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New Generation Legacy, Issue 2: A New day arrives


"As I said, I actually prefer my name. 'Specs' is most certainly inferior," Emmet says stiffly. "I will not take any notes for you; in fact, doing so would likely only exacerbate the attendance problems you experienced previously. Otherwise, I am here to help you learn," Emmet explains, trying a placating smile.

"By the way Cody, I realized that we are in the same power training class, as are most of the others who were attacked at the shopping center. Interesting. What other classes will you be taking?"

Emmet cracks a small smile as the newcomer humorously comments on Johnathan's hat. "Good morning, my name is Emmet. I do not believe that we have met."

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“Amy you are a sweetheart, just give me directions and I will go surprise her and see how she is feeling,” Nick grins grabbing his books. He leaves his room and slides towards her dorms and then knocks gently on the door once he is there. Cologne, check. Hair, check. Looking good, check. Teeth pearly and white, check. Damn I make these clothes look damn good, Nick thinks to himself as he waits for the door to open.


"Yea, whatever." Tina replies leaning back slightly taking another bite of her toast. "School is not my thing, to much fun is being missed while we sit in class learning about dead presidents and other boring things."

"Can say that again," Jerry agreed. "Gets in the way of surfing."

She walks up to large group of students and looks at John before talking to the group. "Hi. No one told me that today was some kind of costume day," she says lightly.

Cody pops the collar of the plaid shirt that is currently engulfing him, looking like a bird ruffling his feathers, "Beg your pardon, ma'am? These studly clothes be my casual wear." he responds in an exaggerated Midwestern accent.

Smiling now, Cody continues in his usual tone, "I'd shake your hand but your tray's in the way a little. Wanna put it down so we can introduce ourselves properly? My name's Cody Bryant, that's Emmet, this guy's Jerry and this is Raph." the teen says by partial introduction, leaving the others to introduce themselves.


Cody pops the collar of the plaid shirt that is currently engulfing him, looking like a bird ruffling his feathers, "Beg your pardon, ma'am? These studly clothes be my casual wear." he responds in an exaggerated Midwestern accent.

"Don't laugh or we're making fun of his culture," Jerry cautioned with false gravity.

Smiling now, Cody continues in his usual tone, "I'd shake your hand but your tray's in the way a little. Wanna put it down so we can introduce ourselves properly? My name's Cody Bryant, that's Emmet, this guy's Jerry and this is Raph." the teen says by partial introduction, leaving the others to introduce themselves.



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"Really... A Gen-u-ine Kansas look?" Mary comments, grinning. "We haven't yet been introduced:" the girl pauses, shifting her tray to her left hand, "Mary Keller, of Kansas City, Kansas." And there's going to be foreign people here... She adds belatedly, "In the United States."

"So Bryant, where are you from? Someplace Northeast?" What high school uses first names?

"Umm, Jun Min, can you tell us all what kind of extracurriculars this school has? And how long that whole no leaving penalty will be in effect?" Wow, that's dumb. I wasn't even here. They had better have a ton of activities and :):):):) if we can't leave. And I need them to pad out my college application, especially since basketball is probably a no go now.
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"I'm Clover by the way, since the goof seems to have forgotten me." The British girl says, aiming the introduction at Tina and the new girl...Mary was it?

"I think you Yanks have the Market cornered on Kansas." the red head teases Mary lightly. "I'm curious about the extra curriculars too. I mean I guess there isn't a fencing team...how about football? And who would we even get play since I'm guessing no school would ever think it'd be a fair contest to come onto the pitch and find us there."


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Clover, Mary, Jerry, Cody

"Kansas City? Might as well be from New York." The large boy responds with a smile, "pleased to meet you Miss Keller."

"Well since the school just started." Jun Min replies, "there are no official teams or anything but there is a swimming pool, tennis courts, a football field one for the European sport and one for the American sport, track and field. We also have several rooms available in case anyone wanted to start up some clubs, like fencing for instance." Jun Min adds in the last comment, glancing over at Clover.

"And yes, no regular school would want to compete against an all elite team. That is one of the reasons two schools were built."

"Probably about a week," she responds to Mary's second question. "It unfortunate but can't be helped."

Raph slowly but surely continues to work away at her mountain of food, not saying anything but watching the conversation between the students and Jun Min.


"One moment please," you sense more then hear before the door is opened. "Nick," she says with a smile as she sees you. "What are you doing here? I figured that I would see you in the cafeteria or class."


Tina stares at you quite dumbfounded as the others talk not quite sure what to say, her fists clenching and unclenching.

"You... I... Are you not into girls? Pretty girl here," she says gesturing to herself. "Trying to talk to obviously uninterested boy." She adds angrily pointing to you. "You know what, screw it... I knew this wouldn't turn out well, last time I take anyone's advice." She mutters loudly to herself as she moves away from the table, walking by a rather large support beam.


Her punch has literally pulverized a cinder block sized hole as well as leaving fracture marks running up and down the rest of the pole.

"Tina.." Jun Min starts before being cut off my Amy. "Tina Santos, physical violence is not a-allowed on the school or the grounds except for the designated areas." The girl only responds by flip the finger to the speaker as she walks out the door.

"Looks like I have some work to do." Jun Min replies as she leaves to catch up.


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"One moment please," you sense more then hear before the door is opened. "Nick," she says with a smile as she sees you. "What are you doing here? I figured that I would see you in the cafeteria or class."
“Yeah I was thinking I could do that but I sort of felt responsible for getting you hurt in the first place, all that stuff started after Yoshi and I decided to show off. So I wanted to apologize and also see if you wanted to get some breakfast, my treat, you can have whatever you want on the menu. Yoshi is probably there already or done, knowing how fast he is, you ready or do you need some more time to get even more beautiful?” Nick replies thinking, Crap I hadn’t thought about Yoshi till now; seems like a tough guy though he should be alright. I wonder how everyone else is doing… I still think we kicked ass yesterday though.

Nick asks Amy, “Tell Yoshi I am looking for him, okay Amy?”


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"If I'm the only one who knows what I'm doing its a bit of a waste inn'it? It takes two to have a fight, and it takes months or years to build up the skills to move around freely in armor. I'm sort of resigned to it at this point." Clover tells the teacher. "Maybe we can get something similair going though. A karate club with powers would be cool. We'd need rules of course, but I think it could be fun to hold turnaments and have rankings."

"Emmet I think you offended her love. Your suppoused to go all weak at the knees and do anything a person with breasts tells you...didn't you know that mate?" Clover teases as Tina throws her tantrum and stalks out.

"I do think she quite like you mate." Clover says, fighting to keep in a guffaw.

"Wouldn't fancy a slug fest with her much." the British girl added thoughtfully.

Voidrunner's Codex

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