NEW Immortals Handbook - Ascension thread

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Upper_Krust said:
Hey rj mate! :)

Thats totally weird. I definately included your name in the emails. Perhaps I just mispelled a letter somewhere. :uhoh:

I'll email you right away. ;)

Thanks, love the new art, & I'm going to be reading over the text when I'm off work on Monday! :D


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Divine Fighter II, the feat package, says one application of Epic Potency gives +12 to damage. This should be +2.

Hey all! :)

Been absent from the computer a lot over the past few days, had the tail end of one week bleed into the start of next week as regards that work I mentioned. Which meant five nights on the trot. Tonight is my last consecutive night (thankfully) and I have four days off after that. So I'll get back in the saddle so to speak. ;)

I will also definately be cutting back my hours on this job as of the end of next week to spend more time on the Immortals Handbook. On paper I thought I could balance the two, but 10 1/2 hour shifts with an extra hours travel (both there and back) pretty much mean thats the day over, and when days and nights overlap its very easy for time to just evaporate.

Anyway, Like I said I have a number of days off after tonight so I'll get back up to speed tomorrow.


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Hey hey, UK.

With Perfect Cleave, can you cleave the opponent upon whom you scored the crit, or must you target another foe within reach?

If you critical on the cleave attack, can you cleave again, with a possibility of perpetually attacking?


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RE: Ghostwalk: You can't think of everything :). It'd make my job as a designer boring otherwise :). You're welcome to use the feat in your future publications if you like.

RE: Dreamwalk: If you count the prerequisites you'll see that it IS Asomatus (getting Dreamwalk takes 6 feats). My intent was simply to finish (what seemed to me) the natural progression of the feat chain. Pretty much every feat in the chain grants a portion of the of the benefits of incorporeality, so this just acts like a capstone feat.

Another thing that popped into my head. Portfolio powers, like those found in the Sword portfolio, should not allow you to ignore swords/shields whose enhancement bonus <= your divine rank, but rather should reduce said object's effective enhancement bonus by your divine rank when used against the deity. As it stands now those powers are totally useless because you will never face an opponent whose weapons/shield/armor has such a lowly enhancement bonus.
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Hiya matey! :)

Pssthpok said:
Hey hey, UK.

With Perfect Cleave, can you cleave the opponent upon whom you scored the crit, or must you target another foe within reach?

If you critical on the cleave attack, can you cleave again, with a possibility of perpetually attacking?

Its basically all down to movement. With Supreme Cleave you can take a single 5 ft. step while cleaving. With Perfect Cleave you can cleave after critting. You can still only cleave a given target once (which sounds like an idea for a new Divine/Cosmic Ability).

So you could theoretically cleave every opponent within reach of your starting posistion and any single five foot step.

Some of the divine/cosmic abilities let you take your full movement while cleaving and so forth, so you would be akin to a blur of flesh and steel on the battlefield ploughing a furrow of destruction.

Hey mercucio mate! :)

mercucio said:

RE: Ghostwalk: You can't think of everything :). It'd make my job as a designer boring otherwise :). You're welcome to use the feat in your future publications if you like.

Thanks, I might use the name for something else in the future.

mercucio said:
RE: Dreamwalk: If you count the prerequisites you'll see that it IS Asomatus (getting Dreamwalk takes 6 feats). My intent was simply to finish (what seemed to me) the natural progression of the feat chain. Pretty much every feat in the chain grants a portion of the of the benefits of incorporeality, so this just acts like a capstone feat.

Fair enough.

mercucio said:
Another thing that popped into my head. Portfolio powers, like those found in the Sword portfolio, should not allow you to ignore swords/shields whose enhancement bonus <= your divine rank, but rather should reduce said object's effective enhancement bonus by your divine rank when used against the deity. As it stands now those powers are totally useless because you will never face an opponent whose weapons/shield/armor has such a lowly enhancement bonus.

I'll have a think about it. Thanks.

Weapon power is effectively 1/5th ECL while divine rank is effectively 1/5th HD (or 1/10th ECL.

Which means you will be immune to weapons of those half as powerful as you, or for those with the double portfolio immune to weapons of those as powerful as you.

But perhaps that should be doubled in both cases?


By the way, it came up in the Alabaster game that Metamartial manuevers were banned. This was because the DCs for all the effects is equal to the attack roll, and at higher levels, this makes the saves completely impossible to make. They have a point...

And the chart for "Perfect Weapon Focus" says that it makes epic BAB follow pre-epic BAB instead, but the actual text for it does no such thing.


First Post
Upper_Krust said:
Hiya matey! :)

Its basically all down to movement. With Supreme Cleave you can take a single 5 ft. step while cleaving. With Perfect Cleave you can cleave after critting. You can still only cleave a given target once (which sounds like an idea for a new Divine/Cosmic Ability).

So you could theoretically cleave every opponent within reach of your starting posistion and any single five foot step.

Some of the divine/cosmic abilities let you take your full movement while cleaving and so forth, so you would be akin to a blur of flesh and steel on the battlefield ploughing a furrow of destruction.

You can cleave a single opponent more than once in a round, UK.

For example, imagine - just using Cleave and Great Cleave - that I am fighting 3 people and they are surrounding me (just to take movement out of the example). I attack and kill person number 1, so I cleave Person 3. I then attack and kill person number 2, so I cleave number three again. I don't think there is anything wrong with that, nor is there anything in the rules that states otherwise.

Under the RAW and using Perfect Cleave, one can get an nearly infinite number of attacks if they have a good enough threat range. I suggest a revision:

Perfect Cleave
Prereqs: Cleave, Great Cleave, Str 35, Superior Cleave
Bennies: When you kill an opponent, you can transfer any excess damage to any target that would normally qualify for a cleave attack; if this damage kills the target, you can continue to transfer any excess damage. One you have exhausted all excess damage, you may then cleave as usual.


So far Ascension look fine in our game, however, one character decide that now is ready for is artefacts (I allow him only 1 artefact for is Disciple status) as is ECL is 16 he can have a Artefact that give him 8 Divine Power or 1 Cosmic Power and 2 Divine Power, he gain more power from his only artefact than from his template (LA +5)

Are my math wrong ? I understand as a DM I may choose to not allow some Artefact, or let him gain it via Epic Adventure and so... but without the role-plaing application, is that right ?

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