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New John carter trailer at imdb

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Ive just spotted a new trailer for John carter of mars at imdb I'm on my phone, so I can't give you a link right now.

It has a lot more green Martians and chunks of action in than the first trailer.

Definitely worth a look!

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Dire Bare

Is it related to the one that showed up on SyFy a bit ago, or is this a reboot?

I don't think John Carter of Mars has been done on TV or in the movies yet at all. This 2012 movie should be the first adaptation of the book, at least that I know of. Book is old (1912) and carries themes no longer acceptable to modern audiences, so should be interesting to see how Disney tells the story. I'm cautiously excited!

I'm chuckling about all the comments on IMDB claiming this is derivative of Dune and/or Avatar.

EDIT: Oops! There was a 2009 adaptation of the novel "Princess of Mars", which is the same novel the new movie is based on. Starred Antonio Sabato Jr and Traci Lords, and I even saw it! It was pretty godawful though, so I suppose I blocked it from memory. Did it play on Syfy?
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Staff member
EDIT: Oops! There was a 2009 adaptation of the novel "Princess of Mars", which is the same novel the new movie is based on. Starred Antonio Sabato Jr and Traci Lords, and I even saw it! It was pretty godawful though, so I suppose I blocked it from memory. Did it play on Syfy?


Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Just got back from the theatre and I enjoyed John Carter of Mars quite a bit. I shelled out the extra for the 3D ETC AMC version, so I cannot speak to whether or not the non-3D version gives the same experience. Obviously, the type of story it is can be thought of as dated, much in the way that the Sherlock Holmes stories/movies can be. I also have to say that I have never read even one of the Burroughs John Carter/Barsoom novels, so perhaps they've taken some steps to update the material like
the princess being very good with a sword and not so helpless in many cases
but there are other reasons to see this movie besides the story, which is pretty good for what it needs to be. The effects, the vistas, the machines, the costumes, and the creatures are all engaging and the battle sequences kept my interest throughout. I'd give it a high seven, almost an eight, on a ten point scale as a popcorm flick that is very well done, with an excellent cast, and all of the above visuals being as tight and top-notch as current technology can render. Good movie, IMO! :)

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