NEW Immortals Handbook - Ascension thread

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Hey dante mate! :)

dante58701 said:
Yes, love the art, especially the archer.

You like that one? I thought it was by far the worst effort! I'm almost certainly going to redo it.

I really like all of them except that one.

By the way - what do you guys think of the two which have the backgrounds? What I have found is that the its just a distraction to use a shaped background in a piece with multiple characters. I may digitally erase the backgrounds for those particular illustrations.

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Hey Pssthpok! :)

Pssthpok said:
How about that update, then?

Well I had an email from Mongoose a few days ago about Ascension, asking for the cover so they can start their publicising its release, so I am giving that all my attention at the moment.

I'll just have to play things by ear over the next week and see how they go.


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Upper_Krust said:
Hope you had a great time! :)

It was good; less than I expected but still fun.

I honestly don't think its as simple as Attack balancing Armor Class.

First and foremost because the relationship between Attack and AC changes as you advance.

Hitting becomes more and more easier while damage becomes less and less pertinent.

Especially when you give out abilities that boost attacks more than they boost AC. :p

Well again I am referring to a combat situation, not one where some sort of 'trick' has gained one side the upper hand.

Being a PC in a party isn't a 'trick', UK. It's a fact of the matter, a reality in the game. Having cohorts isn't a trick, either. Saying that damage is proportionally lowered as levels rise isn't a perfect truth; it's subject to the creature's HP and AC and the attackers BAB and feat selection (especially if the attacker has UPA).

Counterbalance can work in many wasy though. I have already explained the Attack vs. AC is counter-balanced by Damage vs. HP.

Well, as I've said before, giving attackers a greater advantage than they already have over target ACs exacerbates this relationship; it also supports your argument by inflating the symptoms of the imbalance.

Its only a dissonance if you assume hitting 95% of the opponents on a '2'+ for your best fighter type is a flaw, rather than a feature of epic play.

Which I do. If the fighter always hits past a certain level, then the game runs aground. If that's your idea of what epic combat is like... well... I'll abstain from commenting.

You simply cannot keep everything within the perfunctory 20 point margin of the d20 range.

Certainly not by abandoning the idea of doing so and resigning ourselves to such (dare I say) mundaneness as 95% one way or the other.

Good luck with that.

I'm not trying to be offensive, you know? I just think you're digging a hole by pushing attacks higher and higher above ACs and the same for the Save/DC relationship.

It adds your intelligence up to the power of your divine rank. Remember your divinity is technically allowing you to bend the rules in such cases.

That's not what my copy says. Is this a 2.7 thing? If it is, I'd like to not be called to task on comparisons that I don't have.

Can you give me an example?

Any situation where it's more than one-on-one and where the BBEG isn't optimized for high AC or HP. Like an undead, for instance, against a strong party. That fight won't take more than... 4-8 rounds, no matter how much you reconcile attacks and AC. In a one-on-one, yeah: the damage needs to be high (ala UPA, usually) and the attacks need to land more often to keep the fights quick... but that's a situation that shouldn't happen often. Again... it's like your idea of what epic fights are differs from mine, and from what is statistically more average, IMXP. While it might be cinematic, it's not realistic and shouldn't be defaulted as the 'norm'. At lest that what it seems like you're doing, to me, because a full compliment PC party doesn't need to hit 95% of the time to keep the fights even, and they certainly don't need to be molly-coddled by duct-taped mechanics to keep their fight times down. A strong party with good tactics can do that all on their own, with a 95%, 75%, or even 50% hit ratio.

That's cool; while it might irk my PCs, it might be equally better for balance. :)

But they still need to be value for money.

There's nothing wrong with keeping the abilities balanced. Like I said, even if the abilities are balanced doesn't mean the attack-bonus power is weak; it's only "weak" or "nullified" if the enemy also takes the AC-bonus power... which is a good setup, since one should cancel the other.

Yes, but getting to an ability score of 50+ takes abilities in itself.

Or hit dice, or templates. :)

No harm done.

Good good; take care.
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I don't think there is a solution to this discussion. We each have our own ideas of epic play just as we have our own play styles. As a GM, if you don't want the fighters hitting on a 2+, just add 10 to their total to hit attack bonus, and pick a monster with about that much AC. (or make one have that much AC) With all the books like Ascension with the potential for powering up PCs, there should be equal numbers of ways for the GM to tailor his game to the players and provide challenges to those PCs.

Heck, does absolute mathematical game balance really matter? If the first people to buy Ascension off the shelves of a local bookstore sit down and run through the (unmodified) Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil with Old one-level PCs, and have tons of fun doing it, who cares? It is a game. If you have a game balance problem that ruins the fun of the game, it's probably either the player or the GM at fault. This can be corrected by simply talking to the offending player/GM. If a mechanic is the problem, you can just disallow or house-rule the mechanic and continue right on gaming. A game system fails when so many house-rules are needed that the game ceases to be fun.

Hi Pssthpok mate! :)

Pssthpok said:
Guess it's a no-go on that update, eh? :confused:

Easy tiger. I've just done my first week (night shifts) and had my three days/nights back to back. When I got home this morning (after 2 1/2 hours to get home because of the slack Sunday morning bus schedule) the soles of my feet were red raw and bleeding (note to self - get the most comfortable shoes imaginable) and I was totally shattered. I slept 11 hours straight today (although I felt okay sleeping just 5 hours the previous two nights).

...However, I am off tonight/tomorrow so I'll have it done on Monday - no worries. ;)

If I find after a few weeks that the job is unduly affecting progress on the books I'll have it cut down to two days/nights per week.


First Post
Upper_Krust said:
Hi Pssthpok mate! :)

Easy tiger. I've just done my first week (night shifts) and had my three days/nights back to back. When I got home this morning (after 2 1/2 hours to get home because of the slack Sunday morning bus schedule) the soles of my feet were red raw and bleeding (note to self - get the most comfortable shoes imaginable) and I was totally shattered. I slept 11 hours straight today (although I felt okay sleeping just 5 hours the previous two nights).

...However, I am off tonight/tomorrow so I'll have it done on Monday - no worries. ;)

If I find after a few weeks that the job is unduly affecting progress on the books I'll have it cut down to two days/nights per week.

Jeez, what/where are you working?
Take care of yourself, pal.

Hiya mate! :)

Pssthpok said:
Jeez, what/where are you working?

Its the British equivalent of Walmart, called ASDA. I just needed some quick money (as I was basically dead broke as of a few weeks ago) applied and amazingly was picked ahead of 170+ others (go figure - I'm still trying to work that one out).

The job itself I don't mind (I quite enjoy the exercise - I'm a weightlifting/jogging type of guy) but this first week was just something of a major shock to the system (I've lost 10 pounds weight since I started) and I am still trying to get a handle on my sleeping patterns (which will be awkward since I'm working different days each week).

Pssthpok said:
Take care of yourself, pal.

I'll be okay dude. Stupidly adhered to the dress standards code for footwear which meant I was in agony by the end of the shift. A problem I will correct later today when I invest in some padded socks, therapeutic shoe insoles and a pair of exceptionally comfortable trainers (that look a bit like black shoes). ;)

Hey all! :)

Okay, as probably anticipated I won't be updating tonight, I wasn't working today but I did have to go into town and shop for the appropriate footwear and a number of other things. I also had to send Mongoose the blurb for my upcoming books and I lost 90 minutes work earlier when I tried to attach some files and the email crashed before I had saved it. :(

Anyway, after tonight, I am off for the next two days, I have nothing barring progress for those two days, so barring another unforeseen mishap the update will happen then.

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