D&D 5E New Baldur's Gate 3 Video

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Gives me huge Altmer vibes. Altmer are fairly close to humans too, but have that Star Trek style "different eyes and eyebrows" thing going on.


Thing is, D&D changed the appearance of elves from 2nd to 3rd edition to make them look less human. Since the original Baldur's Gate was 2nd edition, the artwork depicts fairly human-like 2nd edition elves. For Baldur's Gate 3 to be consistent, it also has to use 2nd edition elves.

Compare to Tanis (Dragonlance). As a 1st edition half elf design, he is even more human looking than Jalheria.


Thing is, D&D changed the appearance of elves from 2nd to 3rd edition to make them look less human. Since the original Baldur's Gate was 2nd edition, the artwork depicts fairly human-like 2nd edition elves. For Baldur's Gate 3 to be consistent, it also has to use 2nd edition elves.

Compare to Tanis (Dragonlance). As a 1st edition half elf design, he is even more human looking than Jalheria.
Tanis is also a half-elf, but one could look at Laurana, a Qualinesti elf frequently depicted in Dragonlance art. Her ears are typically hidden, at least partially, under her golden locks, and she could certainly pass for a (beautiful) human female in many of the depictions.

(And while looking at Dragonlance imagery, I stumbled across this one where she's mounted on an absolutely stunning silver dragon: https://thegeeksmenagerie.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/sdragon.jpg)

In our imagination the look of Laurana is like the picture by Elmore.

Other example could be the redesign of the halflings in the different editions. In 3rd they were the serious cousins of the kenders, and after the hobbit-like look again.

* I guess dragonborns will be in the game, but I doubt seriously to see romance options for these, but other dragonborn character. Maybe kobolds?


For the same reason Terry Pratchett didn't write a Games of Thrones novel. People do what they do well. If they try to imitate someone else's style they do it badly.

And Larian have a better track record for releasing on schedule with low bugs than Bioware ever did.
I'm sure Larian can make a great Larian game. That doesn't mean I find it a good BG game. If I want to read funny and extremely empathic Discworld fantasy I don't buy a GRR Martin book.


Building software is a smidge more complicated than that. Similarly, translating a pen & paper RPG game system into a completely different medium is also somewhat more complicated than that. They would have used the existing, working, production-tested engine they already have because doing otherwise would cost a fortune (in time as well as money).

As well, retooling an existing engine frees up the time to create 'a long and involved story that can carry the BG heritage'.
It's not like the BG3 development haven't cost a fortune in time and money already. Freeing up time to create that long and involved story may be moot when you play through that story with DOS2 mechanics instead of 5e feel.


What other games are these? I don't know of a single video game that uses actual 5e rules. The only major successful D&D video game of the past like decade uses a (rather heavily modified) version of 4e rules, and that's the Neverwinter MMO. DDO uses a heavily-modified version of 3.5e rules. The only video game application of 5e rules, as far as I was aware, was Sword Coast Legends...and that went defunct in 2018 after several years of mixed responses (with several rather poor reviews, in the 5.5-6.5 range for both critic and consumer reviews.)
Solasta: Crown of the Magister is a game with 5e ruleset that has done a pretty good job with a fraction of Larians budget.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Frankly, the reason I didn't recognize Jaheira is that I always thought she was much darker-skinned than that. Like...slightly darker than the brown of cardboard. Not "basically white like every bland elf NPC ever."
and those drawn eyebrows! Guess Jaheira developed a sideline of making make-up tutorials on youtube!

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