D&D (2024) New UA one D&D play test document Dec 1st.

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5e Freelancer
Mmm. Maybe. I wonder if "Domain" and "Subclass" will remain the same thing or if they'll come up with a new thing for subclass (perhaps moving it to Level 3 and keeping domain choice at level one).

Just spitballin'.
My guess is that they'll change up Channel Divinity a bit in order to unite a mechanic throughout the Priest class category a bit. And codify what Divine Intervention can do, because it's a "Mother, May I" mechanic.


5e Freelancer
I think he said that we'd get a new definition for D20 Tests (one that he expects to get better feedback, for whatever reason).
Is that what he said? I thought that he said that they purposefully put out two different versions of it already in order to gather contrasting feedback. Both of the first UAs had different versions of the d20 Tests in them. I don't think he said that the new one would have another version. They're probably waiting until they read all the feedback from the second playtest to do another version.


The Cleric class description needs to focus on the sacred community.

The DMs Guide and the Setting Guides need to focus on what kind religions exist in the region, world, or cosmology.

many D&D settings have gods, now the FR is kind of default setting with loads of them.

if any setting has no gods, it can have a footnote about how clerics there gain their power.

Default cleric should be around gods and any deviations from it should be mentioned and explained with lore and mechanics in their respective setting books.


I have always thought that the Cleric was the best-designed class in 5e, since there was such a diversity of builds available (STR, DEX, WIS, CHA can all be primary stats and the class remains viable), and each subclass really felt different to play.

I am really hoping changes to the Cleric will not be substantial. (Plus, how many subclasses will we get? If it's just one (light/life, I'd guess) it will be hard to get a clear sense of what the class holds.
My one complaint with the Cleric was how certain subclasses were forced into melee or spellcasting. With some domains it made more sense, but with others it could have gone either way.

It is helpful to avoid referring to "gods", when making an effort to describe human religions inclusively.
I understand what you're saying. But...

Religion is a personal preference and has deep meaning to those who follow one. There are also very many atheists in the world. I don't think attempting to apply anyone's real world religious views onto a game is a great idea.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
I want clerics to be a psionic class using their Conviction to repel agents of Darkness: undead, demons, aberrations!

screw paladins, go back to being fighters on a horse.


I understand what you're saying. But...

Religion is a personal preference and has deep meaning to those who follow one. There are also very many atheists in the world. I don't think attempting to apply anyone's real world religious views onto a game is a great idea.
Polytheism is attempting to apply real world religious views onto a game. Mentioning real life gods by name, like Isis and Zeus, isnt a great idea.

A better idea is to make it clear that the player decides whatever the religion is of their own character concept.

The Cleric class description needs flavor text and focus that helps the player choose whatever sacred tradition the cleric concept officiates.

The Cleric description can focus on what kind of function the clergy serves:
• ceremonial officiate
• sage
• judge
• warrior
• psychic
• oracle
• healer
• shrine caretaker

Then let the Setting Guide, DMs Guide, and DM decide what religions are prominent in the setting. It is ok if the player chooses a minority religion for their character concept.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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