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NEW Immortals Handbook - Ascension thread

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Thanks for the feedback shadethief mate. ;)

HeruShango said:

Hey there HeruShango! :)

HeruShango said:
I was reading Fieari's Playtest report and was thinking. Would it be possible to show a step-by-step creation of an immortal or epic hero? It could be the last chapter of the book or an appendix. That way the reader could see the complete process and it would make it a little easier for them.

What do you think?

I already have a quick step-by-step guide to creating immortals in Ascension.

That said, I would definately be interested to hear from the pre-order people who have used that step-by-step guide where (if anywhere) it is lacking.

One thing a guide can't do is pick classes, prestige classes, feats and abilities for you and I think it is here that things will inevitably slow down, especially from players who don't have a clear idea what they want to play.

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Hey Axolotl dude! :D

Axolotl said:
When will we be getting Immortal charicter sheets?

Probably with Ascension (at the back of the book).

Initially I thought I wasn't going to be able to fit them into Ascension, but Mongoose have told me that the page counts can be irregular as long as they are divisible by four. So I could easily make Ascension 164 pages by adding the character sheets.

When I get them sorted I will also make them available for free download here in the Forums and on the website. ;)


First Post
Why does the Entropy portfolio have the NE algnment requirement when all the entropy things currently mentioned are TN or CN?

Also when will we start getting Gods and Monsters because I really want to see the pantheon creation guidlines.

Hey Axolotl mate! :)

Axolotl said:
Why does the Entropy portfolio have the NE algnment requirement when all the entropy things currently mentioned are TN or CN?

Beings of Entropy (such as Umbrals) are neutral with evil tendencies. Much like a forest fire or a meteor impact, they are destructive to life, but don't have a say in who or what they are.

Whereas someone who chooses Entropy as a portfolio still has a choice, and therefore is neutral evil.

Axolotl said:
Also when will we start getting Gods and Monsters because I really want to see the pantheon creation guidlines.

As soon as Ascension is available I will be working on Gods & Monsters. At the moment Gods & Monsters is pencilled in for a November release. Ascension's art is going to take another 3-4 weeks. Gods & Monsters art will take about 6 weeks, then the text will take another 3 months or thereabouts (Remember Gods & Monsters is going to be 160 pages now, thats 96 pages more than was initially intended).


First Post
Will you be releasing Gods and Monsters in the same way as acsension? If so will november be for the final release or the first update? If not, why not?
Whereas someone who chooses Entropy as a portfolio still has a choice, and therefore is neutral evil.
What about Ygorl?
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Howdy Axolotl dude! :)

Axolotl said:
Will you be releasing Gods and Monsters in the same way as acsension?

No. I made such a balls of the pre-order thing last time I won't ever repeat it.

Axolotl said:
If so will november be for the final release or the first update? If not, why not?

November will be the full release, although there may be a few pdf updates as people spot errata (as there was with the Bestiary), but I'll keep those to a minimum.

Axolotl said:
What about Ygorl?

Well he's WotC product identity so I couldn't have him in the book added to which hes nothing to do with Mythology, so theres no place for him in Gods & Monsters.

I suppose I could detail him on the website at some point...just don't ask me when.

Arg-ha Lardgoa

Half-Ogre King
a quick question on apertures. does the bonded being continue to gain power through it or is it a one time bond and then the must get additional power elsewhere?

Phantom Llama

First Post
Axolotl said:
Also how did you fail at the pre-ordering thing?
People paid for the IH ahead of time and still haven't gotten the finished product, going on a year after the release date. While I was expecting this and prepared for the long haul, it's still something of a clusterlovemake.

I don't have any hard feelings though since UK is contrite about it. I'm not exactly good at pacing myself myself.
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