NEW Immortals Handbook - Ascension thread

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Pssthpok said:
Hey hey, UK.

Hiya mate! :)

Pssthpok said:
The art looks nice, but the resolutions are really low; the results are blurry.

Thats weird because its the same resolution as the Bestiary pdf, I guess I'll just have to up the res. Obviously the print version will have super high res scans.

Pssthpok said:
Also, how much errata do you expect to see for this? I'm noticing that the text prerequisites still don't match the tables.

I currently have a list of things to do with regards the text, and fixing the prereqs is one of them.

1. Add new Omnific Ability.
2. (Possibly) Add new page to Religion section.
3. Expand Portfolio Dimension Text.
4. Match Table Prereqs.

If anyone has any other suggestions or errata let me know here or in the Upper Krust Fix This thread. Thanks. ;)

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Other than the demiurge Cosmic Firmament ability still being x2 and the Science Portfolio being a bit confusing...nope, but I haven't really taken a comb to it yet.

Hey Arg-ha mate! :)

Arg-ha Lardgoa said:
so if the immortal in question is a pc with class levels and gained 1000 Power Points he would gain an additional 21-22 HD?

No. They would only gain Hit Dice beyond their Power Point Hit Dice minus their Class Level.

So if they had 21 levels they would need enough Power Points to gain 22 HD just to gain 1 extra Hit Dice. That would count as their 22nd Hit Dice and they would need 23,000 EXP to get to the next class level.


First Post
Upper_Krust said:
Hiya mate! :)

Thats weird because its the same resolution as the Bestiary pdf, I guess I'll just have to up the res. Obviously the print version will have super high res scans.
UK, if anyone would have issues with blurriness on the images it would be me, I'm viewing them in 1080p which shows every imperfection and the images are fine


First Post
Upper_Krust said:
Hey all! :)

Ascension update in about an hour I still have a few things to sort out. Also, although the text will be 'finished' I'll almost certainly add a number of things between this update and the actual release - notably the religion building portion really could do with an extra page, although I am not sure how I'll be able to squeeze that in. I also have a new Omnific ability that I haven't added yet because I can't think of a good name yet.

By the way if some people who pre-ordered directly from me don't get their update tonight I'll make sure they do tomorrow (I start work in less than 2 hours).

Hiya mate.

Typo, fixed. Thanks. :)

Hey UK!

I didn't didn't get my copy of the update...Haven't checked in for sometime now. Happy to see you are still hard at work!


Arg-ha Lardgoa

Half-Ogre King
Upper_Krust said:
Hey Arg-ha mate! :)

No. They would only gain Hit Dice beyond their Power Point Hit Dice minus their Class Level.

So if they had 21 levels they would need enough Power Points to gain 22 HD just to gain 1 extra Hit Dice. That would count as their 22nd Hit Dice and they would need 23,000 EXP to get to the next class level.
That is what I was thinking would happen, thanks for the answer just trying clarify this stuff for my group with this info they will be going to quasi-deities. One more thing, so if an immortal had 1000 worship points and were thus a hero-deity with no power points he would be a 20 level (min) character and would then also gain the 1000 Power Points and gain 1 or 2 outsider HD correct?

First up, thanks to all the guys who posted some errata - I'll get on that.

mercucio said:

How do these sound as extensions of the subtle body chain?

Hiya mate - fire away. :)

mercucio said:
You can manifest on the Material Plane while ethereal as if you were a ghost at will.
Prerequisites: Balance 45 Ranks, Dex 40, Ether Goer, Sky Walker, Subtle Body,
Tenacious Body, Wis 40.
Benefit: You gain the manifestation power of ghost while on the Ethereal Plane. Activating/devactivating this ability requires a standard action.

Very cool, love the name too...why didn't I think of that!? :(

mercucio said:
You can turn yourself incorporeal at will. Activating this ability requires a standard action.
Prerequisites: Balance 50 Ranks, Dex 40, Ether Goer, Ghostwalk, Sky Walker, Subtle Body, Tenacious Body, Wis 40.
Benefit: You can become incorporeal at will. Activating/deactivating this ability requires a standard action.

Not totally sure of this one as Asomatous (divine ability) already gives you incorporeality.

Not sure of the name either, DREAMSTALKER could be cool but I don't think the power fits the name.

DREAMSTALKER might be a good name for one of the powers of the Doom Dragon whereby only one opponent can attack it at a give time.

Hi jedirious! :)

jedrious said:
UK, if anyone would have issues with blurriness on the images it would be me, I'm viewing them in 1080p which shows every imperfection and the images are fine

Mmmm. I'll wait and see what size the final pdf is, I may up the image res. slightly.

I should point out that I do have to photoshop the images to get rid of some of the marker lines. Sometimes 10% marker doesn't scan at all, and other times it shows up pretty clear, but I can easily sort that out when the time comes. Also I should have cropped some of the images better a few are showing the page lines. Again this is all easy peasy, but I'll wait until I have all the interior illustration ssorted and then fix them all in one go.

Hello again! :)

Arg-ha Lardgoa said:
That is what I was thinking would happen, thanks for the answer just trying clarify this stuff for my group with this info they will be going to quasi-deities.

Glad I could help! ;)

Arg-ha Lardgoa said:
One more thing, so if an immortal had 1000 worship points and were thus a hero-deity with no power points he would be a 20 level (min) character and would then also gain the 1000 Power Points and gain 1 or 2 outsider HD correct?

Technically there is no minimum or maximum class level for any level of divinity. Although I suggest the ECL of the template should never be greater than the total class levels.

If your above hero-deity had 20 levels and then gained 1000 PP it would gain +2 HD.

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