Unearthed Arcana New UA: 43 D&D Class Feature Variants

The latest Unearthed Arcana is a big 13-page document! “Every character class in D&D has features, and every class gets one or more class feature variants in today’s Unearthed Arcana! These variants replace or enhance a class’s normal features, giving you new ways to enjoy your character’s class.”

The latest Unearthed Arcana is a big 13-page document! “Every character class in D&D has features, and every class gets one or more class feature variants in today’s Unearthed Arcana! These variants replace or enhance a class’s normal features, giving you new ways to enjoy your character’s class.”



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Book-Friend, he/him
Is it just physically difficult for you to stop?

I don’t care about your opinion on this anymore. You repeating yourself 16 times while completely refusing to engage in any way with what the other person is saying, and then moving the goalposts, and then repeating that new goalpost over and over after I’ve made it clear I’m not interested in what you have to say, is gross and obnoxious.

Honestly, not trolling here, unsure what the issue is? I agree with you, a Fighter type who specializes in throwing weapons is a valid archetype. "Person who throws things" has been served in the game by Rogues thus far, and it is cool there are new options to play in the space. Will be cool if they make it into a book. However, it is more fringe than, say, "person who hits things with sword." That's not a moved goalpost, that was my position from the start.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Honestly, not trolling here, unsure what the issue is? I agree with you, a Fighter type who specializes in throwing weapons is a valid archetype. "Person who throws things" has been served in the game by Rogues thus far, and it is cool there are new options to play in the space. Will be cool if they make it into a book. However, it is more fringe than, say, "person who hits things with sword." That's not a moved goalpost, that was my position from the start.

The main issue is that when someone indicates they have lost interest in the discussion you should just say, “okay”, or something to that effect, and stop replying to them on the topic. That is socially normal behavior.

As for the specific argument, you brought the rogue into it rather late, changing the goalpost from “it’s a fringe concept that 5e is 1 Step closer to fulfilling” to “its already supported in the Rogue class”.

At one point you suggested that “knife thrower” was one of the more out there concepts they were talking about recently, which is a patently absurd idea. It isn’t a fringe concept in any way. It’s a common fictional trope that has been supported in dnd since way back.

When I pointed that out, you switched to arguing that it’s already supported by the rogue, and I lost interest in the discussion as I rolled my eyes at the moving goalpost. 🤷‍♂️

So, again, please, stop speaking to me on this topic.


Book-Friend, he/him
The main issue is that when someone indicates they have lost interest in the discussion you should just say, “okay”, or something to that effect, and stop replying to them on the topic. That is socially normal behavior.

As for the specific argument, you brought the rogue into it rather late, changing the goalpost from “it’s a fringe concept that 5e is 1 Step closer to fulfilling” to “its already supported in the Rogue class”.

At one point you suggested that “knife thrower” was one of the more out there concepts they were talking about recently, which is a patently absurd idea. It isn’t a fringe concept in any way. It’s a common fictional trope that has been supported in dnd since way back.

When I pointed that out, you switched to arguing that it’s already supported by the rogue, and I lost interest in the discussion as I rolled my eyes at the moving goalpost. 🤷‍♂️

So, again, please, stop speaking to me on this topic.

The concept of a dedicated warrior who focuses on throwing things has not been supported, which was my first point, and it is a bit of a far-out concept compared to the PHB Fighting styles: there are more legendary swordsmen and legendary archers than legendary dart-tossers and legendary knife-throwers. It was the domain of the Rogue in core, who really benefited from the speed of throwing weapons compared to archery and their melee Versatility for Sneak Attack use (which will still keep up with the new throwing Fighter in DPS).

Now, if you do not want to talk about the matter further, don't talk about it and neither will I.


So, to keep the wizard's edge in flexibility, how about allowing him to swap out one prepared spell per short rest?

And how about the following enhancement to Arcane Recovery to widen the wizard's spell access?

When you recover spell slots with Arcane Recovery, you may also select one wizard spell of a level you can cast (maximum 5th level) which is not in your spellbook. You can cast that spell using the spell slots you have recovered with Arcane Recovery.


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
So, to keep the wizard's edge in flexibility, how about allowing him to swap out one prepared spell per short rest?

And how about the following enhancement to Arcane Recovery to widen the wizard's spell access?

When you recover spell slots with Arcane Recovery, you may also select one wizard spell of a level you can cast (maximum 5th level) which is not in your spellbook. You can cast that spell using the spell slots you have recovered with Arcane Recovery.

Someone said up thread and I agree, enhancing the Wizard is throwing gasoline on the fire.

Wizards certainly don't need any boosts.

Eric V

The concept of a dedicated warrior who focuses on throwing things has not been supported, which was my first point, and it is a bit of a far-out concept compared to the PHB Fighting styles: there are more legendary swordsmen and legendary archers than legendary dart-tossers and legendary knife-throwers. It was the domain of the Rogue in core, who really benefited from the speed of throwing weapons compared to archery and their melee Versatility for Sneak Attack use (which will still keep up with the new throwing Fighter in DPS).

Now, if you do not want to talk about the matter further, don't talk about it and neither will I.

Honest to goodness, what is wrong with you? Why can't you stop responding to him?


Honest to goodness, what is wrong with you? Why can't you stop responding to him?

It’s psychology. The guy who wants the last word says “I’m done, and here’s why”, expecting his opponent to just quit. The opponent, however, knows that the guy just wants the last word, so he keeps going, knowing that the first guy doesn’t really want to stop talking, he just has a psychological need to have the last word so he can feel like he won the argument.

If he was really done with the conversation, he wouldn’t have responded so many times.


Wizards certainly don't need any boosts.
I like flexibility and adaptability in general and I think what's sauce for the sorcerer is sauce for the wizard.

Honestly, it's probably due to my philosophy of life in general, that you need to change and adapt to meet the different circumstances and challenges you encounter. This translates into a playstyle that appreciates flexibility, derives satisfaction from using flexibility to overcome challenges, and a fondness for game mechanics that increase a character's flexibility (but not too much - which is admittedly a subjective measure - the game still needs to be challenging, after all).


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
It’s psychology. The guy who wants the last word says “I’m done, and here’s why”, expecting his opponent to just quit. The opponent, however, knows that the guy just wants the last word, so he keeps going, knowing that the first guy doesn’t really want to stop talking, he just has a psychological need to have the last word so he can feel like he won the argument.

If he was really done with the conversation, he wouldn’t have responded so many times.
False. I replied twice with nothing more than a message to stop bothering me, was finally asked exactly what the issue was, and replied with a brief explanation and a final request.

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