1
Daily Powers 0 Total 0
Healing Surges 0 Total 0
2nd Winds 0 Total 0
Crits 0 Total 0
PCs Ko'd 0 Total 0

Comment: Everything under control still, just not connecting...

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H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
Encounter #2 The Treasure Seeker
Note this is Encounter #26 for this group of PCs

Round #4.

Grey- Move. Magic Missile RZ3; Hit 11 Force damage- DEAD.

Dirty- Move. Charge DW; Miss. Marked.

Phrenic- Move. Charge RZ4; Miss.

Winstanley- Double Move.




RZ4- Slam Phrenic; Hit 7 damage (37 HP).

DW- Move- Flee. Dirty AoO DW; Hit 14 damage (13 HP bloodied)- stop Movement. Claw Dirty; Miss.

Bloody hell- have I hit anything in this encounter?

Kaspard- Daunting Light RZ4; Hit 10 Radiant damage +5 (Vulnerable) = 15 damage (11 HP bloodied) & Combat Advantage to Grey.

Time to play 8 minutes.

End of Turn-

Good Guys
Dirty Biskit, Male Dwarven Fighter 4 (HP44/55)
Kaspard, Female Half-Elf Cleric of Bahamut 4 (HP31/41)
Winstanley Portico, Male Halfling Rogue 4 (HP41)
Grey Morlock, Male Human Wizard 4 (HP36)
Phrenic, Male Tiefling Warlord 4 (HP37/44)

Bad Guys 875XP Level 4 Encounter.
Rotwing Zombie Level 4 Skirmisher [RZ] (x4) (HP11/54) 3 DEAD.
Deathlock Wight Level 4 Controller [DW] (HP13/54)

Action Points 0 Total 1
Daily Powers 0 Total 0
Healing Surges 0 Total 0
2nd Winds 0 Total 0
Crits 0 Total 0
PCs Ko'd 0 Total 0

Comment: Soon be over now... fingers crossed.


H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
Encounter #2 The Treasure Seeker
Note this is Encounter #26 for this group of PCs

Round #5.

Grey- Move. Magic Missile Combat Advantage RZ4; Hit 7 Force damage (4 HP bloodied).

Dirty- Spinning Strike DW; Miss. Marked.

Phrenic- Viper Strike RZ4; Crit 12 damage +5 Necrotic damage -5 (Resist) = 12 damage- DEAD & Phrenic 5 Temp HP. Move- Run after Dirty, nearly catches up.

Winstanley- Move- spots DW. Sly Flourish DW; Hit 12 damage (1 HP bloodied). DW tries to surrender- Dirty is not in the mood for prisoners, particularly not Undead prisoners.





DW- Shift back. Dirty AoO DW; Hit 13 damage- DEAD.

Time to play 9 minutes.
Total time to play 58 minutes.

End of Combat-

Good Guys
Dirty Biskit, Male Dwarven Fighter 4 (HP44/55)
Kaspard, Female Half-Elf Cleric of Bahamut 4 (HP31/41)
Winstanley Portico, Male Halfling Rogue 4 (HP41)
Grey Morlock, Male Human Wizard 4 (HP36)
Phrenic, Male Tiefling Warlord 4 (HP37/44)

Bad Guys 875XP Level 4 Encounter.
Rotwing Zombie Level 4 Skirmisher [RZ] (x4) (HP54) 4 DEAD.
Deathlock Wight Level 4 Controller [DW] (HP54) DEAD

Action Points 0 Total 1
Daily Powers 0 Total 0
Healing Surges 0 Total 0
2nd Winds 0 Total 0
Crits 1 Total 1
PCs Ko'd 0 Total 0

Comment: It took a little while, but that's not grind, just a bunch of mooks sitting around a table throwing '7's... What's to be done?

Stats: That was a drag-out affair, the dice were clearly against us- it wasn't the bad guys defences... just the dice rolling anything below '10', and almost all of the time.

PCs connection rate 56.41% (22 from 39), which actually isn't too bad after all, for the bad guys 33.33% (5 from 15). Worse still is the average damage/turn, for the PCs 49.5 HP, for the monsters 4.67 HP- a massacre, only conducted very slowly.

Honourable mention goes to Winstanley who connected 83.33% of the time, dishonourable mention to Dirty- 37.5% connection rate.

The PCs were never in any danger.

Combined Stats: Maybe later.


H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
Encounter #3 Pack Attack.
Note this is Encounter #27 for this group of PCs

And so the adventurers press on, another two or so hours of hard slog before Charrak states that they have reached a rest point, only two hours walk away from The Chamber of Eyes, but safe enough- or so he believes.

The PCs are cautious- Grey, with Dirty to guard him, takes a look around and finally uses his Eye of Alarm Ritual to conjure three sentinels, far enough away from the PCs to give them some warning, but close enough for whoever is on watch to hear any alarm.

The PCs retire for the evening, and less than two hours are awake again- Dirty, on watch shouting and kicking them up- an alarm has sounded, the PCs have time however... a little while later a pack of feral Hyena's, initially frightened by the alarm but now emboldened by the scent of man-flesh, come rushing in- the PCs are ready for them.

Good Guys
Dirty Biskit, Male Dwarven Fighter 4 (HP55)
Kaspard, Female Half-Elf Cleric of Bahamut 4 (HP41)
Winstanley Portico, Male Halfling Rogue 4 (HP41)
Grey Morlock, Male Human Wizard 4 (HP36)
Phrenic, Male Tiefling Warlord 4 (HP44)

Bad Guys 875XP Level 4 Encounter.
Hyena Level 2 Skirmisher [H] (x7) (HP37)

Initiative 31 Grey 19 Hyena 17 Winstanley 16 Kaspard 15 Phrenic 14 Dirty

Here they come, at a charge- yapping and snarling all the way...

Round #1

Grey- Ready Action.

H1- Charge Dirty; Hit 5 damage (50 HP).

H2- Charge Combat Advantage Dirty; Hit 6 damage (44 HP).

H3- Charge Dirty. Dirty AoO Maul H3; Hit 10 damage (27 HP) & Marked. Charge Combat Advantage Dirty; Miss.

H4- Charge Phrenic; Hit 6 damage (38 HP).

H5- Charge Combat Advantage Phrenic; Hit 8 damage (30 HP).

H6- Charge Phrenic. Phrenic AoO Longsword H6; Crit 13 damage (24 HP). Charge Combat Advantage Phrenic; Miss.

H7- Move in- can't get to Phrenic. Readied Action Grey Scorching Burst H5; Hit 10 Fire damage (27 HP) & H6; Hit 10 Fire damage (14 HP bloodied) & H7 (with Wand of Accuracy); Hit 10 fire damage (27 HP).

Winstanley- Move. Sly Flourish Combat Advantage H1; Hit 16 damage (21 HP). Action Point with Phrenic's Tactical Presence. Sly Flourish Combat Advantage H1; Hit 15 damage (6 HP bloodied).

Kaspard- Hand of Radiance H6; Hit 6 Radiant damage (8 HP bloodied) & H5; Hit 6 Radiant damage (21 HP) & H4; Miss. Action Point with Phrenic's Tactical Presence. Blazing Starfall H5; Hit 9 Radiant damage (12 HP bloodied) & H4; Hit 9 Radiant damage (28 HP) & H7; 9 Radiant damage (18 HP bloodied).

Phrenic- Daily Armour of Exploits- Crushing Blow H6; Miss. Action Point. Leaf on the Wind H4; Hit 23 damage (5 HP bloodied).

Dirty- Crushing Blow H3; Hit 24 damage (3 HP bloodied). Action Point with Phrenic's Tactical Presence. Cleave Combat Advantage H1; Hit 17 damage- DEAD & Hit H3 3 damage- DEAD.

Time to play 18 minutes including setting up map and minis.

End of Turn-

Good Guys
Dirty Biskit, Male Dwarven Fighter 4 (HP44/55)
Kaspard, Female Half-Elf Cleric of Bahamut 4 (HP41)
Winstanley Portico, Male Halfling Rogue 4 (HP41)
Grey Morlock, Male Human Wizard 4 (HP36)
Phrenic, Male Tiefling Warlord 4 (HP30/44)

Bad Guys 875XP Level 4 Encounter.
Hyena Level 2 Skirmisher [H] (x7) (HP37/37 5/37 12/37 8/37 18/37) 2 DEAD.

Action Points 4 Total 4
Daily Powers 1 Total 1
Healing Surges 0 Total 0
2nd Winds 0 Total 0
Crits 1 Total 1
PCs Ko'd 0 Total 0

Comment: The PCs are making a real mess of these guys- Level 2 Skirmishers, Tsk!


H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
Encounter #3 Pack Attack.
Note this is Encounter #27 for this group of PCs

Round #2

Grey- Scorching Burst H5; Hit 12 Fire damage- DEAD & H4; Hit 12 Fire damage- DEAD & H7; Hit 12 Fire damage (6 HP bloodied). Move. Action Point with Action Surge and Phrenic's Tactical Presence. Fire Shroud H6; '1' Miss & H7; '2' Miss.


H2- Bite Dirty; Miss.




H6- Move- Flee. Grey AoO Quarterstaff H6; Hit 6 damage (2 HP bloodied). Phrenic AoO Longsword H6; Hit 10 damage- DEAD.

H7- Move- Flee.

Winstanley- Tumble. Sly Flourish Combat Advantage H2; Hit 22 damage (15 HP bloodied).

Kaspard- Move. Daunting Light H2; Hit 10 Radiant damage (5 HP bloodied) & Combat Advantage to Dirty.

Phrenic- Move. Steel Monsoon H2; Hit 23 damage- DEAD.

Time to play 9 minutes.
Total time to play 27 minutes.

End of Combat-

Good Guys
Dirty Biskit, Male Dwarven Fighter 4 (HP44/55)
Kaspard, Female Half-Elf Cleric of Bahamut 4 (HP41)
Winstanley Portico, Male Halfling Rogue 4 (HP41)
Grey Morlock, Male Human Wizard 4 (HP36)
Phrenic, Male Tiefling Warlord 4 (HP30/44)

Bad Guys 875XP Level 4 Encounter.
Hyena Level 2 Skirmisher [H] (x7) (HP37) 6 DEAD & 1 FLED.

Action Points 1 Total 5
Daily Powers 0 Total 1
Healing Surges 0 Total 0
2nd Winds 0 Total 0
Crits 0 Total 1
PCs Ko'd 0 Total 0

Comment: Who's laughing now...

And the camp site is soon cleared, the dead Hyenas are taken a little way off and thrown into a handy crevasse- they don't want to attract any more predators. Watch is reset, and the PCs bed down for the remainder of the night- which proves to be uninterrupted.

And the PCs are loving this by the way, I think a large part of it is the floor plans, winding passages and rocky chambers that look just like they're supposed to, only 2D of course. The monsters they've fought are also the kind of mongrels they expect, that's not the word, they suspect they'd find in a place like this- it seems eerily real. Before the fight commenced all the players were 'shushed' into silence by Winstanley (Paul), and they did- they all went silent, so I did the sound effects (sort of)- a yapping laughter- short and only vaguely laughter like, such are my capabilities.

Iain (Grey) immediately (actually after I'd had two goes at it) said- 'Hyena', so I'm not that bad at animal/beast noises. A good narrative also helps, I've been laying it on thick with the spookiness of the Labyrinth, dice rolls- making pretend notes, that kind of thing. They're a little on edge...

Which is great.

Stats: Another massacre, PCs connection rate 85.19% (23 from 27 attacks), the bad guys 57.14% (4 from 7 attacks)- the PCs made just short of four times as many attacks as the bad guys, and hit nearly six times more. The PCs did 297 HP damage and took 25 back, in two rounds- although Action Points got spent; that's an average of 148.5 damage/Turn for the PCs and 12.5 damage/Turn for the monsters.

As I say, a massacre.

Lowest individual connection rate was Grey 77.78% (7 from 9), highest Dirty & Winstanley 100% (both 3 from 3).

That's improved all of the PCs overall connection rate a little, which leads us nicely to-

Combined Stats: Just a glimpse at where everyone is at, after five encounters played at Level 4-

Average Level of Encounter: 5 (Level +1)
Actual Encounters Played: 3 (Level -1) x1, 4 (Level +0) x2, 5 (Level +1) x1 & 9 (Level +5) x1.
Average Encounter length: 5.2 Turns or 54.8 minutes (54 minutes & 48 seconds).

Individual PC Attacks (minimum 5 attacks made)-

22.22% Kaspard Beacon of Hope
36.36% Kaspard Healing Strike
37.5% Phrenic Wolf Pack Tactics
42.86% Dirty Crushing Blow
44% Dirty AoO Maul
46.67% Kaspard Hand of Radiance
50% Dirty Spinning Strike
& Phrenic Steel Monsoon
54.55% Dirty Cleave
57.14% Dirty Brute Strike
& Kaspard Lance of Faith
57.89% Phrenic Scorching Burst
58.33& Phrenic Charge Longsword
58.82% Grey Burning Hands
61.11% Dirty Reaping Strike
61.76% Phrenic Viper's Strike
62% Grey Magic Missile
63.64% Grey Ray of Frost
64.52% Grey Fire Shroud
65.71% Kaspard Sacred Flame
66.67% Dirty Charge Maul
& Kaspard Blazing Starfall
& Phrenic Leaf on the Wind
& Phrenic Lead the Attack
70.59% Grey Scorching Burst
71.43% Kaspard Daunting Light
& Phrenic AoO Longsword
72% Kaspard Turn Undead
74.04% Winstanley Sly Flourish
81.25% Winstanley Positioning Strike
83.33% Winstanley Trick Strike
93.33% Winstanley Deft Strike

Same table with minimum of 10 attacks made-

36.36% Kaspard Healing Strike
44% Dirty AoO Maul
46.67% Kaspard Hand of Radiance
50% Dirty Spinning Strike
54.55% Dirty Cleave
57.14% Dirty Brute Strike
& Kaspard Lance of Faith
57.89% Phrenic Scorching Burst
58.33& Phrenic Charge Longsword
58.82% Grey Burning Hands
61.11% Dirty Reaping Strike
61.76% Phrenic Viper's Strike
62% Grey Magic Missile
63.64% Grey Ray of Frost
64.52% Grey Fire Shroud
65.71% Kaspard Sacred Flame
66.67% Dirty Charge Maul
& Phrenic Leaf on the Wind
70.59% Grey Scorching Burst
72% Kaspard Turn Undead
74.04% Winstanley Sly Flourish
81.25% Winstanley Positioning Strike
93.33% Winstanley Deft Strike

Same table with minimum 25 attacks made-

44% Dirty AoO Maul
54.55% Dirty Cleave
57.89% Phrenic Scorching Burst
58.82% Grey Burning Hands
61.11% Dirty Reaping Strike
61.76% Phrenic Viper's Strike
62% Grey Magic Missile
64.52% Grey Fire Shroud
65.71% Kaspard Sacred Flame
66.67% Dirty Charge Maul
70.59% Grey Scorching Burst
72% Kaspard Turn Undead
74.04% Winstanley Sly Flourish

Same table with minimum 50 attacks made-

58.82% Grey Burning Hands
62% Grey Magic Missile
65.71% Kaspard Sacred Flame
70.59% Grey Scorching Burst
74.04% Winstanley Sly Flourish

Same table with minimum 100 attacks made-

70.59% Grey Scorching Burst
74.04% Winstanley Sly Flourish

That's some big hitting, and consistent.

I'll do the big Stat thing when the players have completed all encounters as Level 4 and are Leveling up.


H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
Encounter #4 Into the Chamber of Eyes
Note this is Encounter #28 for this group of PCs

Approaching the Chamber of Eyes.

Two hours later, as Charrak predicted, the PCs are cautiously entering The Chamber of Eyes, which by the look of it has seen better times.

The PCs Ready Room.

In short order a set of reinforced (and formerly locked) double doors are investigated by Winstanley- voices beyond them, Goblin voices. The Halfling Rogue is also lifted high onto a balcony at the far end of the chamber- there's another door there, also formerly locked, within a short passage and short flight of stairs down into a guardroom.

The guards seem to consist of a Bugbear and a bunch of Goblins- easy work, a little bit of planning and away we go.

Winstanley and Phrenic are up on the balcony ready to shove open the door and dive in.

At the main doors the other PCs await the signal.


Good Guys
Dirty Biskit, Male Dwarven Fighter 4 (HP55)
Kaspard, Female Half-Elf Cleric of Bahamut 4 (HP41)
Winstanley Portico, Male Halfling Rogue 4 (HP41)
Grey Morlock, Male Human Wizard 4 (HP36)
Phrenic, Male Tiefling Warlord 4 (HP44)

Bad Guys 800XP Level 3 Encounter.
Goblin Skullcleaver Level 3 Brute [GS] (x4) (HP53)
Bugbear Warrior Level 5 Brute [BW] (HP76)


Initiative- 24 Winstanley 19 Goblin Skullcleavers 15 Grey & Bugbear Warrior 14 Phrenic 12 Dirty 8 Kaspard.

Go! Both sets of doors are kicked open...

The Bloodreaver Guard Chamber.

Surprise Round.

Winstanley- First Strike Deft Strike Combat Advantage BW; Hit 22 damage (54 HP).

Grey- Scorching Burst GS3; Hit 9 Fire damage (44 HP) & GS4; Hit 9 Fire damage (44 HP).

Phrenic- Charge GS1; Hit 9 damage (44 HP).

Dirty- Charge GS3; Hit 15 damage (29 HP). Marked.

Kapsard- Blazing Starfall GS3; Miss & GS4; Miss.

Time to play 8 minutes including setting up minis and map.

End of Turn-

Good Guys
Dirty Biskit, Male Dwarven Fighter 4 (HP55)
Kaspard, Female Half-Elf Cleric of Bahamut 4 (HP41)
Winstanley Portico, Male Halfling Rogue 4 (HP41)
Grey Morlock, Male Human Wizard 4 (HP36)
Phrenic, Male Tiefling Warlord 4 (HP44)

Bad Guys 800XP Level 3 Encounter.
Goblin Skullcleaver Level 3 Brute [GS] (x4) (HP44/53 53/53 29/53 44/53)
Bugbear Warrior Level 5 Brute [BW] (HP54/76)

Action Points 0 Total 0
Daily Powers 0 Total 0
Healing Surges 0 Total 0
2nd Winds 0 Total 0
Crits 0 Total 0
PCs Ko'd 0 Total 0

Comment: And into The Chamber of Eyes...


H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
Encounter #4 Into the Chamber of Eyes
Note this is Encounter #28 for this group of PCs

Round #1.

Winstanley- Move. First Strike Bait & Switch Combat Advantage BW; Crit 29 damage (25 HP bloodied) & switch places.

GS1- Battleaxe Phrenic; Miss. Shift.

GS2- Move. Battleaxe Combat Advantage Winstanley; Hit 8 damage (33 HP).

GS3- Battleaxe Dirty; Hit 15 damage (40 HP).

GS4- Charge Dirty; Miss.

Grey- Shift forward. Fire Shroud GS3; Hit 9 Fire damage (20 HP bloodied) & GS4; Hit 9 Fire damage (35 HP) & Ongoing 5 Fire damage both.

BW- Predatory Eye Winstanley. Skullthumper Combat Advantage Winstanley; Miss. Shift.

Phrenic- Leaf on the Wind GS1; Hit 17 damage (27 HP).

Dirty- Crushing Blow GS3; Hit 21 damage- DEAD. Shift forward. 2nd Wind (53 HP).

Kapsard- Daunting Light GS4; Hit 21 Radiant damage (14 HP bloodied) & Combat Advantage to Grey.

Time to play 13 minutes.

End of Turn-

Good Guys
Dirty Biskit, Male Dwarven Fighter 4 (HP53/55)
Kaspard, Female Half-Elf Cleric of Bahamut 4 (HP41)
Winstanley Portico, Male Halfling Rogue 4 (HP33/41)
Grey Morlock, Male Human Wizard 4 (HP36)
Phrenic, Male Tiefling Warlord 4 (HP44)

Bad Guys 800XP Level 3 Encounter.
Goblin Skullcleaver Level 3 Brute [GS] (x4) (HP27/53 53/53 14/53) 1 DEAD.
Bugbear Warrior Level 5 Brute [BW] (HP25/76)

Action Points 0 Total 0
Daily Powers 0 Total 0
Healing Surges 0 Total 0
2nd Winds 1 Total 1
Crits 1 Total 1
PCs Ko'd 0 Total 0

Comment: Another massacre?


H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
Encounter #4 Into the Chamber of Eyes
Note this is Encounter #28 for this group of PCs

Round #2.

Winstanley- Positioning Strike BW; Miss. Tumble to block exit of room.

GS1- Battleaxe Phrenic; Miss.

GS2- Move. Battleaxe Winstanley; Hit - 2nd Chance - Hit 7 damage (26 HP).


GS4- 5 Ongoing Fire damage (9 HP bloodied). Move- Flee. Dirty AoO GS4; Crit 19 damage- DEAD.

Grey- Move. Scorching Burst BW; Hit 8 Fire damage (17 HP bloodied) & GS2; Hit 8 Fire damage (45 HP).

BW- Move. Morningstar Phrenic; Crit 18 damage (26 HP).

Phrenic- Steel Monsoon BW; Hit 10 damage (7 HP bloodied) & PCs Shift around. Inspiring Word +4 HP Self (41 HP).

Dirty- Move. Spinning Strike GS2; Hit 13 damage (32 HP) & knocked Prone. Marked.

Kapsard- Move. Hand of Radiance GS2; Hit 8 Radiant damage (24 HP bloodied) & BW; Hit 8 Radiant damage- DEAD. Healing Word +4 HP Winstanley (40 HP).

Time to play 12 minutes.

End of Turn-

Good Guys
Dirty Biskit, Male Dwarven Fighter 4 (HP53/55)
Kaspard, Female Half-Elf Cleric of Bahamut 4 (HP41)
Winstanley Portico, Male Halfling Rogue 4 (HP40/41)
Grey Morlock, Male Human Wizard 4 (HP36)
Phrenic, Male Tiefling Warlord 4 (HP41/44)

Bad Guys 800XP Level 3 Encounter.
Goblin Skullcleaver Level 3 Brute [GS] (x4) (HP27/53 24/53) 2 DEAD.
Bugbear Warrior Level 5 Brute [BW] (HP76) DEAD

Action Points 0 Total 0
Daily Powers 0 Total 0
Healing Surges 2 Total 2
2nd Winds 0 Total 1
Crits 1 Total 2
PCs Ko'd 0 Total 0

Comment: More of the same...


H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
Encounter #4 Into the Chamber of Eyes
Note this is Encounter #28 for this group of PCs

Round #3.

Winstanley- Sly Flourish Combat Advantage GS2; Hit 17 damage (7 HP bloodied). Shift.

GS1- Battleaxe Phrenic; Miss.

GS2- Stand. Bloodied Rage- Battleaxe Dirty; Hit 12 damage (41 HP).



Grey- Magic Missile (with Wand of Accuracy) GS2; Hit 10 Force damage- DEAD.


Phrenic- Shift. Viper's Strike GS1; Hit 11 damage (16 HP bloodied).

Dirty- Move. Reaping Strike Combat Advantage GS1; Hit 9 damage (7 HP bloodied). Marked.

Kapsard- Move. Sacred Flame GS1; Hit 5 Radiant damage (2 HP bloodied) & 5 Temp HP Dirty.

Time to play 9 minutes.

End of Turn-

Good Guys
Dirty Biskit, Male Dwarven Fighter 4 (HP41/55)
Kaspard, Female Half-Elf Cleric of Bahamut 4 (HP41)
Winstanley Portico, Male Halfling Rogue 4 (HP40/41)
Grey Morlock, Male Human Wizard 4 (HP36)
Phrenic, Male Tiefling Warlord 4 (HP41/44)

Bad Guys 800XP Level 3 Encounter.
Goblin Skullcleaver Level 3 Brute [GS] (x4) (HP2/53) 3 DEAD.
Bugbear Warrior Level 5 Brute [BW] (HP76) DEAD.

Action Points 0 Total 0
Daily Powers 0 Total 0
Healing Surges 0 Total 2
2nd Winds 0 Total 1
Crits 0 Total 2
PCs Ko'd 0 Total 0

Comment: One Goblin Skullcleaver left, and he's just entered Bloodied Rage- to the death...


H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
Encounter #4 Into the Chamber of Eyes
Note this is Encounter #28 for this group of PCs

Round #4.

Winstanley- Shift. Sly Flourish Combat Advantage GS1; Hit 15 damage- DEAD.

Oh. That didn't last long.

Time to play 2 minutes.
Total time to play 44 minutes.

End of Combat-

Good Guys
Dirty Biskit, Male Dwarven Fighter 4 (HP41/55)
Kaspard, Female Half-Elf Cleric of Bahamut 4 (HP41)
Winstanley Portico, Male Halfling Rogue 4 (HP40/41)
Grey Morlock, Male Human Wizard 4 (HP36)
Phrenic, Male Tiefling Warlord 4 (HP41/44)

Bad Guys 800XP Level 3 Encounter.
Goblin Skullcleaver Level 3 Brute [GS] (x4) (HP53) 4 DEAD.
Bugbear Warrior Level 5 Brute [BW] (HP76) DEAD.

Action Points 0 Total 0
Daily Powers 0 Total 0
Healing Surges 0 Total 2
2nd Winds 0 Total 1
Crits 0 Total 2
PCs Ko'd 0 Total 0

Comment: Too easy, but the players loved it- especially getting the Goblins and the Bugbear trapped in their guard chamber, I tried to get one away but... And very soon after I was stuck, excellent play by the PCs to plug both exits.

The PCs manage to locate a Belt of Sacrifice, the Bugbear was wearing it- Kaspard claims it, it'll be of the most use to her.

Stat: An absolute massacre, the PCs connection rate was 88.89% (24 from 27), which is just... mad. Kaspard with 66.67% (4 from 6), Winstanley with 80% (4 from 5), and the other PCs- Dirty (5 from 5), Grey (7 from 7) and Phrenic (4 from 4) all at 100% connection rate. And the bad guys- 45.45% (5 from 11), the PCs connection rate almost double the bad guys.

Damage/Turn 63.2 HP for the PCs, and the bad guts 12 HP- as I say a massacre.

Voidrunner's Codex

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